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05/22/04 PART TWO OF TWO E-Clipz


More Historic Happenings

May 20

0325 -1st Christian ecumenical council opens at Nicea, Asia Minor

1277 - John XXI [Petrus Juliani/Hispanus] Port Pope (1276-77), dies

1506 - Christopher Columbus explorer, dies in poverty in Spain at 55

1521 - Ignatius Loyola seriously wounded by a cannon ball ending his military

1571 - Venice, Spain & Pope Pius form anti-Turkish Saint League

1530 - German reformer Martin Luther wrote in a letter:
'God's friendship is a bigger comfort than that
of the whole world.'

1690 - England passes Act of Grace, forgiving followers of James II.

1892 - Triple Alliance between Germany, Italy & Austria-Hungary forms

May 21

0143 - Earliest known date in America -- pre-Mayan king Harvest-Bergvorst

0996 - Pope Gregory V crowns his cousin Otto III German emperor

1536 - The General Assembly of Geneva, Switzerland officially embraced
Protestantism by accepting the evangelical faith of the Swiss reformers.

1740 - English revivalist George Whitefield wrote in a letter regarding Jesus'
character; 'He was God and man in one person, that
God and man might be happy together again.'

1881 - American Red Cross founded by Clara Barton (compare: Rosicrucian or
Rosy Cross)

1944 - German Lutheran theologian and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote
in a letter from prison: 'God alone protects; otherwise
there is nothing.'

May 22

0337 - Constantine the Great, emperor of Rome (306-37)/convert to 'Christianity',

1370 - Jews are expelled/massacred from Brussels Belgium

1541 - In Germany, the Ratisbon (Regensburg) Conference ended, its mission
to reunify the Catholic Church having failed. From this time on, the Protestant
movement became permanent.

1740 - English revivalist George Whitefield wrote in a letter:
'We must all have the spirit of martyrdom, though we
may not all die martyrs.'

1939 - Hitler & Mussolini sign "Pact of Steel"

1942 - México declares war on Nazi-Germany & Japan

1967 - The General Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian Church (PCUS) adopted
the Confession of 1967. It was the first major declaration of faith adopted
by this branch of Protestantism since the Westminster Confession of 1647.


Church-Go-Round    - Church Humor      
 [this joke was submitted by Steve Bruns -

A man had been on a deserted island for 25 years and one day he was rescued.
While climbing into the rescuers boat, a man asked him what those THREE straw
huts were. He said, "That one is my house, and that one is my church." "Well...
what is the other one?" he asked? "Oh, that's where I used to go to church."


Ecu-Meet in Crete

A meeting held in Crete between the Catholic Church and the World Council
of Churches has culminated with "studies on baptism, ecumenical dialogue,
Catholic participation in local ecclesial councils and also a report covering
the efforts of the Joint Working Group, the liaison between the Church and
the WCC." According to the Catholic Zenit News, the report, with the three
study documents, will be submitted to the Pontifical Council for Promoting
Christian Unity and the assembly of the Geneva-based WCC.


RCC Dean Speaks Out Communist NWO Principles

At a recent symposium on "Revitalizing International Law to Meet the Challenge
of Terrorism," held at the Gregorian Pontifical University, "Father" Thomas
D. Williams, the dean of theology of the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University
gave an address titled "Terrorism and International Law: A Catholic Perspective."
The speech promulgates ecclesiastical and economical-political authorites,
the "two pillars" of the Catholic Church and the New World order, amongst
other communist-socialist attitudes. We included some excerpts here for you
to exercise your discernment on:

Williams said, "This morning's conference will explore some of the repercussions
of a changing sociopolitical landscape on our traditional understanding
of law, national sovereignty, war, and the common good, especially as they
relate to the growing threat and reality of terrorism.
...Why does the
Catholic Church advocate international law? Why isn't national law
sufficient? How is this international law to be understood and what are its
limits and limitations? The purpose of law: the common good ... Moreover,
along with the particular common good of these various human groups, we can
also speak of the universal common good of the entire human family.
... How can this universal common good be provided for? What is to
keep the particular interests of the stronger members of human society, whether
they be individuals, states or other social or economic institutions, from
triumphing over the interests of weaker members? The Catholic Church proposes
two solutions to this problem, one at the level of virtue and the other at
the level of structures.
Solidarity The first "virtuous" solution goes
by the name of solidarity. In his 1987 encyclical "Sollicitudo Rei
Socialis," Pope John Paul II wrote that the growing economic, cultural,
political and religious interdependence characteristic of the contemporary
world constituted a moral category, to which corresponds the moral virtue
of solidarity.
... The Catechism in No. 1941 does not mince words when
it declares: "International solidarity is a requirement of the moral
Where the virtue of solidarity is assimilated and practiced,
tensions between nations and peoples are reduced and the universal common
good is promoted.

