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Live Chat post with Shaun Fuentes & Brent Sancho.

Sando Shaun and them is here,,,,

Palos Bertille might be plenty tings but he have rinciple

Shaun Fuentes good night folks

Palos sorry...principle

Tallman greetings

Dave Hi guys!

Sando Good night,,,fleX yuh come through......

Palos aye Shaun...

Palos Welcome Brent...if da is you..

fleX Hello fellas,,,and thanks for coimng,,,I was getting worried, lol.....

Shaun Fuentes sorry for the lateness fellas

brent sancho good night everyone. Sorry I am late.

Shaun Fuentes here with me is Brent Sancho

fleX Trini time I guess.

Palos lol!

Shaun Fuentes We time

brent sancho I was at the Marten Anatol soccer picnic.

fleX Hello Brent its a pleasure.....

brent sancho thank you.

KyrgyzstaniGold your lateness is excused, welcome

brent sancho appreciate it.

Dave Hi from Portland Brent

Palos so time limited, same rules...2 question per man startin with who sign on first?

Shaun Fuentes shot them

Sando Brent do you know Ante a goalkeeper from Croatia that played with you at St Johns.

Kyrgyzstani Gold ...ah go have to refer to you as "K" seen..

brent sancho no. I do not recall.

Sando ok....

Shaun Fuentes Flex, we also wanna say much about Mickey's game on Wednesday

Tallman Shaun, why do we have such a hard time getting good quality opposition for friendlies

? The last time we had quality opposition was under St. Clair.

Palos so fellas...leh we start with Flex....then Sando, K, Dave, Tallman etc.

fleX Good ahead Shaun,,,,tell us more about Mickey....just want Brent to know that we have 2

Portland supporters on board....shoot Shaun....

Shaun Fuentes We had one quality friendly under Bertille and that was against Colombia

Tallman We also play South Africa, Morocco etc.

brent sancho That is one of the main reasons I am online tonight, is to talk a little bit about the

Mickey Trotman benefit game.

Shaun Fuentes yeh but those were matches that came at a time when games were easy and

when World Cup bidding was in the fray

Palos so leh we start with the Mickey Trotman ting

Shaun Fuentes other than that, the next game was against Honduras

Shaun Fuentes but I agree with you, we do have a minor problem in getting appropriate

friendles organise

Palos go ahead Brent & Shaun

brent sancho It takes place on boxing day.

brent sancho It takes place at Felix Ferriera Recreational grounds...

brent sancho starts at 1:30 with a female game.

brent sancho Then,

brent sancho the T&T foreign base takes on "Cool it". A local team by Mickey Trotman.

fleX yes I red about it,,,,,,Shaun how can I advertise for this game,,,,,I want to help.......

fleX in any way....

Shaun Fuentes just keep it on your front page flex

fleX ok...

Tallman Who on de foreign base side ?

brent sancho It kicks off at 3:30pm. with the likes of Brent Rahim, Gary Glasgow, Kevin

Jeffreys, Leslie 'Tiger' Fitzpatrick (who is here right now as well)...

Shaun Fuentes yes fellas we have the Tiger in the house

Palos welcome Tiger!!

brent sancho T-shirts, raffle tickets and a bar. All proceeds go to Mickey Trotman's family.

fleX How is Tiger as a player ???never saw him play.....heard alot.....

brent sancho He good to go.

Shaun Fuentes he like a Tiger on his good day

fleX that really nice........

Palos Tiger...say someting nah

brent sancho The 'Cool it' team has Jerren Nixon,

brent sancho Angus Eve, Nigel Pierre, Arnold Dwarika...

Sando how can we donate money to the Trotman game.....

Tallman What are the terms of the benefit ? Does the money go to his family ?

brent sancho We plan to set up a bank a/c and the info. will be handed to you guys as soon as


Palos nice

Sando nixon is a great player man........we need nakhid to replace Warner........

Shaun Fuentes yeh and we need princes town to replace Sando ent?

brent sancho Leslie is on the same computer with me., that is why he can't talk at the same


brent sancho He is here with me in person.

Plaos kool

Shaun Fuentes Don't forget the entertainment Brent

brent sancho Bunji Garlin, Nigel and Marvin Lewis,

bob: soccerfan, hello !

Sando Bunji is boss

brent sancho Radioactive, Jugglers, just to name a few...

Bunji will most likely perform his tune in which he mentions Mickey

brent sancho yes.

Palos sound real nice....hope for a great turn out

fleX thats real nice,,,,,respect to Bunji for that......

Tallman Is the league that Mickey supported still alive ?

Shaun Fuentes yes, Stern John helps out financially

brent sancho Oh yes. They actually won the league this year. Cool it!

Shaun Fuentes it is handled by Mickey's aunt

Tallman Will this be a one time game or will it be an annual event ?

Shaun Fuentes hopefully an annual game, right Brent

brent sancho No. It is an annual event.

brent sancho We are playing for a huge challenge trophy donated by CLICO.

fleX Sorry I got cut off.

Shaun Fuentes Flex yu aint pay your bill or what

Shaun Fuentes lol

fleX Yuh feel is TSTT or what..

fleX lol

fleX So Snacho are you going to Europe ?????

brent sancho Well there are a couple things in place for me in different European countries...

brent sancho but,

brent sancho my total attention is the Gold Cup.

