In The Spirit Of Things

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In The Spirit Of Things
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On the air...thoughts for today

I'm a frequent guest on the Kelly MacLeod show of Psychic Radio ( my topic today was Divine Appointments.

Our purpose in life is to be of service to others. Ask God every day to touch your life and show you ways in which you can be of service. God will bring you to the person you need, or who needs you, at exactly the right time and in the right circumstances. These situations are your Divine Appointments.

We are vessels and Spirit works through us by empowering others. Sometimes, we are the miracle that they need. Our Creator knows each and every person who is desperately in need of his touch. And God works through people, so don't dismiss how valuable your contribution of self, really is.

To read more about Divine Appointments, I would encourage you to read Bruce Wilkinson's book, The Prayer of Jabez. It is very inspiring and will change the way you look at your life.

We all make a difference.....choose to make it a positive one!

Love & Blessings