The Official Catweazle Fan Club

Welcome To The Catweazle Fan Club Forum

The Place where fellow Catweazle Fans can get together and discuss anything and everything that is Catweazle or The Catweazle Fan Club and MOST of all make New Friends that have yourself and Catweazle in common, as most of the members know The Catweazle Fan Club was born out of Friendship.

So let`s try and keep the The Catweazle Fan Club in the  tradition it was first Started


Any thread (or answers) containing an Adult Nature (including  links to other Web-Sites)   , Bad Language, Spam or  Items for Sale and that also includes eBay Items will be Removed A.S.A.P.

If the person/persons persist putting the above threads on this Forum a Ban Will Follow.

Let`s keep Catweazle the way it was back in 1970 in a word "Innocent"

The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Re: Catweazle big event!

If you have trouble with the link please google Go fund me and put Geoffrey Bayldon in the search box. Please visit and donate as much as you can - we want him to be proud of us and if we can raise the money it will be a great weekend for everybody, not just members AND we will try to have it in the middle of the country rather than down south where it was filmed. So appealing to fans and members alike to help make this happen.

Re: Catweazle big event!

Please donate what you can.

Re: Catweazle big event!

It looks like we have had over 140 views on this. I would like to think that all 140 would go and donate something if you can. It doesn't have to be a large amount but please give us your support, we work hard to bring you as much as we can to keep the magic that we all love alive. Show the cast that gave us so much fun and memories that we are trying to return that fun and love to them and commemorating them - we can't do it alone. - Thank you.
A huge thank you to all those lovely kind people that believe in what we are doing and have given generously so far, you are our true and loyal brothers and sisters in magic and I will look forward to having a wonderful weekend with you all - "believe in magic" and it WILL HAPPEN!
Blessings to you all xxxxx