Dave we loved having you in Portland, Brent

Palos so fellas, we startin with the 2 questions a man ting or we just free stylin?

fleX ok Parlos start moderating the board.........

KyrgyzstaniGold It's really great having you in portland Brent - hope to see lots more of ya

brent sancho Portland is a great city.

Palos is Flex, then "K", then Dave, Tallman, Palos, Doc and if Sando come back we pull him in

Palos 2 questions per man

Palos Flex start it up

fleX 1. ok guys,,,start here............Sancho honestly where you over looked by Bertile St Clair because

of your hair......

Shaun Fuentes please you guys indicate who your questions are aimed at

That situation was delt with back then and it is water under the bridge. Mr. St

Clair has done a lot for Trinidad football.

Palos yuh listenin to Panday & Manning plenty boy answer bwoy..

brent sancho No, it's just the truth.

Palos jus kicksin lil bit....ah hear yuh

Palos flex...question #2

fleX I good

Palos on to "K"

Palos aka Kyrgyzstani Gold

KyrgyzstaniGold I really dont have a question, I relly just came to support The Mickey stuff.

Palos thanks for the support bro..ok...anything Dave??

brent sancho That's good. I hope the general public feels the same way.

Dave Hi Brent, any idea if you are returning to the Timbers next year?

brent sancho There is something presently on the table with the Timbers.

brent sancho But I hope to go to Europe. That is my #1 goal.

Dave Is it up to them to offer you what you want?

KyrgyzstaniGold Oh, ok, sure, NOW i think of a question - wait - i didnt mean to interupt,


brent sancho No. I have a 2 year contract.

Dave Apart from Zurich any other clubs offered a trial?

brent sancho Yes, There are a couple clubs in Germany and Belgium that are very interested

in my services.

Dave Good luck!

Palos thanks Dave...

brent sancho Thank you.

Palos next

Tallman Shaun, do you believe that Warner is gone for good ? If so, what plans does the TTFF

have to bridge the financial gap ?

Shaun Fuentes yes of course, but this is expected to start no earlier than February, where

appropriate screening sessions will be set up for the selection of Under 20 and Under 23


Shaun Fuentes I should say that I don't expect him to totally sever his ties with the TTFF but

we can expect him to have less involvement, even possibly financially which will be somewhat of a loss to the Federation.

Palos no probs..we understand wha yuh sayin.

Palos welcome maggie...2 questions per person to Shaun or're after Doc

doc Shaun, with respect to the difficulty of travel, are any effort being made to regionalize

training to involve a broader base of players on all national teams e.g Tobago, South etc?

Tallman Brent, what do you think has to change in T&T's defence in order for it to reach a

world class standard ?

brent sancho I don't think that anything needs to change, but we definitely need to work harder

on keeping goals out and being more patient..

brent sancho in our one-on-one defending.

Palos yuh ok there Tallman?

Tallman One thing that I do notice is that we are over zealous in our defending and we give up

many free kicks just outside the area.

brent sancho yes this is true but I think if we concentrate a little bit more and be a little bit more

patient in our defending we should be alright.

Tallman OK palos, I good.

Palos kool...Shaun, my 1st question is for you

Palos From the outside looking in, I am concerned that our preparation for the Gold Cup is much less

than desirable. Is the coach and team concerned about this and if so, what are they planning to

do about it?

Shaun Fuentes yes I agree with this, but I think while we have found difficulties in getting

appropriate matches arranged, the difference this time is that we'll have more than half the list

of overseas players in camp from day one when training resumes

Shaun Fuentes Also while it was always noticeable that whenever the entire team was

together prior the game, the presence of the likes of Yorke and Latapy always had everyone on

a high, even without these two around, while there will be something missing, I don't seeing us

having much problem having a good spirit

Shaun Fuentes this time around

Palos thanks bro

Palos Brent, fisrt of all let me congratulate you on what I thought was a really good performance

against the USA. I was impressed by your calm manner at all times

brent sancho Thank you very much.

Shaun Fuentes Also I see us going into this tournament as somewhat underdogs and in the

past even in a similar situation, we were always guarded against because of the names Yorke

and Latapy and a couple others, but this time I don't see that happening and it could work in our


brent sancho Swima send a hail to everyone.

fleX my boy Swima, whats up.

Palos Brent, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate coach Simoes and how has he helped you the

most on the national team

brent sancho 10!

Shaun Fuentes BOOOM

Palos Expand on that 10...enquiring minds want to know...

brent sancho He has been able to balance good coaching with good discipline and everyone is

very comfortable with him.

brent sancho I could see how he took Jamaica, diamond in the rough, and made them shine.

Palos has he helped you personally with your game?

Palos if so, in what way?

Yes, definitely. We talk often and he has taught me how to be a better positional


Palos nice....that's it for me...thanks guys...Doc, you next.

fleX 1. Shaun who was Simoes impress with on the school side that played the Soca Warriors

last week and what was the starting and sub line up for the Senior team.....

fleX sorry Doc......

Shaun Fuentes Flex I will send you that info via email but off hand I can say Anthony Noreiga

and Andre Pacheco. Noreiga is eligible for Under 23 and had a trial in Belgium and Pacheco is

now 17.

fleX Thanks...

doc Brent what would you consider your primary playing position to be?

brent sancho I like playing any central defensive position, or anywhere in the central defense.

doc Brent! Being a full time pro', how has your club team training improved you as a player ?

brent sancho I think the professional environment is one that is condusive to learning.

brent sancho I have been able to develop and mature as a player and a person.

doc There seems to be an opportunity to claim one of the CB positions now, are you ready to

stake your claim?

brent sancho Yes definitely. I am going to give 100% and try to stake my claim as a starter and

a major contributor to this team.

doc I wish you well!

doc Shaun

Palos Same here!!

brent sancho thank you.

