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Cycling fundraiser

Hi guys~!

I'm a 2nd year Dartmouth student, but for my winter term, I'm working for a non-profit organization that helps homeless kids of America.

We're doing this first annual nationwide fundraiser, Ride for Millions, where we hope to contact a million people across America, ride a million miles, raise a million bucks and reach a million kids.

We’re not asking you to set out a special day, time or ride to participate. We know that everyone's busy, especially with college or high school teams and those who work all day, but we want to involve everybody across the nation in this 3-month nationwide effort to show that we can come together and that we care about making the future of our homeless youth brighter. From the old to the young, we want to ride the distance together.

The fundraiser will run from March to May 2005, which would give participants plenty of time to raise funds, starting now until May. We really want you to encourage your team members to be a part of this worthy cause. This project could make a huge difference in the millions of homeless childrens’ lives.

Please talk to your team members about it at your next team meeting, and you can either directly register online at or contact me if you have any further questions.

Also, if your team has a website, we’d appreciate if your webmasters could promote this fundraiser through a simple link or logo on your page.

As a nationwide team, let’s ride the million miles, raise the million dollars and reach a million kids. With Steven, you can bike the distance—an extra mile can make all the difference.