"International Law- The second "structural" solution proposed by the Church
to ensure the universal common good is an international rule of law. Every
human community needs an authority and a rule of law "supra partes" to govern
it and disinterestedly provide for the common good.
Whereas there is
a political authority that watches over the particular common good of individual
nations, there is no such authority to provide for the universal common good
of the world community. Moreover, no single nation or cadre of nations can
supply this need."

"In his 1963 encyclical "Pacem in Terris," Pope John XXIII wrote: "Today
the universal common good poses problems of worldwide dimensions, which cannot
be adequately tackled or solved except by the efforts of public authority
endowed with a wideness of powers, structure and means of the same proportions:
that is, of public authority which is in a position to operate in an effective
manner on a worldwide basis. The moral order itself, therefore, demands
that such a form of public authority be established".'

"This international cooperation, public authority or rule of law can
take a variety of practical forms, and the Church's magisterium refrains
from specifying what sort of structures need to be instituted. The path to
greater legal cooperation among nations will necessarily involve overcoming
substantial hurdles, such as the perception that international bodies are
equally, if not more, susceptible to lobbying and particular interests than
their national counterparts. It is not uncommon to hear from people that
they trust their own government more than any international body. Therefore,
any international law or authority should not be all-encompassing or invasive
regarding the internal life of nations, but should be strictly limited to
areas of life that cannot practically and effectively be governed by the
nations themselves.
The sovereignty of nations should not be compromised
by overly aggressive international legal structures."

"... In the past century the need for international law or a supra-national
public authority has been invoked by the Church's magisterium
(though not exclusively) in the context of two practical aims 1) the
arbitration and peaceful solution of international conflicts, (2) a coordinated
effort to assure economic development throughout the world. Both of these
aims are component parts of the universal common good. ..."

"The first area of concern ... Though recourse to war as a means of resolving
international disagreements or repairing injustices is never ruled out
as a matter of principle, the Church considers such recourse to be a last
. ... Since the universal common good includes the security
and stability of a just international social order
, creative steps must
be taken to facilitate cooperation among nations and the creation of structures
to ensure long-term peace. ... A second practical area where the Church has
repeatedly advocated international legal structures is the sphere of
economic development."

"... a second "new thing" of today concerns us especially in our present
discussion: the increasing use and scope of terrorist attacks. The
terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States and the more recent
Madrid bombings provide just two examples of the real threat that
international terrorism imposes on modern civilization.
The fears and
insecurity that have arisen in the civilian population as a result of these
atrocities, without mentioning the consequences on travelers and heightened
racial and religious strife, are simply beyond calculation. The specific
characteristics of terrorism vis-à-vis traditional state-on-state
warfare to be addressed by my colleagues call for new applications of
traditional elements of Catholic social thought.
It is clear that in
the face of this threat international cooperation becomes more,
than less, important ..."


RCC Abuse Panel Wants More Probes

At a recent meeting in California about the RCC sexabuse scandal, Leon Panetta,
a member of the U.S. Conference of Bishops Committee on Child Sexual Abuse
and former chief of staff to President Clinton, said Roman Catholic Church
leaders are "unaccountable to their followers" and need deeper investigation
into all the church's practices - not just sexual abuse. According to Associated
Press, Panetta said: "This is for all intents and purposes a feudal system,
and these are fiefdoms that bishops operate pretty much on their own. They
don't want to be accountable to anyone but the pope, and what he doesn't
know is just as well.''

The AP brief said that Kathleen McChesney, executive director of the Office
of Child and Youth Protection of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
and formerly the third-highest ranking official at the FBI, had also urged
church leaders to conduct annual audits for all types of church data. AP
reported that McChesney was "astounded by how little data the church had
collected on sexual abuse and related issues, such as substance abuse by
clergy and the percentage of clergy who themselves had been abused as children."


Roy's America

The following is a poem written by former Justice of Alabama Roy Moore. Moore
was recently sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his
courtroom. He has been stripped of his judgeship and now they are trying
to strip his right to practice law in Alabama. America will face God's judgment
unless they quickly and wholeheartedly turn as Ninevah did in Jonah's day.


