In The Spirit Of Things

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 Spiritual travelers are encouraged to share messages of love, hope, healing and inspiration.

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In The Spirit Of Things
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Just wanted to share with everyone, I think another Angel experience. Friends got together, unexpectedly
we shared, networked and it was all good, thoughts of a spiritual nature, moving forward for some friends.
Always a good feeling when you can see a friend that is joyful.
I knew our Angels were with us all at that time, that good "goosebump" feeling as I call it and the time was right.
hopefully new message members and more sharing!!
What a great site, thanks again Jeanette!!

Re: inspiration/Angels

Isn't it great when things happen like that? No planning or orchestrating, just allowing. Healing occurs for people in so many different ways and you and your friends getting together was a Divine Appointment for all of you. People shared and said or heard exactly what was needed at the time. The angels are smiling and nodding their heads in approval and validation!

I would love for new members to post! Please do. Anything of a spiritual nature is welcome here. Judy, thank you for promoting my site. You are a sweetheart!

Love & Angel Blessings

Re: inspiration/Angels

In regards to the Divine Appointments, read my post from last week.."On the air....thoughts for today". There's more discussion about Divine Appointments and accurately fits your gathering.
