The Official Catweazle Fan Club

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The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Unfortunate Translation

Hi Carol, I hope this does not break the rules as I am including an eBay link, not for a sale item but a Catweazle DVD from Czech Republic I have just bought. The translation of 'Catweazle' is very unfortunate though, take a look for yourself:

Town/City Birkenhead

Country United Kingdom

Re: Unfortunate Translation

Hi Jim,
Yes we know of this particular translation and Geoffrey does too which made him laugh - it would appeal to his sense of humour! What the heck's Touchwood called? We know the German for Touchwood but not sure about the Czech version

Re: Unfortunate Translation

Hi Carol and Jim.

'Čáryfuk' is a wonderful creation to give Catweazle the proper flavor.
It roughly translates into, 'spell caster, who whimsically uses magic.'
Who ever came up with that translation deserves kudos !!!
It is pronounced "Chaa ri f u k" The 'u' is not pronounce as an 'a'
THe hilarious English way to say it is priceless though !!!.
Is that why they gave it a PG 13 ????

I think I understand why the translator didn't attempt to do 'Touchwood'
The 2 words would be Touch = dotek or dotknout.
Wood = dřevo.
It could have been done …. Dřevodotek…. mayhap mayhap.

BUT the word dřevo is also a derogatory term meaning 'daft, dummy, thick as a brick'

As a born Çzech, I am very impressed with the perfectly captured nuance of Čáryfuk and in my birth language it does Catweazle honor.

By the way, Carol would you know if it was ever aired in Czechoslovakia?
I have NEVER heard of it there.

Adara Roze, USA.

Country USA

Re: Unfortunate Translation

Hello Adara
I think it was shown there and if a dvd has been produced in that language, then to me that would confirm it. It certainly went world wide. Thanks for the explanation of the name by the way, always good to find new things out.