The Official Catweazle Fan Club

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The Place where fellow Catweazle Fans can get together and discuss anything and everything that is Catweazle or The Catweazle Fan Club and MOST of all make New Friends that have yourself and Catweazle in common, as most of the members know The Catweazle Fan Club was born out of Friendship.

So let`s try and keep the The Catweazle Fan Club in the  tradition it was first Started


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Let`s keep Catweazle the way it was back in 1970 in a word "Innocent"

The Official Catweazle Fan Club
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The 2009 Quiet Achievers

I know that GreyWeazle has put out the call for ideas for 2010 but as I know I won't be going next year, I don't feel as if I should be making suggestions. Instead, I would like to make comment on the things (other than the obvious of course) that made 2009 fabulous for me.
#1 - the magician: not only entertaining with endless tricks and illusions but I also recall seeing more than one child weilding a balloon animal that I believe he'd whipped up!
#2 - 'Remember 1969': I could have stood at the presentation all day shrieking with delight as I recognised events, people, tv many memories were on that board and a huge well done to everyone involved in it.
#3 - the disco: my weary bones complained about staying up so late but after seeing the photos I wish that I had stayed and joined in the rest of the 60's fun. I'm sure Paul's vast record collection would cope as well with the disco decade as it did with the swinging 60's.
I'm looking forward to reading next year's forum as much as I have this year's. Happy planning all!

Re: The 2009 Quiet Achievers

Thanks so much for that Debbie,
Sad (though totally understandable) it is, that you will be unable to come back next year, I would like to thankyou for your comments. We are really pleased that you enjoyed yourself and the events that were there. We love to hear everyones comments because it gives us an idea of what people think and what would make them come back. It also shows other people that they to should come along and join in the fun. It was a pleasure (and a laugh) to meet you, one of our Sisters in Magic from Down Under. May the magic always stay with you. Keep in touch and thanks again.

Re: The 2009 Quiet Achievers

It was certainly a laugh that's for sure, especially on the Friday with Jeff and Cathy as well. I don't think I have laughed so hard for ages and it took a while for my sides to stop aching.

I, for one, will sorely miss Debbie next year. We have become very good friends thanks to the club. I'm only sorry we did not get to bop the night away to Paul's disco due to tiredness ( and old age) which we now read was extremely good. Still, hopefully he can do a 1970's one for next year so I'd better start looking out for tunes from that year.

Carol I have started to put wheels in motion with what we discussed and I really hope to play a bigger part in putting together next year's fete.

For now I am going to enjoy what is left of the summer and have 2 weeks off in August in which I hope to just relax before looking to dismal winter months but I do have a few things going round in my head but need to think as to whether they would work practically.

Re: The 2009 Quiet Achievers

Hear hear to that Sue! If it wasn't for Catweazle, our paths would never have crossed and we wouldn't have had all the laughs and we wouldn't be making really exciting holiday plans.

I'll be keeping in touch Carol, have no fear - out of sight definitely won't be out of mind! Sad of course to be missing next year but I can still join in.....hey Paul, once you get your 70's play-list sorted, burn me a CD and I can be there in spirit, bopping along at home!

Re: The 2009 Quiet Achievers

just an idea, but if anyone has a laptop,a mobile broadband dongle, and webcams they could link them up on the day and then debbie and other members who cannot attend can link to the web cams to join in! so they can be there in a sense and it doesnt cost a lot by mobile broadband to host! just a thought to help out those who cannot get there.....hope this can help in any way.....

Re: The 2009 Quiet Achievers

I like your thinking Kevin!

Re: The 2009 Quiet Achievers

That's a **** good idea Kevin

Re: The 2009 Quiet Achievers

I tried to do this the year Gary was too ill to attend and it wasn't very successful. The dngle wasn't strong enough to cope with it. However if there are any computer genius' out there that think this is a possibility and would be able to set something up - it would be a great idea. However, we would have to be careful that we dont get a huge amount of people wanting to do it, we would be awash with computers!!