Religious Forum At Safis Net

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Religious Forum At Safis Net
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The following message is for ALL people. Your group is NOT being singled out due to its beliefs.

The hourglass is nearly empty. The culmination of End Times is upon us and the Great Tribulation is just around the corner. There are a total of TWO things that you need in order to obtain Eternal Life and man-made religion is not one of them. (1) A Good Heart Condition. (2) An Acceptance of Christ as your Lord and Savior.

We urge those who wish to obtain Eternal Life in Christ's Kingdom to read the following very important message: An Important End Times Message. For additional End Times information also visit: End Times Truths Revealed

We don’t aim to twist arms or convince anyone of anything they aren’t ready or willing to believe as their hearts will ultimately dictate what they perceive to be truth. However, it is also our responsibility to warn those who do not accept this Truth, will face Judgment at Armageddon.

For this reason we pray that the eyes and hearts of all who read our message are opened to the Truth whether that is now, or in the near future when our words come to pass.