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Sabbath Studies - Salvation!

... a friendly weekly Sabbath Studies schedule reminder ...

Hello friends,
Is your salvation sure?

Jeremiah once openly admonished and prophesied against this kind of priesthood. His warnings were perceived as disobedience of that priesthood and rejection of authority! He was shunned and scorned severely, even threatened of his life as a result [Jer 26:8-11]. And not unlike the Elijah message Jeremiah also pointed out their errors and of their bending their knee to Baal[im] [Jer 32:35] and, as any good prophet does, also an instruction, a direction for them to take as given to him from God [Jer 2:2]. But they would not listen. They rejected both the messenger and his message. God must punish those whom will not head His warnings [Jer 36:31]! Israel fell captive to Babylon the great! There is much we need to learn from this lesson even today!

In preparation, so that we may not be as those priests in Jeremiahs' time, we might ask ourselves:

* Are you ready for that event; and the Day of Judgement which follows later?
* Have you let Yeshua solve your personal problems?
* Can you say with the Psalmist: 'He is my salvation'?
* If not then for you - Now is the day of salvation!

Join us this Sabbath July 12, 2003 for our topical discussion: Salvation!

Visit us at Paltalk every Sabbath at 10:30 AM MST, USA for a Bible Study and topical discussions. Paltalk chat software: Groups > Christianity > Sabbath Studies - Salvation!

A friend in Christ,
David W. Lacey

To the Saints of the Churches of God web page:
YHWH, The Almighty God of Israel Is With Us!

See also:
The Stewarton Bible School web page:
A Voice in the Wilderness web page:
MatanYah Learning Centre, South Africa:

Last changed:07/09/2003, 16:30:41