America the Beautiful, or so you used to be.

Land of the Pilgrims' pride; I'm glad they'll never

Babies piled in dumpsters, Abortion on demand,

Oh, sweet land of liberty, your house is on the

Our children wander aimlessly poisoned by cocaine,

Choosing to indulge their lusts, when God has said

From sea to shining sea, our Nation turns away

From the teaching of God's love and a need to always

We've kept God in our temples, how callous we have

When earth is but His footstool, and Heaven is His

We've voted in a government that's rotting at the

Appointing Godless Judges who throw reason out the

Too soft to place a killer in a well deserved tomb,

But brave enough to kill a baby before he leaves the

You think that God's not angry, that our land's a
moral slum?

How much longer will He wait before His judgment

How are we to face our God, from Whom we cannot hide?

What then is left for us to do, but stem this evil

If we who are His children, will humbly turn and pray;

Seek His holy face and mend our evil way:

Then God will hear from Heaven and forgive us of our

He'll heal our sickly land and those who live

But, America the Beautiful, if you don't - then you
will see,

A sad but Holy God withdraw His hand from Thee.

~ [former Alabama Judge] Roy Moore



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05/15/04 E-Clipz

05/15/04 E-Clipz (NewsClipz) by Truth On the Web Ministries

Truth On The Web

An E-zine For The Church Of

Issue Date: 05/15/04

Informing and edifying the people of God on topics of
interest such as the United Nations, the NWO, the ecumenical movement, the
feminizing of God, the apostate church(es), notable quotations, historical
events and other relevant and sometimes irrelevant subjects which otherwise
"eclipse" the truth. Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way
of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen
are dismayed at them. -- Electronic Clipz, Everything Clipz, Edifying
Clipz, Evangelizing Clipz, El Clipz, Etcetera Clipz ... but you can call
it E-Clipz ...Bringing light to those in darkness. Luke 1:79 To give light
to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death ...

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The Bay State, Massachussetts, was named after the Massachusetts Indians
that lived in the Massachusetts Bay Region. Massachusetts means "large hill
place."1 Kings 14:23-24 For they also built them high places, and images,
and groves, on every high hill, and under every green tree. And there were
also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations
of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

On Monday, the Bay State will officially allow gay 'marriage' and may just
as well be called the Gay State. U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro decided
to not take preventive action to halt this abomination. Tauro wrote, such
"would be to deprive that court of its authority and obligation to consider
and resolve, with finality, Massachusetts constitutional issues.'' Tauro
also wrote that the Mass. court "has the authority to interpret, and reinterpret,
if necessary, the term marriage as it appears in the Massachusetts Constitution."
"Marriage" in the state will only be valid in the state's eyes if the 'partners'
live within, or plan to move into, the state. Boston officials claimed that
the city would not demand proof of residency. Couples would only be required
to fill out a form saying they plan to move to Massachusetts, and sign the
form under penalty of perjury.

A chain-reaction may occur across the country if this spiritual cancer is
given time to grow. Satan wants to destroy the God-ordained institution of
marriage by making a mockery of it. The vile filth that is being embraced
in this country as normal behavior is a sure sign that the Son of God will
return soon.

Luke 17:26-30 And as it was in the days of Noe, so
shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank,
they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered
into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also
as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they
sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom
it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus
shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.


Priest Accused of Abuse in 70's

Elsewhere in the Gay State, the Supreme Court decided 4-3 to not to allow
the Jesuit order to claim the constitutional 'freedom of religion' as an
excuse to not turn over personnel files of a priest accused of molesting
two students at a Jesuit high school in the 70's. The "Rev." James F. Talbot
[66] and the Society of Jesus of New England [Jesuits] still are refusing
to turn over the documents based on the 'sacredness' of the confessional.
Talbot, accused of one count of rape and one count of assault with attempt
to rape, is out on bail. The prosecution is still working to get the files


Nimoys Shekinah

Elsewhere in Messachussetts .... R. Michelson Galleries in Northampton is
featuring shots from Leonard Nimoy's 2002 photography book "Shekhina." The
Jewish actor, best known for his Star Trek role as the Vulcan named Spock,
published the book of about 40 photographs of women - some nude or scantilly-clad
- to reveal his interest in the the so-called "feminine presence of God"
called the Shekinah.

