The Official Catweazle Fan Club

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The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Re: The Wolfshead Bowmen

Nay, not another two dolts with nothing on thy minds except bloomers!!!! What a sad bunch thou art!! Call yourselves Lords, thou are nothing but maggot poo! - and just as useless.
Dost thee actually know how to hold a bow and arrow? Methinks non of you have the strength to draw breath let alone draw a bow!

Re: The Wolfshead Bowmen

Probably so but not as pretty !! tis thy abacus playing up again more Chateau Margo needed

Town/City Southampton

Re: The Wolfshead Bowmen

So Tis thy lord of the nether regions flexing his dainty bow, the last I saw of him was when he was lying face down in the mud at Hastings, give up now stay north of the gap thou northerners hath no power over us, and what s with this Maid Marion lead lined bloomers she hardly be able to stand let alone draw back thy bow, and where art thou aids from the great forest flown sideways again to thy tower tut! Tut!

Town/City Southampton

Re: The Wolfshead Bowmen

I have to agree with thy noble knight Lord Graham. If thee Maid Marion should have her bloomers loaded with the lead of the local church, let us pray that she doeth not have so, as this will make a considerable strain on ye olde ducking stool and will inhibit a herniaus astrinomicalus on any poor soul attemping to lift her on the said equipment. Me thinks that some spell needeth to be said by our good friend Catweazle of the dark path under adamcos, and I hasten to add that lead lined bloomers may constitute a breech of The Health and Safety (etc) Act. 1974.

Town/City Romsey

Country England

Re: The Wolfshead Bowmen

My Lord Graham should take heed. I will not contenance such mailicious screed from the likes of him and his soft Southern counterparts. I shall unleash the Whippets of War and the Flat Caps of Doom next month when I descend past the Gap of Watford into your lands for ye revelry. And rest assured that no ammount of lead lined bloomer flashing by Maid Marion will put me off my stride. The mud of Hasting's field to which you refer was no more than a mud pack to instil fear into your feeble troops and any I take prisoner will be force fed Puddings of Black and ye peas of mush.

Town/City Stockport

Re: The Wolfshead Bowmen

Please do cometh into the Southern Counties and ye olde Saxon Kingdom of Wessex, as we hold control of the ancient capital of all England namely Winchester where they sayeth that King Alfred the Great burnt the cakes. ( this could have been maid maron who burnt them whilst playing cards )



Bringeth it on oh Lord of the Nether Regions, by the hairs of Catweazles beard I telleth thee that my aim is true, and mayhap there shalt be some fun.
I shalt meeteth thee at Hexwood refreshed having arrived using the new magic of this time namely

Town/City ROMSEY.


Re: The Wolfshead Bowmen

Never hath I heard such bloated egos as from such lowly fellows. Rest assured my letcherous Lord, there wilt be no flashing of anything from me! Except of course the flash of my arrow from my trusty bow, winging its way to the centre of the target!! Tis wise of thee to bring thy whippets, for they canst go fetch all thy arrows that have missed and bring them back to thee to have another try!
As for thy black puddings thou canst stick them up thy tabard.I fear no pudding of any kind (I know Lord Graham and he is pudding enough for anyone!)
As for thy peas of mush - trust ye fellows North of Watisford to ruin a fine and noble vegetable and reduce it so to such a sorry sight.