The Official Catweazle Fan Club

Welcome To The Catweazle Fan Club Forum

The Place where fellow Catweazle Fans can get together and discuss anything and everything that is Catweazle or The Catweazle Fan Club and MOST of all make New Friends that have yourself and Catweazle in common, as most of the members know The Catweazle Fan Club was born out of Friendship.

So let`s try and keep the The Catweazle Fan Club in the  tradition it was first Started


Any thread (or answers) containing an Adult Nature (including  links to other Web-Sites)   , Bad Language, Spam or  Items for Sale and that also includes eBay Items will be Removed A.S.A.P.

If the person/persons persist putting the above threads on this Forum a Ban Will Follow.

Let`s keep Catweazle the way it was back in 1970 in a word "Innocent"

The Official Catweazle Fan Club
This Forum is Locked
Are you having problems returning email???

Hello everyone,
If you are having trouble returning your emails to catweazlefanclub@catweazlefanclub address PLEASE email me instead and I will get straight back to you.

REMEMBER the next newsletter may well be via a different method so you MUST do as asked in the recent newsletter so that you can continue receiving updates, newsletters etc. on a members only protected page.
If you didn't receive the newsletter and should have done - again please email me and I will send you one. Please add your membership number for clarification of membership. Thank you.