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Windows XP-TO won't run!

I had to reinstall TaskOutliner V2.0 on my laptop. I can see the icons and the folder in the programs folder. It also recognizes outline files I had create. The problem is when I click on the icon or a file it will not run. I have XP proffesional Service Pack 3. I can see the .exe running in the task manager but I can't use it. It will not show itself. Any one have a similiar issue and how did you fix it.

Re: Windows XP-TO won't run!

Thanks for calling this to our attention, Miguel. For Windows XP, you need to run the newer version of TaskOutliner (3.0), which has been out for several years. Please contact me, and I'll let you know how to get it.
All the best to you,

Re: Windows XP-TO won't run!

Thank you for the quick response