The Official Catweazle Fan Club

Welcome To The Catweazle Fan Club Forum

The Place where fellow Catweazle Fans can get together and discuss anything and everything that is Catweazle or The Catweazle Fan Club and MOST of all make New Friends that have yourself and Catweazle in common, as most of the members know The Catweazle Fan Club was born out of Friendship.

So let`s try and keep the The Catweazle Fan Club in the  tradition it was first Started


Any thread (or answers) containing an Adult Nature (including  links to other Web-Sites)   , Bad Language, Spam or  Items for Sale and that also includes eBay Items will be Removed A.S.A.P.

If the person/persons persist putting the above threads on this Forum a Ban Will Follow.

Let`s keep Catweazle the way it was back in 1970 in a word "Innocent"

The Official Catweazle Fan Club
This Forum is Locked

Hello one and all,

“Exciting times are ahead for the Catweazle Fan Club’s Forum! It’s getting a makeover, moving to a new provider and will offer more facilities, a wider range of discussion areas and a faster, more user-friendly experience than the current one offers.

The major difference between the current one and the new one is that our new forum will require Catweazle fans to register with a Username and Password to create an account. This is a one-off task, after which members will be required to log in with this Username and Password (don’t lose it!). It’s worth noting that there will be a “Remember Me” checkbox at the login point, and if you check this you will be automatically logged in every time you visit – until such a time as your internet history is reset, when you will need to login again.

Registration is completely free. Remember to retain your login details as while Forum Admins can see your Username, we will not be able to see your passwords – so we can’t remind you of them later (though we can reset passwords for you should such an issue arise).

One thing that will be instantly obvious when you visit the new forum is that whereas discussion is linear at the current forum, at the new one there will be six main discussion areas, which cover:

Catweazle on TV
Cast and Crew
The Making of Catweazle
Books and Merchandise
Fan Fiction and Artwork
Richard Carpenter’s Other Series

Most of these will have suitably Catweazle-style names, but we’ll save those as a surprise for launch day, which is…

No… let’s talk more about the advantages of the new forum first… :)

We also have an area in which we will make announcements and discuss the 50th Anniversary Special Event and general Fan Club News, plus offer Help on using the forum software.

Additionally, and this is the real boon of the new forum software, we have a secret, hidden area, exclusively for paid-up members of the Catweazle Fan Club. This will include Fan Club Newsletters (eventually this will be where you find them rather than in the News section of the website) and news and discussion of Fan Club Events. This exclusive section also contains a comprehensive archive of more than ten years of discussion at the current forum. These have been painstakingly transferred across, one post at a time. We’d like to say it was magic, but in reality it was very hard work! :)

There are two ways to gain access to the exclusive Fan Club area of the Forum:

(1) If you are already a paid-up Fan Club Member, drop a Private Message (PM) to the Forum Administrator, Alan Hayes, stating your name and membership number. Alan will add you to the Fan Club Members group and SALMAY! DALMAY!! ADONAY!!! thou shallst see the hidden treasure!
(2) Join the Fan Club at and then follow the procedure (1) above! :)

And of course, in writing that, I’ve realised another advantage of the new forum software – private messaging! It’s possible there to send messages to another member (or more than one member) and you and the recipients will be the only one who sees them.

On top of all this, there are facilities for starting Polls, adding Avatars (an avatar is an icon you use to represent you on an internet forum – and we even have about 30 ready made ones that you can use, or you can create your own ones), the ability to edit posts, add bold, underline, italic to text, change the font size, add smileys, quote posts, add images and more.

Obviously, we realise that there will be a learning curve for some members, but we are sure that it’s the right decision, particularly as we are gearing up for big things for the 50th. And we are happy to help anyone who might have difficulties.

And the launch date? Oh yes… Thursday 1st March!

Brothers and Sisters in Magic, we look forward to welcoming you to our wizard new forum!!!”


Hi everyone,
Yes a big thank you to Alan for setting the new forum up for us. He has done a grand job and the new one will be much more interesting as it contains threads that you can keep going back to. There is the opportunity to discuss more and add more without losing the thread further down the page.
The newsletters will also be put on here in the future in the members only area on it, and the Castle Saburac page will be changed to the 50th anniversary events page after the auction has finished. You will not need to log in to this old Castle Saburac page now with the password I gave you but please register in the forum with your own password if you want to post a reply or start a new thread here. It will make it much safer as you will now be the ONLY one who knows your password rather than me as well. Naturally non members can go anywhere else.
The Catweazle Club is always looking to improve and this is a very good move forward. So I hope you will enjoy exploring it.
Salmay Dalmay Adonay!:relaxed:

'Tis Magic!

It's been great working with you to build the new forum, Carol - and thank you for having the vision to see how the the Club can communicate in an even better fashion with members and Catweazle fans in general.

I think Catweazle fans will enjoy the exciting possibilities presented by the new forum. :)

Town/City St Albans

Country UK

New forum

This is very good news, thanks to Alan for doing the work.

(Just to be pedantic on one point, this forum supports avatars too!)

Looking forward to seeing everyone over on the new forum.


Re: New forum

I thought this forum only supported avatars of Ronald Leigh Hunt? :grinning:

The new forum has more than 30 ready-made Catweazle avatars (well, I made them - ready-made for people to use!) - and as soon as members join they will have a default avatar that is of Catweazle too!

There may even be one of Ronald Leigh Hunt, added there especially for you, Ian... You never know... :joy:

Town/City St Albans

Country UK

Re: New forum

Alan Hayes
I thought this forum only supported avatars of Ronald Leigh Hunt? :grinning:

The new forum has more than 30 ready-made Catweazle avatars (well, I made them - ready-made for people to use!) - and as soon as members join they will have a default avatar that is of Catweazle too!

There may even be one of Ronald Leigh Hunt, added there especially for you, Ian... You never know... :joy:
I've had Ronald Leigh-Hunt as my avatar since my chameleon circuit broke during a discussion about Freewheelers on the old Mausoleum Club. Actually, on two occasions I've been recognised in public because of it, even though we look nothing alike!

Curiously this forum has the facility to add a different avatar to each reply, which I think may be unique amongst forum software. Certainly I've never experienced it anywhere else. It's not a particularly useful feature though!

I look forward to seeing what options are available on the new setup. I do hope I can still use Ronald or no one will recognise me.


Re: New forum

Ronald is waiting for you at the new forum. :)

It's not just at the Mausoleum Club I've seen you use that avatar. It gets around. :D

Town/City St Albans

Country UK