When Nimoy was a child in a Boston Orthodox synagogue he watched the invocation
of the "shekinah" by a group of men. An AP story excerpt described the scene:
"Standing with his brother, father and grandfather, Nimoy was told not to
look at the men as they chanted the prayer. But he took a peek, and saw the
men swaying with their arms outstretched and their hands splayed in the manner
he would later use as the Vulcan greeting in his "Star Trek" role. The hand
symbol represents the first letter of a Hebrew word for God. 'These gentlemen
are up there in a fervent, singsong, swaying presentation,' Nimoy said. 'It
was like a revivalist meeting. The entire congregation had their eyes covered.
But I was entranced by it.'"

In the words of Trekkie Doctor "Bones" McCoy - "Spock, Are you out of your
crazy Vulcan mind?"


Historical Happenings

May 9

1460 - Court yard episcopal palace Atrecht has witch burnings

1502 - Columbus left Spain on his 4th & final trip to "New World" to
bring "Order"

1619 - In Holland, the six month long Synod of Dort ended. Confirming the
authority of the "Heidelberg Catechism," the decisions of the Synod led to
some 200 Arminian clergy being afterward deprived of their offices.

1754 - 1st newspaper cartoon in America - a divided snake representing the
colonies in America with the caption "Join or Die" (by Master Mason Ben Frankin)

1914 - Pres Wilson proclaims Mother's Day

1939 - Catholic church beatified the 1st Native American, Kateri Tekakwitha

1983 - John Paul II announced the reversal of the Catholic Church's 1633
condemnation of Galileo Galilei, the scientist who first espoused the Copernican
(i.e., heliocentric) view of our solar system. So much for infallibility,

May 10

0238 - Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus, the Thracian, Roman Emperor, murdered

1267 - Vienna's Catholic church orders all Jews to wear a distinctive garb

1427 - Jews are expelled from Berne Switzerland

1559 - Scottish Protestants under John Knox uprise against queen-mother Mary

1908 - 1st Mother's Day observed (Phila)

1912 - The first Southern Sociological Congress closed, in Nashville. The
four-day convocation met to address "social, civic and economic problems"
of sixteen Southern states, and was an example of government, social agencies
and the Church working together for social betterment.

1939 - The Declaration of Union reunited the Methodist Episcopal Church in
the U.S. after 109 years of division. (The Methodist Protestant Church had
separated from the parent denomination in 1830, as had the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South, later, in 1844.)

May 11

0330 - Constantinople (Byzantium) becomes capital of Roman Empire

1189 - Emperor Frederik I Barbarossa & 100,000 crusaders depart Regensburg

1421 - Jews are expelled from Styria Austria

1682 - The General Court of Massachusetts repealed two laws which had been
passed two years earlier: one forbade the keeping of Christmas, and the second
mandated capital punishment for Quakers who returned to the colony after
being banished. You see, It didn't take long for the Catholic influence to
infiltrate the government and ecumenically revoke the law banning the pagan
celebration called Christmas (Saturnalia).

1812 - Waltz introduced into English ballrooms. Most observers consider it
disgusting & immoral.

1825 - The American Tract Society, the first national tract league in America,
was formed in NY City by the merger of 50 smaller societies.

1921 - Tel Aviv (The Abib) is 1st all Jewish municipality

1949 - By a vote of 37-12, Israel becomes 59th member of UN

May 12

0254 - Stephen I began his reign as the Catholic Church's 23rd pope. According
to the "Liber Pontificalis," it was Stephen who instituted the rule that
clerics should wear special clothes at their ministrations.

1310 - Fifty-four Knights Templars were burned at the stake as heretics in
France. Established during the Crusades to protect pilgrims traveling to
the Holy Land, this military order came into increasing conflict with Rome
until Clement V officially dissolved it in 1312 at the Council of Vienna.

1328 - Louis IV de Beier selects P Rainalducci as anti-Pope Nicolaas V

1588 - Catholic League under duke Henri de Guise occupies Paris

1641 - Thomas Wentworth, English viceroy of Ireland, beheaded at 48

1938 - In Holland, the four-day convention at Utrecht ended, at which the
Provisional Constitution for the World Council of Churches was adopted.

1891 - The Presbytery of New York voted to put the Rev. Dr. Charles A. Briggs,
the new professor of biblical theology at Union Theological Seminary, on
trial for heresy.

1938 - In Holland, the four-day convention at Utrecht ended, at which the
Provisional Constitution for the World Council of Churches was adopted.

1982 - In Fatima Portugal, a Spanish priest with a bayonet is stopped prior
to his attempt to attack Pope John Paul II


Illinois Priest Sentenced

On Thursday, Mark Campobello - a former priest in the Diocese of Rockford,
Ill.- pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a Catholic school student in 1999
at St. Peter School in Geneva. Another student at Aurora Central Catholic
High School also brought out allegations of abuse. Campobello plead guilty
on this count as well and was sentenced to eight years in prison for the
two charges.


Diamond Dead        
 [story idea sent by Brad Hoeck -AZ

A new comedy movie titled "Diamond Dead" is scheduled by director George
Romero [Night of the Living Dead fame]. The musical score was written by
Richard Hartley, who composed for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." The movie
is about a rock band who makes a deal with the devil and come back from the
dead. Romero is seeking some stars such as Johnny Depp, Ozzy Osbourne, and
Marilyn Manson to play characters in the film. Manson was supposed to have
been sent a script to play a "pot-smoking Jesus Christ." Antichrist Superstar
rocker Marilyn Manson's upcoming new album will feature a cover of Depeche
Mode's "Personal Jesus." On The Net:


Vicar Sticker

John Paul II has on occassion affirmed the Papal title, "Vicarius Filii Dei"--
The 'Vicar of the Son of the God' ... or in other words "the Vicar of Christ"
which would be literally in Latin"Vicarius Christos." This a blasphemous
title as most of us know. Christ does not need an agent or a substitute,
and God has not so designated any man. The Catholic weekly, Our Sunday Visitor
, April 18, 1915, says, "The letters inscribed in the Pope’s miter are these:
VICARIUS FILII DEI, which is the Latin for `VICAR OF THE SON OF GOD.’"

Let us see another term for the Vicar of Christ or "Vicarius Christos"

  • Vicar: (Merrium Webster) First appeared
    14th Century     1 : one serving as a substitute or agent

  • Vicarius = Substitute (Oxford Dictionary).

  • Anti = opposite, substitute [Strong's
    Concordance]. anti [Merrium Webster-2 adjective] First appeared 1857 PPOSED

  • anti  = [Merrium Webster-3preposition]
    First appeared 1953 : opposed to : AGAINST

So 'Vicar' = 'Anti' ....and ....
Son of God = Christ

So then, the Latin ="Vicarius Christos" can be transliterated as the Greek
= "Antichristos"

or ... "Anti-Christ."

This is the mark that the Popes, including John Paul II, take upon themselves.


More Historical Happenings

May 13

0535 - Agapitus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope

0609 - Pope Boniface I turns Roman Pantheon into Catholic church

1110 - Crusaders march into Beirut causing much bloodshed

1497 - Pope Alexander VI excommunicates Girolamo Savonarola. He was brought
to trial for falsely claiming to have seen visions, and uttered prophecies,
for religious error, and for sedition. Under torture he made avowals which
he afterwards withdrew. He was declared guilty and the sentence was confirmed
by Rome. On May 23, 1498, this former Dominican Order Vicar-General and two
Dominican order disciples were hanged and burned, still professing their
adherence to the Church.

1665 - A statute was enacted in Rhode Island, offering freemanship with no
specifically Christian requirements, thus effectively enfranchising Jews.

1874 - Pope Pius IX encyclical "On the Greek-Ruthenian rite"

1917 - 1st appearance of Marian demon to 3 shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal.
The three shepherd children reported that Mary, the mother of Jesus, (In
reality- a demon) had appeared to them. Since 1930, this appearance has come
to be known as Our Lady of Fatima.

1925 - In Tallahassee, Florida, the State legislature passed a bill requiring
daily Bible readings in all public schools. MY! How times have changed!

1981 - In St. Peter's Square, Rome, Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca, 23,
shot and seriously wounded Pope John Paul II in an assassination attempt.

2000- Pope John Paul makes another pilgrammage to Fatima

May 14

0649 - Theodore, Greek Pope (642-49) (excommunicated by Paul II), dies

1590 - Battle at Ivry: French king Henri IV beats Catholic League

1607- In Virginia, on the first Sunday after the arrival of the Jamestown
Expedition, Anglican priest Robert Hunt, 39, held the first Anglican service
in the New World. Named chaplain of the expedition to Jamestown, Hunt was
also the first Anglican priest to come to America.

