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Testing!, Coaching question

Why is it to many of us on this site, that a coach must be a man in a 3 piece suit shouting orders and standing up on the touchline.

Many small comments made about the appearance and actions of both Vranes and Porters has prompted me to ask this.

What is the proper "Football/Coaching etiquette" on the sidelines.

It is funny as many of us criticize a coach when he sits on the bench, while others compliment his attire or lack thereof.

My personal opinion is that all the necessary prep, discussion and tactics are known before hand as well as the subs to be used given certain scenarios.

Thus any movement by the coach, antics, or directions when given, are signals that things are not going according to plan.

But basically, I think it is just due to the personality of each coach. Some like Alex Ferguson,Arrigo Sacchi, and our dearly beloved Ian Porterfield show no emotion in good or bad times. While others resort to standing, pacing and some even smoke the occasional cigarette to calm down their nerves.

So my Question to the posters is this?

Why must a coach be active or at least look the part when he is sitting on the bench!

Personally, the performance by the players on the field is what matters most, and when one attends a game the emphasis should be on the players on the field rather than the coach on the sidelines.