Raw Shooter Forum

 Please post your questions regarding the use of RSE and RSP here.  We will do our best to answer them.

Fred Spencer and Stuart Rae

Raw Shooter Forum
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Great news!
I have the freebee Lightroom and I uninstalled it in December because it was taking up space on my HD. I use Picasa2 to organize/sort shots on two external hard drives. Sometimes I print directly from the raw files if adjustments are minimal. More complex adjustments are done in RSP. If I really want to mess around,(layers), I will use Paint.net. I use Autostich for panoramas. I use a cheap 6 ink HP printer to print beautiful 8.5X11" shots from my orphaned 6MP Konica Minolta 5D.
When I eventually replace the 5D I'll be looking for another Raw converter/developer with the qualities of Raw Shooter Premium.