Palos Shaun, you have any questions? If not, maybe we can just free style it unless it get's out of


Tallman Brent, if you do get a contract in Europe, how are you going to deal with demands of

the national team ? Will you ask to be left out of some games ?

Palos Same for you Brent.

brent sancho I will try to make every single game that Trinidad has. Although it is nice to be

playing in Europe, my main goal is to take Trinidad to World Cup.

fleX impressive Brent,,,,but all players say this and when the time comes they turn their backs....

brent sancho Trust me, anybody that knows me knows that's what my main goal.

Shaun Fuentes what questions Palos

doc with respect to the difficulty of travel in TT, has the TTFF considered regionalizing their

training centers to broaden the base of players at all national teams?

Shaun Fuentes I don't think right now Doc, the only possible camp may be in the US and right

now there are no outright plans for that.

Palos ok....what we'll do is this. Tallman & Doc asked questions so we'll answer those first. Shaun, I

was referring to anything about the posters, Flex site etc.

Shaun Fuentes I'm cool Palos.

Tallman Shaun, are we seriously pursuing a bid to host the 2007 U-20 World Cup ?

Shaun Fuentes yes we are, as a matter of fact, this was one of the topics of meetings at the

recent FIFA Exec meeting

Dave Brent, did you enjoy working with Bobby and Jimmy at Portland. Did they have anything

to offer you coaching-wise?

brent sancho Yes. They are an encyclopedia of knowledge.

flex Brent can you predict a starting 11 for T&T in the gold cup and also can you see us

qualifying for the 2006 World Cup ?

brent sancho It's tough to name a starting team because you never know who will peak right

before the Gold Cup.

Tallman Shaun, is the TTFF doing anything formal/official in terms of fan support for the Gold

Cup (e.g. charter flights etc.) ?

Shaun Fuentes no nothing as yet, possibly these plans will come on board as the new year


doc Brent, how close are you to being the player you know you can become?

brent sancho Right now I am working very hard on developingon my weaknesses.

Palos Shaun & Brent,,,,any good looking young players to look out for in the near future? Simoes

spoke about a young left footer who should have been on the Under 17 squad

brent sancho I have not been able to look at anyone in particular but from the reports that I have

been hearing T&T seems to be in good hands.

Shaun Fuentes yes of course, I see atleast five players coming out of the Under 17 team

including Marvin Phillip, Kenwyne Jones, Nkosi Blackman, Jerol Forbes and Devon Leacock.

Dave Brent, going back to your points on positioning and patience as a defender, were you

dissapointed by some refs decisions last season. They seem to give yellows for any sliding


brent sancho Yes I was very disappointed. I am naturally an aggressive player and I would not

change for anything.

Shaun Fuentes Andre Pacheco is a great left footed player from Princes Town Senior Comp.

Palos ok...thanx.

Shaun Fuentes there's always more, but those names look good right now.

flex Brent are you comfortable in the left back position,,,,,why are their hardly any left footers on

the T&T team,,,,,can Nixon still help us in 2006....

brent sancho Yes I am comfortable although I am naturally right-footed.... Nixon can definitely

help us in 2006. He is a very talented player.

Tallman Shaun, we've always been thinking about forming an official Soca Warriors fan club ?

Do you think this would go over well with the TTFF ?

Shaun Fuentes yes but you have to make sure and hold discussions with the Federation

flex wouldn't he be to old ???........

brent sancho No, age is not a problem as long as you are willing to contribute 100%.

Dave Brent, when do you travel for your European trials?

brent sancho Right after the Gold Cup.

Palos This one is for "Tiger" (if he still there)....were you nervous on your debut for T&T and what are

your immediate footballing goals?

brent sancho - Tiger Of course I was nervous, but you know, once you get out on to the field

and you realise you are playing against just another human being, you settle into your game.

brent sancho - Tiger What are my immediate plans for the future - to secure a contract with a

professional team and to finally get my chance to play for the national team.

Palos who are you currently playing with?

brent sancho No club team at the moment. I have trial with a few A league teams when I get

back to the States after the Xmas holidays.

flex Brent and Shaun do you think Nakhid should of been sack by the TTFF,,,way wasn't the

public inform of a better excuse for this.........

Shaun Fuentes I can't really say why there was not a better explanation because at that time I

was not with the Federation, but honestly I thought his days were over

Tallman Shaun, now that Stephen Hart has been appointed to a coaching position with the

Canadian Soccer Association, would the TTFF keep tabs on him ?

Palos great question Tallman

Shaun Fuentes Possibly.

Shaun Fuentes Do you think that he can make a valuable contribution to our football

Shaun Fuentes or just because he's been appointed by the Canada Federation, that makes

him eligible

bally shaun fuentes what is being done to get the young kids involve more in football and

development to advants in the football world not just today but tommorow.

Shaun Fuentes At this time, the community projects being done by FCOTT has really helped in

this area just judging by the reaction of the kids when we go to the schools and I expect this to

grow in the future

Shaun Fuentes in terms of getting them advanced, I can't say for sure as yet.

