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June 23rd 2009
05:38:12 PM
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Wayne Murrell

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This site is cool.

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March 29th 2008
02:38:37 PM
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May 30th 2005
04:16:08 AM
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At the Webmaster: This is a hockey-guestbook Edited by

August 25th 2004
04:18:16 AM
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via Google

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Mike Modano rocks - sure, everybody here named itself as the greatest or no. 1 Fan. In this way I will be humble and apologetic. In my opinion, we all here are great fans of him. I favourize his charisma, his humanity and his way to move on the ice. For me he is one of the greatest hockey player ever lived until now. I hope to met him elsewhere, and if the lock-out will come, I will visit him in Italy. Hopefully that will come true, why ? because its one of my greatest favourized dreams, I've ever had

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April 17th 2003
06:47:11 AM
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Edmonton, Alberta Canada

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Love the site! Mike Modeno rocks

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March 22nd 2003
10:18:32 PM
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Alexis Cherry ( Mike Modano's #1 fan )

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Saskatoon, in Canada

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i don't have one

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I am Mike Modano's number 1 fan and i love him so much.I think he is an awesome hockey player.I admire him so much and hope that someday i will be as good as him.I also think he has a great personality and great looks too!I hope to meet him someday that would be a dream come true but my all time dream si to be married to him.I wish I was his age then i might actually have a chance at being married to him. I think this website rocks!!!

Mike's number 1 fan Alexis

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February 24th 2002
03:40:47 PM
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Josh Kinnunen

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You did a great job in the Olympics. You almost got the gold but in the end the Canada team scored 2 more goals and had to many saves. Do you think you guys could have played better in the final game? How old are you?

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January 16th 2002
03:15:04 PM
Private Entry.
Viewing restricted to Guestbook Owner.

June 14th 2001
03:16:13 PM
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Tina B Bowker

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WOW! You have done a wonderful Job Dawn~~~ I will enjoy visiting often~~~ Thanks again~~~

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June 13th 2001
08:41:19 AM
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help me set up a web page.

See you Friday

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