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Rawai Muay Thai Camp

Thai Boxing/Fitness Training Camp

Phuket, Thailand

Training in the tropics

Living the dream

Rawai Muaythai Camp
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detox and training

hello danny and everyone at the camp i need a little advice before i come there in april and may..... could you recommend whether it is advisable to do ten days of detox before sarting the training. my fitness levels are bad, but i am worried that doing the detox before begining training may leave me weaker before starting the training? also, because my fitness is low do you think it is better to do the first month as group training only beofre doing vip in second month? i smoke a lot and finding it hard to stop, but think the detox may help before i begin to train,.


heinrich h.

Country: germany

Re: detox and training

Hey Heinrich

Yes its good to do the detox first, It will help to stop smoking & give you a good 7 - 10 kg of weight loss before you even begin to start your training, You energy is usley better after the detox then before it:):)

Its good idea to get your fitness up to speed before spending extra money on VIP training but dont stress about it now.. see how you are feeling when you are here. Some times the extra attention during the VIP training is just whats needed

Country: Thailand

Re: detox and training

thanks danny. i wondered how much weight you thought it perhaps possible plausible to lose in 8 weeks- is 30kg too much?

Country: germany

Re: detox and training

30kg of weight loss can be achieved in 8 weeks but I would say 15 - 20 kg is more realistic

Country: Thailand

Re: detox and training

To add to what Danny has mentioned, you may experience some fatique during the detox program but afterwards you will more energised than you have been for a long time. Plus moving excess weight and toxins from the body will kick start your fitness levels.
Men usually lose about 1KG per day during the detox program and leave feeling highly motivated and determined to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Hope this helps.

Re: detox and training

So if you do the detox for 7 days you wont be training during that time or can you still train during this time?

Country: USA

Re: detox and training

keine ahnung ob du schon da warst, der beitrag is ja schon etwas älter...

ich würde dir empfehlen lange bevor du nach thailand fliegst anzufangen mitn training
fang locker an aber steigere dich jede woche kontinuierlich

was wichtig ist: sprints, maximalkraft trainieren, und natürlich muay thai(am besten gehst schon in deutschland in nen club)

von der ernährung her reicht es den zucker zu streichen und die catbs zu reduzieren...stattdessen mehr fokus auf früchte, gemüse, native öle, nüsse, eier, evtl. milchprodukte(so unbehandelt wie möglich),...dann fährst schomal ganz gut ;-)

Re: detox and training

Good point Rob!

Re: detox and training

During the detox you are fasting and it's hard to train while not eating. You need the calories and energy to train. Most people do the detox and the training separately, but you can try to do both, it's really up to you.

Country: Thailand

Re: detox and training

Hi Heinrich, I did a 10 day full fast detox when we first arrived in Phuket. I too was very unfit and overweight. 126.9kg to be exact. I could not have trained during detox, as even though you have good days and feel very energetic, when you actually try to exert yourself, you find yourself rather weak, plus I was rather sick a lot of the time during detox. (Yes, I was VERY unhealthy) I left Atsumi at 113kg and feeling very focused and refreshed and ready to make some huge changes in life. Finished detox on the Sunday and headed over to Rawai for a Monday start. I would say the first 3 days where a challenge - out of breath and energy mainly. I have now completed 4 weeks of Muay Thai and feel great. Although weight loss has slowed and has been going up and down while training (currently 109kg) I have dropped heaps of clothes sizes, thinned out all over and can now do a chin up and nearly a second one - something I have not been able to do since I was 18. Overall it’s been a great life changing experience. Many thanks to Michelle and the team from Atsumi, the ENTIRE team at Rawai, Danny, Goong and the crew from Goongs & to all the new friends I have made during my time in Thailand. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - 5 stars... Gaz

Country: Austrlia