The Official Catweazle Fan Club

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The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Re: Location Tour Series One

Hi Graham.

I was speaking with Carol a few days ago and she mentioned you were heading this up. I'll be around for the weekend so it'll be good to touch base and exchange notes. I'll be selling our final dvd 'Last of the locations' at the fete so if you want some moral support on your locations tour, please let me know. I'm sure you've got it all sorted but I'm more than happy to help out if you want. Don't worry, I won't be in the slightest bit offended if you say no.

Take care and see you at Hexwood.


Re: Location Tour Series One

Many thanks Vince your help is most welcome, call you at some point, speak soon Gray.

Town/City Southampton

Country UK

Re: Location Tour Series One

Just an update on the planned film location tour of the first series, the tour will take place on Saturday 15th June 2013 we should all plan to meet at 10:00am for 10:30 start, we will move off sharp as being a saturday there maybe a bit of traffic at Woking and Chobham, prior permission has been given for those with vehicles to meet and park at The Duke Of Wellington Pub East Horsley KT24-6AA whilst we visit the first location the parade of shops at East Horsley,as the pub don't open till midday we should be well clear allowing space for thier customers,thank-you for all those members that have contacted me to advise they plan to come along, members are reminded that they can bring a guest, if howerver you plan to bring more than two please advise myself or Carol, this is to safeguard any unwanted people who are nothing to do with the club turning up, bearing in mind that this forum is in the public domain as is Facebook and Twitter,it is planned on the morning I will give a short introduction and inform you of any latest information and hand out a pack with all the details our the locations together with two quizes and post codes of our planned route, if anyone should require an AA Route printout please email me I can't promise but I will do my best to make a copy available on the day,we also have very kindly had an offer from Vince Cox to accompany us on the tour, Vince has an extensive knowledge of the film locations and he would be more than happy to talk and answer your questions, he has I believe just finished the third Location DVD which should be on sale at the fete, for those who have not seen the first and second DVD's they are well worth purchasing, well I can't think of anything else but to order some fine weather for the week-end and a safe jouney for all, I look forward to meeting you all.

Town/City Southampton

Country UK

Re: Location Tour Series One

I hope you all enjoy the location tour. It is well worth attending and you will see places that you recognise in an instant. The magic is still there!
Thanks in advance to Graham who always works very hard to make this as enjoyable as he can for everyone attending, and also to Vince who, as Graham said did the location dvds, he has done extensive research into angles and areas and the dvds (which are very good)and are only available through the club!

Location Tour Series One

Hi, I just joined the fan club. If anyone has a seat for me in their car for the location tour on Saturday June 15, it would be much appreciated. Would love to come along...I would rent a car but I am a little hesitant to come all the way from London driving on the left side. And I assume the streets around East Clandon are quite narrow. So if anyone has a seat please let me know ? Thanks a lot !

Town/City Bromley

Country UK

Re: Location Tour Series One

We would appreciate anyone who has a spare seat in their car who is doing the location tour, to let us know if you are willing to take a brother or sister around with them. As well as Oliver we also have Susi would welcome a lift too.

Re: Location Tour Series One

Just to confirm we are all meeting at the duke of wellington east horsley surrey kt24 6 aa 10.00 for 10.30 the tour should take about 4 hours allowing time for the fete, please feel free to email or txt if you require any other info.

Town/City Southampron

Country uk

locations needed

hi vince, I need to know where the following locations are please, can you help? the first one is "the witching hour" the opening part as the big jaguar speeds around the corner, and swings out of the way to avoid the ford anglia van.'do you know this location' we then see the tractor pull out from the side of a field to slow the jaguar down as they travel very slowly at the side of a long high brick wall (maybe a farm out-building) lined with tree cover overhead, then the tractor pulls out of the way to the left side to allow the jaguar to drive on 'where is this location' also is this the same location in "the magic face" after catweazle escapes with from albury park, we see him being followed by the plum tr6 into a dirt track lane, catweazle hides by a tree as the car passes by (again we see a long high brick wall) she then spots him in the mirror and turns the car around as carrot arrives on his bike. 'do you know this location'. and the last one is "the curse of rapkin" the part at which catweazle is in the road looking at the "slow" on the road, there appears to be a gateway on either side of the road to a field which carrot comes and goes through. again 'do you know this location' many thanks jimmy lee.

Town/City birmingham

Country uk

Re: locations needed

Hi Jimmy, perhaps you should have asked these questions under a new thread, I have no real idea where these locations are, Vince however maybe able to shed some light, just to confirm there will be no location tour this year, this thread was for last year.

Town/City southampton

Re: locations needed

I did email you and tell you that these locations may well have been in back lane but we were not sure of these particular locations.