The Official Catweazle Fan Club

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The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Re: Interesting Carpenter release

Hi Carol
Well the club certainly does indeed do that - no doubt.

I was thinking that his writing would make a wonderful subject for an evening at the BFI actually. I know there was one many years back that I recall Simon went to, (Geoffrey was in attendance too). I think it was around the time when the videos first came out, but with his passing - well, I hope a tribute evening doesn't become too overdue. Perhaps Kip's family would like to suggest it some time as I am sure it would be a sellout event for them.

I think I still have to reply to your e-mail from some time ago. I really am a bad lad with my correspondence lately.

I hope your leg is feeling better carol. Will be in touch soon.

Pertie x