Shaun Fuentes it all depends on how much the kid is willing to do on his own as well.

doc Brent like you is a foreigner in TT! LOLLL!!

brent sancho The stadium and them so new, I does forget their name sometimes!

doc hahaha! Its nice to have that kind a infrastructure. hahaha.

Palos ok.....Brent & Shaun...if you had to descripe Mickey in a sentence, what would you say

fleX fast and

Shaun Fuentes a man with heart, hardworking and easy going so much that it would be easy

to get attach to him.

bally brent how do feal about yorke and latapy leaving the team like that

Palos he seemed to touch so many different people on so many levels....

brent sancho That's a difficult one... Mickey has touched me not just as a player but as a


bally sorry its leaving

brent sancho Fellas I gone there.

Shaun Fuentes Flex, I'm releasing a piece in time for Wednesday with quotations from Stern

and Russell Latapy talking about Mickey, so ill pass it on

fleX That goal he score aganist Costa Rica I would never forget..................

Tallman Will Stern John be at the game ?

Shaun Fuentes no he will not tallman

Shaun Fuentes and he's kinda disappointed

fleX Take care Brent and thanks agian....

Tallman OK breds, thank fuh allyuh time.

brent sancho Don't forget Felix Ferria grounds, Pinto Rd. Arima. @ 3pm

Palos thanks Brent and Tiger!!

Palos what day again?

fleX ok Brent.....come again.....

fleX boxing day.

brent sancho Thank you guys for supporting Trinidad and hopefully we can give you something

to cheer for next month.

Palos seen

Dave Thanks Brent, Shaun and Flex and everyone for arranging this

fleX OK shaun,,,looking forward......

Palos thanks for being here Dave.

fleX Same here Dave.

doc Respect< fellas! later

Dave Good luck T&T!!

fleX Thanks Dave, laterz Doc.

brent sancho Later.

Tallman Allyuh ,ah gone

Palos Later tallman...all de best.

fleX OK - Tall.

bally shaun fuentes i don't mean to be an ass hole but that's not the answer i was looking i

need to hear some of development for the youths in tnt that's the only way we can move


fleX Shaun does Latapy and Yorke still keep in touch with you guy's ??

fleX sorry bally for cutting in.........

Shaun Fuentes not really Yorke, more Latas.

Shaun Fuentes I hear yuh Bally

fleX Shaun when yuh ready to bounce just let we know..............

Shaun Fuentes yeh man'

Shaun Fuentes any of yu guys gonna be at the gold cup

fleX yes at the Costa RICA GAME............

fleX and hopfully Martinique too.

Palos I going Trini for Carnival so can't make both

bally i hope to be there if i get off

fleX boy I miss T&T christmas boy....

Shaun Fuentes yeh Stern was telling me the same yesterday, the man was sounding sad yes.

fleX Shaun dont forget to send de squad for me nah..........

Shaun Fuentes ok.

fleX Shaun about the site being a public thing as you mention previously,,,,this is only on the

forum most of the times.

Shaun Fuentes yeh

fleX I mean most of the site has good ????????

Shaun Fuentes yeh i agree

Shaun Fuentes but these guys sometimes only watch the TV rounds up, they hardly even read

the papers particularly the foreign based

Shaun Fuentes but dont worry if they dont come on every week or so,believe me, once they

know someone is doing something positive , they appreciate it

fleX O'.......

fleX Its good sometime to listen to views from the outside......

Shaun Fuentes thats one of the way i worked my way up

Shaun Fuentes how you think i made it as a little 18 yr old from the Guardian at the Gold Cup

with them fellas eh

Shaun Fuentes lol

bally shaun fuentes how much of the PFL games are on tv in tnt

Shaun Fuentes none are live

Shaun Fuentes just highlights

fleX is Nixon joining the squad for the GC for sure ??????

Shaun Fuentes yeh he will be called for training and once he's fully fit and can fall into simoes'

plans, sure he'll be there

Palos Bally, I really like that idea about a show to promote the PFL

bally i think they should show more games on tv

Shaun Fuentes yes Bally

Shaun Fuentes but the sponsors are not really willing

fleX any Zamora news yet ?????? or Silvio Spann.....

Shaun Fuentes nah boy

Shaun Fuentes I would love if we can get hold of Zamora

fleX Personaly I dont think he may commit 100%......

Palos well....allyuh know Trini...dey love foreign ting

Shaun Fuentes for real palos

fleX Palos we need to go down

Shaun Fuentes i think one of the breathrougs for the PFL is if we can get our highlights on

some of the foreign weekly programmes like Futbol Mundial

Palos however, if we were able to get coverage and show highlights like goals, dribbles, player

interviews, top 10 goals of the week or top 5 would be a start

Shaun Fuentes but it's not easy to get on

bally palos if you have tv you know how important it is you can reach alot of people with the


Palos fuh real....and make it a local flavor....all players have a presenter have to have

personality like Anil Roberts...he does make meh roll

Palos probs...


fleX Take care Shaun and thanks again,,,laterz..

Palos take care Shaun and thanks.

bally thanks shaun.

Re: Live Chat post with Shaun Fuentes & Brent Sancho.

I am trying to contact Brent Sancho. I do believe Brent Sancho is a descendant of John Sancho; a brother of my forefather, great great grandfather and I would like Sanchos of Trinidad to unite with Sanchos of Guyana, in the pursuit of their ancestor, who I believe to be Ignatius Sancho, 1729-1780.

