Raw Shooter Forum

 Please post your questions regarding the use of RSE and RSP here.  We will do our best to answer them.

Fred Spencer and Stuart Rae

Raw Shooter Forum
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I have been using RSP happily for some time. I bought a full copy after trying essentials.
My PC failed and I have replaced it BUT after loading RSP it asks for my registration key which I have obviously lost.
There is now no-one to contact. What do I do?


You should still be able to contact Elements 5 re this. Try this http://esales.element5.com/ccc/index.html?publisherid=50938


In fact Element5 are the only people who have your details.

Statement by Michael Tapes, former moderator of RS forums:

"Pixmantec does not keep your keys on file. It is part of our e-commerce vendor database (element5), and they have access and can resend them to you through the Customer Care Center.

If you do not know your log-in for the element5 center, you can log-in using the last numbers of your credit card and your zip code. Then you have access to all of your orders, and their keys."



I`m always amazed at the cavalier way people treat their registration numbers ; surely they`re too valuable to just use at registration and then lose .
Please everyone , when you get a web page showing a reg number , print it off and put it in a folder marked "Registrations" . After all , if you were given a free copy of Lightroom , worth about £200 , as most people using this site will have been , why lose that value ?