The Official Catweazle Fan Club

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The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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Re: Danny Baker 's History Repeats Itself Radio Show with Gary Warren

Hi Wendy....thanks for the info re the recording you have...I'll have to track that down.....a trawl through E-Bay methinks.
You can listen to the radio show on BBC I-Player.... just click on the Radio 5 logo down the left hand side and then select last Sundays programmes where you will find quick though as you only have until Saturday after which time I believe it disappears into the ether !! There is a lovely photo of Danny with guests inc Gary Warren on the BBC site.
I've relistened to the version of the theme used on the programme and it doesn't sound like your "beefed up" version....quite the opposite in fact....and it certainly wasn't the version which appears on the LP I mentioned in my first post, and which a very kind chap called Mike has just sent me via e-mail to listen to....its from an LP called Top TV Themes by The Pandora Orchestra and The London Symphony Orchestra released by EMI Starline #SRS5143 -catweazle-Busy Boy by Ted Dicks. (If you read this Mike...thanks again !!)This version appears to be the one used in our beloved show minus the sound effects etc.
Sorry to have droned on and on....... but will finish by recommending that all you Weazlers out there listen to Danny Bakers show as it is most indeed is any show that he does !!

Town/City Exmoor

Country England

Re: Danny Baker 's History Repeats Itself Radio Show with Gary Warren

Hi Doug - I did manage to listen to Gary on Danny Baker's programme and it was good to hear him again. It was indeed a lovely photo of Gary with Danny and the other guests on the show. Let's hope that more people have now got to hear about Catweazle and their curiosity has been spiked. Once the magic is cast, they will be under his spell forever! Hope you manage to get hold of the Emporio version of the Catweazle theme - it's very good, even though a bit "punchier" than the one we're all used to.
Cheers, and much magic to all our weazlers.

Town/City Shipley, West Yorkshire

Country England

Re: Danny Baker 's History Repeats Itself Radio Show with Gary Warren

Hi Doug, Wendy and other members

I have just spoken to Gary regarding his appearance on Danny's show on Sunday morning and he informed me that firstly he did not tell ANYONE he was doing it because it was a pilot or first broadcast of the quiz and he was unsure of how it would go.
However he will probably be doing another show with Danny before Christmas and he will let me know when it is so I can inform you all and we call all listen and enjoy it.

For those well up with online techno, Gary now has a Twitter profile and you can follow him on there.
He has had this since June but until Sunday did not put much on there and had 2 followers, one of which was his daughter ( no the other was not me)but after the show Sunday, Danny encouraged him to use it further and then broadcast to the nation that Gary now had a Twitter acount. Now he has nearly 900 followers including Mr Stephen Fry.

i think now he will 'tweet' more often but you can 'follow' him but in order for you to private message you, he must 'follow' you back.

He's also asked me to say hello to everyone and hopes you are all well.


Town/City Fareham`

Country Hampshire