In The Spirit Of Things

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In The Spirit Of Things
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angel workshop

Jeannette & Jill,
Thank you for the fun workshop on the 19th. It was informative, helpful, and the energy and atmosphere was just great! It was a perfect group and I truly appreciated the opportunity to practice doing readings, and having you and Jill there to guide and teach us.

Blessing to all that were there that day, and I hope you are all practicing! It was nice meeting everyone and I felt bad I couldn't stay and visit longer afterwards. Hopefully we can meet up again and the next workshop[!


Re: angel workshop

It was a pleasure to have you as a participant at the workshop. Thanks for bringing your lighthearted were a positive addition.

Yes, everyone! Keep on practicing. You all showed up for a reason. You all said "yes" to Spirit! Spread love, joy, peace and healing to everyone you meet.

We become a peaceful world through peaceful people!

Love and Angel Blessings,