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not an explanation ..

but a hope that one might be found.

What possible use could there be for the 'leg' bones inside some lizards that move like snakes? Or for some of the mammalian bones in whales, or the non-functioning 'eyes' of some cave creatures? Your hope is pretty hopeless here!


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Replying to:

Vestigial, as I gave earlier, has a definition dependant on lack of knowing: a vestigial limb or organ is one that has no APPARENT use or functionality. That is, like the "vestigial" organ Tonsils (once considered such), it is simply not known what the actual use of the organ is, presently. Creationism does explain it, by saying there is a function, whether we know what it is or not.


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Replying to:

The point is that evolution explains vestigial limbs and creationism does not.


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Replying to:

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

This is a very dogmatic point of view. Sure, if we could see the progression (flow) that should and would exist right now, we could surmise that this was indeed a valid and viable solution to "not having to believe in a creator".

But we do not. So, what is a vestigial limb or organ? One that has no APPARENT use or functionality. Like, um, the tonsils were once considered useless and when a little irritated, doctors removed them by the scores. But ignorance of a fact, does not infer another fact. We now know that they are definitely a factor in our immune system, but many a child had their immune system crippled, before we bothered to look for a use.

We have to remember, an argument from ignorance is NO argument at all. Sorry.

With all due respect...


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Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes



Re: not an explanation ..

Actually, it is more so from the position of the believer in inchoate viability, increates, spontaniously producing replacement organs, and yet leaving some inimical. This seems to be falling "back" into the much argued against (by evolutionists) "rule of randomness" rather then a distinct law that operates "accordingly" everytime. I think there are uses for things that we do not understand yet. But, to say they were replaced and yet remain, is not convincing either...


Re: #1

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes


Re: Re: #2

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

So, if evironmental changes destroy the balance and all the lessor animals die of, there should be no lessor animals at all, in fact none to carry on the process of evolution. Unlike point #1; this would show us that nothing should exist that is alive.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes


Re: Re: Re: #3

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

But again, if mammals came from "something lower than itself" we have the problem of why so much "dissimilarity". However, a "creator" explains this beautifully...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

So, if evironmental changes destroy the balance and all the lessor animals die of, there should be no lessor animals at all, in fact none to carry on the process of evolution. Unlike point #1; this would show us that nothing should exist that is alive.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes


I just do not follow this point

Why does the fact that the mammals all came from something lower than themselves create a problem here? I just do not understand your logic? Nor do I follow what you mean by 'lower' in this context.

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

But again, if mammals came from "something lower than itself" we have the problem of why so much "dissimilarity". However, a "creator" explains this beautifully...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

So, if evironmental changes destroy the balance and all the lessor animals die of, there should be no lessor animals at all, in fact none to carry on the process of evolution. Unlike point #1; this would show us that nothing should exist that is alive.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes



Re: I just do not follow this point

The point you made is: animals come from lower forms which become less viable and so also become extinct (mentioned in another thread). Either we have a continuous flow of ALL intermediates (because they do NOT become less viable) or we have only man living on the planet. Since evolution depends on something becoming "better", we have a small problem. Survival of the fittest is inaccurate. There are "traits" which are self defeating, and indeed genocidically inclined, that are being inherited and more prevalent. (if you want specifics, I can look up a few) So, maybe we are going backwards now?


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Why does the fact that the mammals all came from something lower than themselves create a problem here? I just do not understand your logic? Nor do I follow what you mean by 'lower' in this context.

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

But again, if mammals came from "something lower than itself" we have the problem of why so much "dissimilarity". However, a "creator" explains this beautifully...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

So, if evironmental changes destroy the balance and all the lessor animals die of, there should be no lessor animals at all, in fact none to carry on the process of evolution. Unlike point #1; this would show us that nothing should exist that is alive.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes


Still don't get it.

Sorry. Do not follow the 'either or' in the second sentence. You are going to have to spell it out for me.

Or how the 'better' point follows on.

Silly me.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

The point you made is: animals come from lower forms which become less viable and so also become extinct (mentioned in another thread). Either we have a continuous flow of ALL intermediates (because they do NOT become less viable) or we have only man living on the planet. Since evolution depends on something becoming "better", we have a small problem. Survival of the fittest is inaccurate. There are "traits" which are self defeating, and indeed genocidically inclined, that are being inherited and more prevalent. (if you want specifics, I can look up a few) So, maybe we are going backwards now?


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Why does the fact that the mammals all came from something lower than themselves create a problem here? I just do not understand your logic? Nor do I follow what you mean by 'lower' in this context.

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

But again, if mammals came from "something lower than itself" we have the problem of why so much "dissimilarity". However, a "creator" explains this beautifully...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

So, if evironmental changes destroy the balance and all the lessor animals die of, there should be no lessor animals at all, in fact none to carry on the process of evolution. Unlike point #1; this would show us that nothing should exist that is alive.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes



You do not understand

An environmental change such as an ice age may have the effect of destroying many species and producing large scale extinctions but some animals will survive and will adapt to the new circumstances.

It obviously depends on what the change is and how quick it is.

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

So, if evironmental changes destroy the balance and all the lessor animals die of, there should be no lessor animals at all, in fact none to carry on the process of evolution. Unlike point #1; this would show us that nothing should exist that is alive.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes



Re: You do not understand

I agree, and the "ice age" is meteorologically acceptable in an understanding of deluge. The "catastrophe" that "froze" the mastodons froze them, not slowly over eons, but instantaneously, and so well they are preserved. We currently have no instruments that can accomplish with such a mass, what happened here, in seconds.

I was hoping you would recognize the form of argument I was using, so I didn't have to go into a whole lot of detail. Maybe, if I get the chance, I will present, on the other forum, the cosmological logical progressive argument that I am most familiar with.

