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Original alternative/rock band called Keep 6 making some headway in the music scene

Hello to everyone at GEM and thank you from Keep 6 for reviewing our message,

On behalf of Keep 6, I would like to contact you at GEM and give you a little insight of what we are all about and have going on in the near future. Keep 6 has been invited to perform two showcases at Austin, Texas, USA for the SXSW 2012 Music Conference and Festival. Please see website link which takes you straight to our Sonicbids EPK which will give you details on upcoming shows. Also we will be launching an 8 week Radio ADD campaign with 300 radio stations across North America which commences Feb 21/12. One new song release called "Hang" will be part of that promo blitz which is in support of our 3rd full length album titled "Just A Matter Of Time" and will be released in early spring 2012 as a full album launch. In short, we are very serious about our music, fans and hard work we do at Keep 6 and we would love for you to have a snaek preview of some of the new music that will be launched on radio Feb 21/12. Please email me at the provided email and I will reply with a couple of new songs mp3 for your valued feedback. Once again thank you for your time, be well and take care.

Matthew Wispinski
Keep 6 - Bass Player and Band Spokesman
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada