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Rawai Muay Thai Camp

Thai Boxing/Fitness Training Camp

Phuket, Thailand

Training in the tropics

Living the dream

Rawai Muaythai Camp
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training at the camp

Hiya guys, I'm in thailand at the moment,
I have checked out 2 muay thai training camps, one called sinbi muay thai, and another in patong. I found that those camps were pretty much in a dissertated area. ( Which is ok for people with a mophead/car.. which I won;t have)
I was wondering how rawai muay thai camp is like?
How is training like in June/ July?
I am in Karon at the moment, I might come and see it.

Any advice or help is Appreciated!

Country: currently in thailand

Re: training at the camp

Sinbi isn't very far away from places to eat. 7/11 is a few minutes walk. Same with Rawai, they are very close to each other.

Country: USA

Re: training at the camp

The manager of Sinbi, called Sing, trained at the same gym in Bangkok as the manager of Rawai, Tuk. They boxed in Bangkok for many years in the same camp. Later Tuk invited Sing to Phuket and to teach at Rawai Muay Thai camp for a year. Then Sing opened his own gym: Sinbi gym.

The two gyms are close to each other. Rawai is a laid back place, full of little Thai restaurants, internet shops, massage shops, art stores, and small businesses, and the gyms are close to beautiful beaches like Naiharn and Yanui beaches. For training Muay Thai it's good to be in a place with not too many distractions (like in Patong or Karon).

Country: Thailand