The Official Catweazle Fan Club

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Let`s keep Catweazle the way it was back in 1970 in a word "Innocent"

The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Hi Ian

Did you contact the site??

I'm getting up there Saturday as are most people I think. Maybe we should all meet up that evening??

Town/City Fareham


I think this one is dog friendly!

Upwood Holiday Park
Blackmoor Road
West Yorkshire
BD22 9SS

Whether it's mad monk proof I am not sure!!!! LOL


I have just 3 seats left now for the Old Gents Carriage but would be nice to see other Weazlers there anyway.

If you want a trip on this lovely on train, please e mail me.


Town/City Fareham


Well what a day that was!9 of us turned up-assembled from all for corners of the country but alas Carol was ill and couldn't attend. But by the Gods she missed a reet good Yorkshire do. The old Gentleman's saloon was magnificent and the cream tea absolutely superb. We were given a potted history by the owmer and Jim the waiter held an impromptu Railway Children Quiz. Wee David,who's birthday it was was treated to a club t shirt and a Happy Birthday banner and a card from the Old Gentlemna and his staff. He'll remember that for years and it was a birthday memory that money cannot buy. Geoffrey was mobbed by Steam Punks asking for their photgraphs to be taken with him which he appeared to relish.Bizarrely they all recognised him for who he was. An entirely welcome experience and a completely new punk genre for me.Boozeweazle donated some beer to the KWVR and Sue donated some Gary Warren memorabilia to them. Sue fulfilled an ambition to go up to Three Chimneys- and witnessed a calf with half a five bar gate round its neck. But that's Yorkshire for you.
All in all a fantastic day out. We really should do another one. So hats off to you Sue for organising this one, I know it was as angst ridden as usual but many thanks for all your travails. And where would be without the irrepressable Craig with his George Foreman ukelele grill thingy?

Steam Punks-now THAT'S a theme for a future Hexwood.

Regards to everyone on the day. Let's do it again eh?

Town/City Stockport


I'll second all that, Pete! It was a wonderful day out and of course we had our very own dear old gentleman present with us - his presence among us made the day all the more special. It was lovely to see complete strangers coming up to him on the platform and wanting photos taken with him. I heard one lady say how much he had made her laugh as Catweazle, so she got the chance to thank him personally. I'm sure many people recognised him as Geoffrey Bayldon, not just as Catweazle. Like me, they had probably seen him in many films etc. over the years, before and after Catweazle. Geoffrey clearly loved every minute and it was good to see him so happy.

It's always so nice to share these events with good friends, and yes, we'll definitely have to do it again. We missed you Carol, it wasn't quite the same without you, but we look forward to welcoming you to the "Big County" next time. It's not all mill chimbleys and whippets, tha knaws! The only downside to being the "local lass" is that I missed out on the camaraderie at the hotel and I felt a distinct sense of anticlimax going home on the bus, but it was still a wonderful day out and I look forward to the next one. Maybe I ought to fix a trip on the KWVR with some local friends - it's a fact that you don't always appreciate what's virtually on your doorstep because you're too busy visiting places further afield. (But just try and stop me visiting Hexwood ...)

Best wishes to all weazlers, and look forward to seeing you again.

Town/City Shipley, West Yorkshire

Country England


Just got back yesterday from a few days in Yorkshire and so pleased to see the comments on here that everyone enjoyed themselves.

All upset that Carol could not make it through illness. It wasn't really the same without her and I know she would have especially loved the evenings in the Dog and Gun.
Craig's performance there Monday night was a real treat and caused some amusement to the American tourists visiting there.

Even though it was only 6 weeks since Hexwood, it was still great to meet up with Weazlers again. Such a great group of people so always a pleasure.
I don't think KWVR knew what hit them once we got there but they enjoyed having us there and even got together with some of us in the evening for dinner.

At last I managed to get up to see Three Chimneys, the house used in the Railway Children. Nearly had a heart attack in the process as such a steep climb so a strict diet and exercise and I can sprint up there next time.

I was there for 3 days in all with Geoffrey and Craig. On Monday we went to Harrogate and visited the famous Betty's Tea Rooms and put on weight just looking at the cake trolley. An experience that has to be done. So lovely and I spent loads in the shop afterwards.

A fantastic short holiday and so good to be able to share a piece of it with such great people as you lot.

Let's do it again.

Town/City Fareham