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Time Travel

I'm learning Conversational Hypnosis (Lgor Ledochowski - The Power of Conversational Hypnosis). One thing I would like to apply it to is playing a fun prank on my buddy. He's very much into science fiction, and particularly things like Doctor Who.

I want to set it up with other friends that there is some time travel experimentation going on at the local university. We'll hype up and sell the idea of time travel be3fore hand. Basically at the right time, when he is willing to be a part of the time travel experiment, we'll get him in the 'Time Machine' The 'Time Machine' will just have some sensors stuck on to his head hooked up to various machines that go *beep*. I then want to use some sort of induction that will take him into a trance that he will not realise he has been taken into - or remember that he has been into it. Then we can change things around (our body positions, times on clocks etc) and wake him up. He'll believe he's gone back in time 1/2 an hour. He'll be over the moon to think his boyhood fantacy has come true. We'll probably do it a couple of times to give him the experience over a number of times.

I'm not sure how I can get him into the state without him realise hypnosis is playing a part. Derren Brown done it really well in a number of his show such as the guy being transposed to Istanbul...

...but apparently the images and strobe lights used is this example will work on about 1/3 of the population, so I need something more reliable. I had a vague talk about hypnosis to him recently, and he said didn't 'believe in it'. I think he dosen't believe that hypnosis can stop smoking etc. Perhaps his disbelief is to my advantage - perhaps not.

So - how best to handle it... Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, Al.