Ask the Sanchos (Cyril, Keith, Sharon and the others) of Trinidad to Log on to

and or send email and or

The Sanchos of Guyana has a story to tell and an aim to identify the ancestor.

Peace, Selwyn Ross; son and representative of Muriel E. Sancho, of Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara, British Guiana now Guyana.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Sando Shaun and them is here,,,,

Palos Bertille might be plenty tings but he have rinciple

Shaun Fuentes good night folks

Palos sorry...principle

Tallman greetings

Dave Hi guys!

Sando Good night,,,fleX yuh come through......

Palos aye Shaun...

Palos Welcome Brent...if da is you..

fleX Hello fellas,,,and thanks for coimng,,,I was getting worried, lol.....

Shaun Fuentes sorry for the lateness fellas

brent sancho good night everyone. Sorry I am late.

Shaun Fuentes here with me is Brent Sancho

fleX Trini time I guess.

Palos lol!

Shaun Fuentes We time

brent sancho I was at the Marten Anatol soccer picnic.

fleX Hello Brent its a pleasure.....

brent sancho thank you.

KyrgyzstaniGold your lateness is excused, welcome

brent sancho appreciate it.

Dave Hi from Portland Brent

Palos so time limited, same rules...2 question per man startin with who sign on first?

Shaun Fuentes shot them

Sando Brent do you know Ante a goalkeeper from Croatia that played with you at St Johns.

Kyrgyzstani Gold ...ah go have to refer to you as "K" seen..

brent sancho no. I do not recall.

Sando ok....

Shaun Fuentes Flex, we also wanna say much about Mickey's game on Wednesday

Tallman Shaun, why do we have such a hard time getting good quality opposition for friendlies

? The last time we had quality opposition was under St. Clair.

Palos so fellas...leh we start with Flex....then Sando, K, Dave, Tallman etc.

fleX Good ahead Shaun,,,,tell us more about Mickey....just want Brent to know that we have 2

Portland supporters on board....shoot Shaun....

Shaun Fuentes We had one quality friendly under Bertille and that was against Colombia

Tallman We also play South Africa, Morocco etc.

brent sancho That is one of the main reasons I am online tonight, is to talk a little bit about the

Mickey Trotman benefit game.

Shaun Fuentes yeh but those were matches that came at a time when games were easy and

when World Cup bidding was in the fray

Palos so leh we start with the Mickey Trotman ting

Shaun Fuentes other than that, the next game was against Honduras

Shaun Fuentes but I agree with you, we do have a minor problem in getting appropriate

friendles organise

Palos go ahead Brent & Shaun

brent sancho It takes place on boxing day.

brent sancho It takes place at Felix Ferriera Recreational grounds...

brent sancho starts at 1:30 with a female game.

brent sancho Then,

brent sancho the T&T foreign base takes on "Cool it". A local team by Mickey Trotman.

fleX yes I red about it,,,,,,Shaun how can I advertise for this game,,,,,I want to help.......

fleX in any way....

Shaun Fuentes just keep it on your front page flex

fleX ok...

Tallman Who on de foreign base side ?

brent sancho It kicks off at 3:30pm. with the likes of Brent Rahim, Gary Glasgow, Kevin

Jeffreys, Leslie 'Tiger' Fitzpatrick (who is here right now as well)...

Shaun Fuentes yes fellas we have the Tiger in the house

Palos welcome Tiger!!

brent sancho T-shirts, raffle tickets and a bar. All proceeds go to Mickey Trotman's family.

fleX How is Tiger as a player ???never saw him play.....heard alot.....

brent sancho He good to go.

Shaun Fuentes he like a Tiger on his good day

fleX that really nice........

Palos Tiger...say someting nah

brent sancho The 'Cool it' team has Jerren Nixon,

brent sancho Angus Eve, Nigel Pierre, Arnold Dwarika...

Sando how can we donate money to the Trotman game.....

Tallman What are the terms of the benefit ? Does the money go to his family ?

brent sancho We plan to set up a bank a/c and the info. will be handed to you guys as soon as


Palos nice

Sando nixon is a great player man........we need nakhid to replace Warner........

Shaun Fuentes yeh and we need princes town to replace Sando ent?

brent sancho Leslie is on the same computer with me., that is why he can't talk at the same


brent sancho He is here with me in person.

Plaos kool

Shaun Fuentes Don't forget the entertainment Brent

brent sancho Bunji Garlin, Nigel and Marvin Lewis,

bob: soccerfan, hello !

Sando Bunji is boss

brent sancho Radioactive, Jugglers, just to name a few...

Bunji will most likely perform his tune in which he mentions Mickey

brent sancho yes.

Palos sound real nice....hope for a great turn out

fleX thats real nice,,,,,respect to Bunji for that......

Tallman Is the league that Mickey supported still alive ?

Shaun Fuentes yes, Stern John helps out financially

brent sancho Oh yes. They actually won the league this year. Cool it!

Shaun Fuentes it is handled by Mickey's aunt

Tallman Will this be a one time game or will it be an annual event ?

Shaun Fuentes hopefully an annual game, right Brent

brent sancho No. It is an annual event.

brent sancho We are playing for a huge challenge trophy donated by CLICO.

fleX Sorry I got cut off.

