The Official Catweazle Fan Club

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The Place where fellow Catweazle Fans can get together and discuss anything and everything that is Catweazle or The Catweazle Fan Club and MOST of all make New Friends that have yourself and Catweazle in common, as most of the members know The Catweazle Fan Club was born out of Friendship.

So let`s try and keep the The Catweazle Fan Club in the  tradition it was first Started


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Let`s keep Catweazle the way it was back in 1970 in a word "Innocent"

The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Aye, I have to agree with all the above posts. Young David and I had a brilliant time darn sarf last night. And judging from the bar tab I had to pay this morning,it would seem that several steaming bidets of Kronenburg 1664 were consumed on the night. I understand that Carol's timetable was undermined by a double booking but I think we managed to pull it off on the night and we did get plaudits from the other hotel guests,namely the 1066 chapter of the Harley Owners Group who seemed to enjoy themselves somewhat. The spread was excellent and the props were definitely worthwhile so many thanks to Sue,Carol and Graham for organising everything and well done. I know nerves will have been fraught so now everybody can relax till after Crimble. I think I can safely say that I've not had so much fun since the mother in law got hit by a tram. Regards and best wishes to all concerned.



Well Sue has just about summed everything up, but just to add what a fantastic effort we all put in and it payed off, the props were fit for a film set, thank-you to everyone who came along,it makes all the planning and logistical effort worth while, our thoughts were with those members that were unable to come through various reasons, never mind if this event is repeated then we look forward to you joining in.

Town/City Southampton

Country UK


Hello Guys and Gals,
Just about coming too after the weekend!! I would just like to add my thanks to all those who attended.Especially Chris, Jani and Miles and indeed Jurgen who came over from Germany!! It was very nice to meet you and I hope we will be seeing more of you next year.Thanks to Wendy, Pete and Davey who travel miles to support us and it IS very much appreciated. We always have a good laugh before during and after the events with you all!!
I do hope you all enjoyed yourselves, even though things were a bit rushed for the team of workers on the day (there was a buffet in the room on the same day and we weren't allowed in until 2 oclock to set up!!! far to late for us to get everything just so!)
Aswell as my usual stalwarts, I must add a HUGE thankyou to my brother Russell, who is an absolute diamond and I couldn't have put up the effects without him and his continual help towards myself and the club in general. Goodness knows how or why he puts up with me, but he does and I would be lost without him.
One last mention of thanks goes to the lovely Mike who despite not being able to attend after all due to family commitments, he still managed to have a big influence on the party, by providing the wonderful gravestone props - they were brilliant!! Cheers Mike.
Do all stay in touch. We have discussed a couple of ideas for next years events which for those who were there, have been well received. So we will look into that nearer the time.
Thanks once again to all the helpers and supporters. You are a great bunch and are indeed my Brothers and sisters in Magic!