In The Spirit Of Things

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In The Spirit Of Things
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Angel Experience - one of many!

I work in healthcare and a patient under my care was transitioning to a hospice facility.
She was fearful of where she was going and what would happen to her there. She expressed many concerns with me, one of which was fear of being alone.
As she spoke of this, I realized an angel had appeared at the head of her bed. I was telling her messages that were coming from this angel, such as you are not alone ever and you are very loved….
As she continued to talk I hesitantly mentioned what I had seen - the angel…..her eyes were wide and she asked me if it was really true. When I confirmed that is was, she was so relieved and stated she “knew it” that she had seen something special about me when I came in to see her. She asked me to tell her more about the angel and I described it to her just as I could see it. I remember telling her about the wings and how the angel was embracing her to let her know she wasn’t alone. As we continued talking, my patient’s eyes welled up with tears and told me how much she loved me – now I only knew this patient from 2 short meetings at her bedside – I held her hand and told her that I loved her too – as of course, my eyes were full of tears too. This was the first time I had ever told a stranger the words “I love you.” It didn’t even seem odd to me as the words just rolled right out of my mouth. She thanked me profusely again, for sharing what I had seen & heard and said she now had the strength and courage to make the transition to this new place.

Re: Angel Experience - one of many!

Jilly, just reading that experience made my eyes well with tears too! What a wonderful moment for both you and your patient!

Your patient was relieved of her fears and given confirmation of her belief that angels really do exist. For you personally, it was complete validation that you are to deliver these messages, even when in doubt.

You trusted, followed your intuition, shared what you were seeing and became a source of great comfort, peace and love! You were both blessed by that experience.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post on this message board. I am certain that other lives will be touched by your story, with the love and caring resonating through them....a positive affirmation of spirit at just the right time.

Please continue to check in with the board. As a community, we are able to heighten awareness of all things beautiful and spiritual and be reminded of the unconditional love that is always present for us!

Love & Angel Blessings!

Re: Angel Experience - one of many!

What a beautiful experience. I am grateful to know there are Angels watching over us. I am sure this woman was also grateful that you cared enough to let go of earthly matters and share with her the heavenly experience you were witnessing. What a gift to be given at such a difficult time. We are indeed cared for.