Shaun Fuentes Flex yu aint pay your bill or what

Shaun Fuentes lol

fleX Yuh feel is TSTT or what..

fleX lol

fleX So Snacho are you going to Europe ?????

brent sancho Well there are a couple things in place for me in different European countries...

brent sancho but,

brent sancho my total attention is the Gold Cup.

Dave we loved having you in Portland, Brent

Palos so fellas, we startin with the 2 questions a man ting or we just free stylin?

fleX ok Parlos start moderating the board.........

KyrgyzstaniGold It's really great having you in portland Brent - hope to see lots more of ya

brent sancho Portland is a great city.

Palos is Flex, then "K", then Dave, Tallman, Palos, Doc and if Sando come back we pull him in

Palos 2 questions per man

Palos Flex start it up

fleX 1. ok guys,,,start here............Sancho honestly where you over looked by Bertile St Clair because

of your hair......

Shaun Fuentes please you guys indicate who your questions are aimed at

That situation was delt with back then and it is water under the bridge. Mr. St

Clair has done a lot for Trinidad football.

Palos yuh listenin to Panday & Manning plenty boy answer bwoy..

brent sancho No, it's just the truth.

Palos jus kicksin lil bit....ah hear yuh

Palos flex...question #2

fleX I good

Palos on to "K"

Palos aka Kyrgyzstani Gold

KyrgyzstaniGold I really dont have a question, I relly just came to support The Mickey stuff.

Palos thanks for the support bro..ok...anything Dave??

brent sancho That's good. I hope the general public feels the same way.

Dave Hi Brent, any idea if you are returning to the Timbers next year?

brent sancho There is something presently on the table with the Timbers.

brent sancho But I hope to go to Europe. That is my #1 goal.

Dave Is it up to them to offer you what you want?

KyrgyzstaniGold Oh, ok, sure, NOW i think of a question - wait - i didnt mean to interupt,


brent sancho No. I have a 2 year contract.

Dave Apart from Zurich any other clubs offered a trial?

brent sancho Yes, There are a couple clubs in Germany and Belgium that are very interested

in my services.

Dave Good luck!

Palos thanks Dave...

brent sancho Thank you.

Palos next

Tallman Shaun, do you believe that Warner is gone for good ? If so, what plans does the TTFF

have to bridge the financial gap ?

Shaun Fuentes yes of course, but this is expected to start no earlier than February, where

appropriate screening sessions will be set up for the selection of Under 20 and Under 23


Shaun Fuentes I should say that I don't expect him to totally sever his ties with the TTFF but

we can expect him to have less involvement, even possibly financially which will be somewhat of a loss to the Federation.

Palos no probs..we understand wha yuh sayin.

Palos welcome maggie...2 questions per person to Shaun or're after Doc

doc Shaun, with respect to the difficulty of travel, are any effort being made to regionalize

training to involve a broader base of players on all national teams e.g Tobago, South etc?

Tallman Brent, what do you think has to change in T&T's defence in order for it to reach a

world class standard ?

brent sancho I don't think that anything needs to change, but we definitely need to work harder

on keeping goals out and being more patient..

brent sancho in our one-on-one defending.

Palos yuh ok there Tallman?

Tallman One thing that I do notice is that we are over zealous in our defending and we give up

many free kicks just outside the area.

brent sancho yes this is true but I think if we concentrate a little bit more and be a little bit more

patient in our defending we should be alright.

Tallman OK palos, I good.

Palos kool...Shaun, my 1st question is for you

Palos From the outside looking in, I am concerned that our preparation for the Gold Cup is much less

than desirable. Is the coach and team concerned about this and if so, what are they planning to

do about it?

Shaun Fuentes yes I agree with this, but I think while we have found difficulties in getting

appropriate matches arranged, the difference this time is that we'll have more than half the list

of overseas players in camp from day one when training resumes

Shaun Fuentes Also while it was always noticeable that whenever the entire team was

together prior the game, the presence of the likes of Yorke and Latapy always had everyone on

a high, even without these two around, while there will be something missing, I don't seeing us

having much problem having a good spirit

Shaun Fuentes this time around

Palos thanks bro

Palos Brent, fisrt of all let me congratulate you on what I thought was a really good performance

against the USA. I was impressed by your calm manner at all times

brent sancho Thank you very much.

Shaun Fuentes Also I see us going into this tournament as somewhat underdogs and in the

past even in a similar situation, we were always guarded against because of the names Yorke

and Latapy and a couple others, but this time I don't see that happening and it could work in our


brent sancho Swima send a hail to everyone.

fleX my boy Swima, whats up.

Palos Brent, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate coach Simoes and how has he helped you the

most on the national team

brent sancho 10!

Shaun Fuentes BOOOM

Palos Expand on that 10...enquiring minds want to know...

brent sancho He has been able to balance good coaching with good discipline and everyone is

very comfortable with him.

brent sancho I could see how he took Jamaica, diamond in the rough, and made them shine.

Palos has he helped you personally with your game?

Palos if so, in what way?

Yes, definitely. We talk often and he has taught me how to be a better positional


Palos nice....that's it for me...thanks guys...Doc, you next.

fleX 1. Shaun who was Simoes impress with on the school side that played the Soca Warriors

last week and what was the starting and sub line up for the Senior team.....

fleX sorry Doc......

