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Rawai Muay Thai Camp

Thai Boxing/Fitness Training Camp

Phuket, Thailand

Training in the tropics

Living the dream

Rawai Muaythai Camp
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Airport taxis: be warned

It has come to my attention that Phuket airport taxis and Phuket taxis in general are misbehaving. They are taking guests to other gyms even though they have booked at Rawai Camp. In order to avoid this we have two options:

We will now offer airport pick-up service. Our driver will pick you up and bring you to the camp for 800 baht (up to 2 people per ride). If it's a large group then a van will cost 1,200 Baht (up to 8 people).

Or you can print out the online map with directions in Thai of how to get to the gym. Please show this map to the driver.

Some drivers are taking our guests to other gyms because they want to get commissions, extra money on top of what you already paid for the taxi service. It's crazy, I know, but it's happening. For example, if you were to book at the Sheraton and then the taxi driver takes you instead to the Hilton, wouldn't that upset you! Well that's what's happening to our guests so we need to put a stop to this. If anyone has other suggestions, please let me know.

Country: Thailand

Re: Airport taxis: be warned

Diana... Great idea about the Taxi service.

Could you please ban this IP number:

First of all this person is to chicken shit en marke his name with ?

Secondly, the person keeps nagging en throuwing negative bullshit that doesn't make any sence.

6xx baht instead of 8xx? common... this person must be the cheapest lowlife ever. The ultimate hippy backpacker who should stay home!

By the way... Don's Mall was great and Don is a very nice person. Local longterm western people loved the place.. Probaply this ? person didnt like it because they charged more then 40 baht for Khao Pad Kai and he didnt get the Kai Dao for free.

Greedy bastard...

Re: Airport taxis: be warned

An airport taxi costs 750 Baht to Rawai. Our driver would have to drive to the airport and wait. Often the flights are delayed, so 800 Baht is a fair price.

Country: Thailand

Re: Airport taxis: be warned

Guys if you want cheap taxi, take the TAXI-METER taxi! its located outside the big entrance to the right, its 500tbh to Rawai :)

Country: Thailand

Re: Airport taxis: be warned

Yes, the metered taxis are cheaper and very good service. The booth is to your right, as you exit the baggage claim area. Make sure you give them the print out of the map and directions on how to get to the gym.

Country: Thailand