I must also find my Gamov book too. He was good at demonstrating something had to be catastrophic, and then denying any catastrophe occurred.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

An environmental change such as an ice age may have the effect of destroying many species and producing large scale extinctions but some animals will survive and will adapt to the new circumstances.

It obviously depends on what the change is and how quick it is.

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

So, if evironmental changes destroy the balance and all the lessor animals die of, there should be no lessor animals at all, in fact none to carry on the process of evolution. Unlike point #1; this would show us that nothing should exist that is alive.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes


Look forward to that [nt]

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I agree, and the "ice age" is meteorologically acceptable in an understanding of deluge. The "catastrophe" that "froze" the mastodons froze them, not slowly over eons, but instantaneously, and so well they are preserved. We currently have no instruments that can accomplish with such a mass, what happened here, in seconds.

I was hoping you would recognize the form of argument I was using, so I didn't have to go into a whole lot of detail. Maybe, if I get the chance, I will present, on the other forum, the cosmological logical progressive argument that I am most familiar with.

I must also find my Gamov book too. He was good at demonstrating something had to be catastrophic, and then denying any catastrophe occurred.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

An environmental change such as an ice age may have the effect of destroying many species and producing large scale extinctions but some animals will survive and will adapt to the new circumstances.

It obviously depends on what the change is and how quick it is.

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

So, if evironmental changes destroy the balance and all the lessor animals die of, there should be no lessor animals at all, in fact none to carry on the process of evolution. Unlike point #1; this would show us that nothing should exist that is alive.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes



Nonsense I'm afraid

Each animal defeats the other animals in the same environmental niche. There are thousands of such niches.

Forgive me for being blunt but how can you criticise evolution when you fail to understand it in such a blatent way?

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes



Re: Nonsense I'm afraid

Actually, I am trying to understand your statement:

Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

Which seems self contradictory.
BUT, time order is not accurate (at least, this is the argument that the Evolutionists in the Biology forum gave me) as evidence for multiple starts and no "single line" biologically were the very things thrown at me by the biologists themselves. I realize this line could quickly get into genetics and quite possibly neuroanatomy, and etc. as evidence of a lack of time order in the lines.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Each animal defeats the other animals in the same environmental niche. There are thousands of such niches.

Forgive me for being blunt but how can you criticise evolution when you fail to understand it in such a blatent way?

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes


Sorry misprint

Hi Mike,

should say more complex in the YOUNGER ...



--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Actually, I am trying to understand your statement:

Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

Which seems self contradictory.
BUT, time order is not accurate (at least, this is the argument that the Evolutionists in the Biology forum gave me) as evidence for multiple starts and no "single line" biologically were the very things thrown at me by the biologists themselves. I realize this line could quickly get into genetics and quite possibly neuroanatomy, and etc. as evidence of a lack of time order in the lines.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Each animal defeats the other animals in the same environmental niche. There are thousands of such niches.

Forgive me for being blunt but how can you criticise evolution when you fail to understand it in such a blatent way?

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes



Re: Ok

ok, I thought one of them should have been simpler , anyway, my problem is two fold, I get some evolutionists saying "simple to complex" and others denying this. So, an argument on this point is hard to pin down.

Thanks. Mike

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hi Mike,

should say more complex in the YOUNGER ...



--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Actually, I am trying to understand your statement:

Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

Which seems self contradictory.
BUT, time order is not accurate (at least, this is the argument that the Evolutionists in the Biology forum gave me) as evidence for multiple starts and no "single line" biologically were the very things thrown at me by the biologists themselves. I realize this line could quickly get into genetics and quite possibly neuroanatomy, and etc. as evidence of a lack of time order in the lines.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Each animal defeats the other animals in the same environmental niche. There are thousands of such niches.

Forgive me for being blunt but how can you criticise evolution when you fail to understand it in such a blatent way?

Best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

If evolution states that things went from simple to complex, AND if it states that as things "improved" the lessor animals became extinct, as I have heard argued THEN, humans, supposedly the most advanced SHOULD be the ONLY animal to exist, all the lessor ones having already become extinct from natural selection.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


Some of the evidence for evolution:

1. Simpler fossils in the older rocks, more complex in older, and fossils develop in time order.

2. You would expect major changes in the environment to produce large scale extinctions. Fossil record confirms.

3. All mammals, for example, have the same basic bodily structure [bones and organs] but adapted to their environmental niche. Evolution explains.

4. Vestigial limbs and organs. Evolution can explain this phenomenon beautifully.

5. Different species in similar environments would evolve to be like each other. Australian animals do this.

6. Genetics explains how characteristics are passed on.

7. Microevolution certainly occurs. Macro has the same mechanisms.

8. The same species on different islands would evolve to fit the circumstances on the particular island. Exactly what Darwin found when he studied finches on the Galapagos Islands.

9. The are sequences of fossils that follow on from one another as you would expect. There are even 'links' between one species and another - but not very many see below.

10. Embryos have features that evolution explains well.

{One objection is that there are few 'link' fossils. The answer is that few animals produce fossils and, if speciation is a rapid process then there would be few such transitional animals anyway}

Problems with Creationism

1. Two accounts in Genesis.

2. Contradicts other scientific theories too. For example the moon and sun are made at the same time and before the stars.

3. Does not explain extinctions, vestigial limbs, why all mammals have same bone structure etc.


Any of the points above might be defended to some extent by Creationists BUT when you consider ALL the above together, an impartial person would have to conclude that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.

Which is what 99.9% of scientists HAVE concluded and most Christians too -these latter taking Genesis to contain religious not scientific truths. To suggest that all these scientists are wrong/deluded/in Satan's power {ditto the Christians}or whatever is grossly implausible.

Best wishes