Shaun Fuentes Flex I will send you that info via email but off hand I can say Anthony Noreiga

and Andre Pacheco. Noreiga is eligible for Under 23 and had a trial in Belgium and Pacheco is

now 17.

fleX Thanks...

doc Brent what would you consider your primary playing position to be?

brent sancho I like playing any central defensive position, or anywhere in the central defense.

doc Brent! Being a full time pro', how has your club team training improved you as a player ?

brent sancho I think the professional environment is one that is condusive to learning.

brent sancho I have been able to develop and mature as a player and a person.

doc There seems to be an opportunity to claim one of the CB positions now, are you ready to

stake your claim?

brent sancho Yes definitely. I am going to give 100% and try to stake my claim as a starter and

a major contributor to this team.

doc I wish you well!

doc Shaun

Palos Same here!!

brent sancho thank you.

Palos Shaun, you have any questions? If not, maybe we can just free style it unless it get's out of


Tallman Brent, if you do get a contract in Europe, how are you going to deal with demands of

the national team ? Will you ask to be left out of some games ?

Palos Same for you Brent.

brent sancho I will try to make every single game that Trinidad has. Although it is nice to be

playing in Europe, my main goal is to take Trinidad to World Cup.

fleX impressive Brent,,,,but all players say this and when the time comes they turn their backs....

brent sancho Trust me, anybody that knows me knows that's what my main goal.

Shaun Fuentes what questions Palos

doc with respect to the difficulty of travel in TT, has the TTFF considered regionalizing their

training centers to broaden the base of players at all national teams?

Shaun Fuentes I don't think right now Doc, the only possible camp may be in the US and right

now there are no outright plans for that.

Palos ok....what we'll do is this. Tallman & Doc asked questions so we'll answer those first. Shaun, I

was referring to anything about the posters, Flex site etc.

Shaun Fuentes I'm cool Palos.

Tallman Shaun, are we seriously pursuing a bid to host the 2007 U-20 World Cup ?

Shaun Fuentes yes we are, as a matter of fact, this was one of the topics of meetings at the

recent FIFA Exec meeting

Dave Brent, did you enjoy working with Bobby and Jimmy at Portland. Did they have anything

to offer you coaching-wise?

brent sancho Yes. They are an encyclopedia of knowledge.

flex Brent can you predict a starting 11 for T&T in the gold cup and also can you see us

qualifying for the 2006 World Cup ?

brent sancho It's tough to name a starting team because you never know who will peak right

before the Gold Cup.

Tallman Shaun, is the TTFF doing anything formal/official in terms of fan support for the Gold

Cup (e.g. charter flights etc.) ?

Shaun Fuentes no nothing as yet, possibly these plans will come on board as the new year


doc Brent, how close are you to being the player you know you can become?

brent sancho Right now I am working very hard on developingon my weaknesses.

Palos Shaun & Brent,,,,any good looking young players to look out for in the near future? Simoes

spoke about a young left footer who should have been on the Under 17 squad

brent sancho I have not been able to look at anyone in particular but from the reports that I have

been hearing T&T seems to be in good hands.

Shaun Fuentes yes of course, I see atleast five players coming out of the Under 17 team

including Marvin Phillip, Kenwyne Jones, Nkosi Blackman, Jerol Forbes and Devon Leacock.

Dave Brent, going back to your points on positioning and patience as a defender, were you

dissapointed by some refs decisions last season. They seem to give yellows for any sliding


brent sancho Yes I was very disappointed. I am naturally an aggressive player and I would not

change for anything.

Shaun Fuentes Andre Pacheco is a great left footed player from Princes Town Senior Comp.

Palos ok...thanx.

Shaun Fuentes there's always more, but those names look good right now.

flex Brent are you comfortable in the left back position,,,,,why are their hardly any left footers on

the T&T team,,,,,can Nixon still help us in 2006....

brent sancho Yes I am comfortable although I am naturally right-footed.... Nixon can definitely

help us in 2006. He is a very talented player.

Tallman Shaun, we've always been thinking about forming an official Soca Warriors fan club ?

Do you think this would go over well with the TTFF ?

Shaun Fuentes yes but you have to make sure and hold discussions with the Federation

flex wouldn't he be to old ???........

brent sancho No, age is not a problem as long as you are willing to contribute 100%.

Dave Brent, when do you travel for your European trials?

brent sancho Right after the Gold Cup.

Palos This one is for "Tiger" (if he still there)....were you nervous on your debut for T&T and what are

your immediate footballing goals?

brent sancho - Tiger Of course I was nervous, but you know, once you get out on to the field

and you realise you are playing against just another human being, you settle into your game.

brent sancho - Tiger What are my immediate plans for the future - to secure a contract with a

professional team and to finally get my chance to play for the national team.

Palos who are you currently playing with?

brent sancho No club team at the moment. I have trial with a few A league teams when I get

back to the States after the Xmas holidays.

flex Brent and Shaun do you think Nakhid should of been sack by the TTFF,,,way wasn't the

public inform of a better excuse for this.........

Shaun Fuentes I can't really say why there was not a better explanation because at that time I

was not with the Federation, but honestly I thought his days were over

Tallman Shaun, now that Stephen Hart has been appointed to a coaching position with the

Canadian Soccer Association, would the TTFF keep tabs on him ?

Palos great question Tallman

Shaun Fuentes Possibly.

Shaun Fuentes Do you think that he can make a valuable contribution to our football

Shaun Fuentes or just because he's been appointed by the Canada Federation, that makes

him eligible

bally shaun fuentes what is being done to get the young kids involve more in football and

development to advants in the football world not just today but tommorow.

