The Official Catweazle Fan Club

Welcome To The Catweazle Fan Club Forum

The Place where fellow Catweazle Fans can get together and discuss anything and everything that is Catweazle or The Catweazle Fan Club and MOST of all make New Friends that have yourself and Catweazle in common, as most of the members know The Catweazle Fan Club was born out of Friendship.

So let`s try and keep the The Catweazle Fan Club in the  tradition it was first Started


Any thread (or answers) containing an Adult Nature (including  links to other Web-Sites)   , Bad Language, Spam or  Items for Sale and that also includes eBay Items will be Removed A.S.A.P.

If the person/persons persist putting the above threads on this Forum a Ban Will Follow.

Let`s keep Catweazle the way it was back in 1970 in a word "Innocent"

The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Christmas Show

Hello Everyone,
Hopefully you have all had your newsletters (please let us know if you haven't)
I just wanted to put the fact that the Christmas Show tickets were now on sale. They cost £10 and ALL the money is going to our fundraising for tribute statue/bust project.
It will be staged in Covent Garden on Saturday 14th December 2013. The map of the venue is on the back of the ticket. Please send a sae to Carol with your ticket payment please. We will take orders for tickets from our club members only - up until the end of October, after which we will allow other members of the public who have already expressed an interest in attending to buy tickets. This is an event where we want to raise as much money as we can which is why we will let other people other than members to attend in order to fill it and raise as much as we can.
So the earlier you can order your tickets, the more chance you have of getting one. Hope it will be great fun! See you there!

Re: Christmas Show

Thanks to all those who have ordered their Christmas Show tickets so far. I very much appreciate your prompt orders. As you know organising something depends on knowledge of attendance, so please get your tickets ordered as soon as possible even though it seems some way off at the moment.
Thank you