Shaun Fuentes At this time, the community projects being done by FCOTT has really helped in

this area just judging by the reaction of the kids when we go to the schools and I expect this to

grow in the future

Shaun Fuentes in terms of getting them advanced, I can't say for sure as yet.

Shaun Fuentes it all depends on how much the kid is willing to do on his own as well.

doc Brent like you is a foreigner in TT! LOLLL!!

brent sancho The stadium and them so new, I does forget their name sometimes!

doc hahaha! Its nice to have that kind a infrastructure. hahaha.

Palos ok.....Brent & Shaun...if you had to descripe Mickey in a sentence, what would you say

fleX fast and

Shaun Fuentes a man with heart, hardworking and easy going so much that it would be easy

to get attach to him.

bally brent how do feal about yorke and latapy leaving the team like that

Palos he seemed to touch so many different people on so many levels....

brent sancho That's a difficult one... Mickey has touched me not just as a player but as a


bally sorry its leaving

brent sancho Fellas I gone there.

Shaun Fuentes Flex, I'm releasing a piece in time for Wednesday with quotations from Stern

and Russell Latapy talking about Mickey, so ill pass it on

fleX That goal he score aganist Costa Rica I would never forget..................

Tallman Will Stern John be at the game ?

Shaun Fuentes no he will not tallman

Shaun Fuentes and he's kinda disappointed

fleX Take care Brent and thanks agian....

Tallman OK breds, thank fuh allyuh time.

brent sancho Don't forget Felix Ferria grounds, Pinto Rd. Arima. @ 3pm

Palos thanks Brent and Tiger!!

Palos what day again?

fleX ok Brent.....come again.....

fleX boxing day.

brent sancho Thank you guys for supporting Trinidad and hopefully we can give you something

to cheer for next month.

Palos seen

Dave Thanks Brent, Shaun and Flex and everyone for arranging this

fleX OK shaun,,,looking forward......

Palos thanks for being here Dave.

fleX Same here Dave.

doc Respect< fellas! later

Dave Good luck T&T!!

fleX Thanks Dave, laterz Doc.

brent sancho Later.

Tallman Allyuh ,ah gone

Palos Later tallman...all de best.

fleX OK - Tall.

bally shaun fuentes i don't mean to be an ass hole but that's not the answer i was looking i

need to hear some of development for the youths in tnt that's the only way we can move


fleX Shaun does Latapy and Yorke still keep in touch with you guy's ??

fleX sorry bally for cutting in.........

Shaun Fuentes not really Yorke, more Latas.

Shaun Fuentes I hear yuh Bally

fleX Shaun when yuh ready to bounce just let we know..............

Shaun Fuentes yeh man'

Shaun Fuentes any of yu guys gonna be at the gold cup

fleX yes at the Costa RICA GAME............

fleX and hopfully Martinique too.

Palos I going Trini for Carnival so can't make both

bally i hope to be there if i get off

fleX boy I miss T&T christmas boy....

Shaun Fuentes yeh Stern was telling me the same yesterday, the man was sounding sad yes.

fleX Shaun dont forget to send de squad for me nah..........

Shaun Fuentes ok.

fleX Shaun about the site being a public thing as you mention previously,,,,this is only on the

forum most of the times.

Shaun Fuentes yeh

fleX I mean most of the site has good ????????

Shaun Fuentes yeh i agree

Shaun Fuentes but these guys sometimes only watch the TV rounds up, they hardly even read

the papers particularly the foreign based

Shaun Fuentes but dont worry if they dont come on every week or so,believe me, once they

know someone is doing something positive , they appreciate it

fleX O'.......

fleX Its good sometime to listen to views from the outside......

Shaun Fuentes thats one of the way i worked my way up

Shaun Fuentes how you think i made it as a little 18 yr old from the Guardian at the Gold Cup

with them fellas eh

Shaun Fuentes lol

bally shaun fuentes how much of the PFL games are on tv in tnt

Shaun Fuentes none are live

Shaun Fuentes just highlights

fleX is Nixon joining the squad for the GC for sure ??????

Shaun Fuentes yeh he will be called for training and once he's fully fit and can fall into simoes'

plans, sure he'll be there

Palos Bally, I really like that idea about a show to promote the PFL

bally i think they should show more games on tv

Shaun Fuentes yes Bally

Shaun Fuentes but the sponsors are not really willing

fleX any Zamora news yet ?????? or Silvio Spann.....

Shaun Fuentes nah boy

Shaun Fuentes I would love if we can get hold of Zamora

fleX Personaly I dont think he may commit 100%......

Palos well....allyuh know Trini...dey love foreign ting

Shaun Fuentes for real palos

fleX Palos we need to go down

Shaun Fuentes i think one of the breathrougs for the PFL is if we can get our highlights on

some of the foreign weekly programmes like Futbol Mundial

Palos however, if we were able to get coverage and show highlights like goals, dribbles, player

interviews, top 10 goals of the week or top 5 would be a start

Shaun Fuentes but it's not easy to get on

bally palos if you have tv you know how important it is you can reach alot of people with the


Palos fuh real....and make it a local flavor....all players have a presenter have to have

personality like Anil Roberts...he does make meh roll

Palos probs...


fleX Take care Shaun and thanks again,,,laterz..

Palos take care Shaun and thanks.

bally thanks shaun.