1610 - Henry IV, 1st Bourbon-king of France (1572, 89-1610), murdered at

1918 - Sunday baseball is made legal in Wash DC

1948 - After nineteen centuries of enforced exile, the 'Jewish' people regained
their homeland when the State of Israel was formally proclaimed in Tel Aviv
[The Abib]. On this same date, the U.S. became the first world nation to
recognize the newly-refounded state of Israel. This 'Israel' is not the same
as the biblical Israel.

1950 - American missionary/martyr Jim Elliot wrote in his journal: 'To believe
is to act as though a thing were so. Merely saying a thing is so is no proof
of my believing it.'

1995 - Dalai Lama proclaims 6-year-old Gedhun Choekyi Nyima 11th reincarnation
of Panchen Lama, Tibet's 2nd most sr spiritual leader

May 15

0392 - Valentinianus II, emperor of Rome (375-392), murdered at 21

0884 -Marinus I ends his reign as Catholic Pope

1455 - A crusade against the Turks and for the capture of Constantinople
was proclaimed by Pope Calixtus III.

1665 - Pope Alexander VII condemns Jansenism

1686 - 'Rev.' Robert Ratcliffe arrived in Boston from England, with orders
from King Charles II to establish the Anglican Church in Massachusetts.

1800 - Pope Pius VII calls on French bishops to return to 'Gospel principles'

1829 - Mormon Leader, Joseph Smith claims "ordained" by John the Baptist
-- according to false prophet Joseph Smith's own testimony.

1889 - At the close of a two-day denominational conference in Cleveland,
Ohio, the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized.
It became the foundation of the current United Methodist Youth (UMY) fellowship

1943 - German Lutheran theologian and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote
in a letter from prison: 'I read the Psalms every day, as I have done for
years; I know them and love them more than any other book.'

1957 - 18,000 people at Madison Sq Garden-Billy Graham launched a crusade


Land of the Free

Just some interesting factoids here: In 1923 there were only 61 prisons in
the entire United States. Today, there are literally thousands. In many states
upto as much as 30--78 percent of the counties have at least one prison.
I read an article by Paul Craig Roberts on America and its prisons. I quote
a small portion here: "The US has a unique distinction: It is the world’s
greatest prison state. The US, "the land of the free," has the biggest prison
population in the world and the highest rate of prisoners per capita of all
countries – including countries that President Bush believes need liberating
by US armed forces. Even China, with one party rule and a population that
is 4.5 times larger than the US population, has 30% fewer total prisoners
than the US. China’s per capita rate is a small fraction of the US rate.
The US prison population per capita is three times higher than "axis of evil"
country Iran, five times higher than Tanzania, and seven times higher than
a civilized European country like Germany. One out of every 142 Americans
is in prison – and this does not include military prisons or INS jails.
... Between 1980 and 2000, a period during which the US population grew by
21%, the number of state and federal inmates soared by 312%."


Notable Quotes & Quotable Notes

The Word of God For All

"For 600 years the Roman Catholic Church attempted
to keep vernacular translations of the Bible out of the hands of the people.
The Council of Toulouse, in 1229, decreed that "the laity" could not possess
the books of the Old and New Testament "in the vulgar tongue." Waldensian
and other Bible-believing people were mercilessly persecuted and their Scriptures
destroyed. The Council of Trent, in 1546, claimed that the indiscriminate
distribution of the Scriptures caused more evil than good and forbade the
people to possess the Bible without a written license. Those who possessed
Bibles without a license were commanded to deliver them up to the Catholic
authorities under threat of inquisition terrors. Booksellers were forbidden
to sell any Bibles except to people who possessed a license from the Catholic
church. Huge quantities of Scriptures in English, Germany, Italian, French,
Spanish, and in other languages, were confiscated and destroyed throughout
the 13th to the 19th centuries. Bible translators and distributors were
imprisoned and burned. Even after the Catholic inquisition was outlawed in
many lands in the 18th and 19th centuries, the popes continued to condemn
the free distribution of Scripture. Pius VII, in 1816, condemned the Bible
society in Poland and claimed that the distribution of Scripture was undermining
"the very foundations of religion" and was "eminently dangerous to souls."
He said, "The Holy Scriptures, when circulated in the vulgar tongue, have,
through the temerity of men, produced more harm than benefit." Leo XII, in
1824, said that "if the sacred Scriptures be everywhere indiscriminately
published, more evil than advantage will arise." In 1825 Leo mandated that
the decrees of the Council of Trent be enforced against distribution of
Scriptures. Pius VIII, in 1829, condemned the Bible societies and the free
distribution of Scripture. Gregory XVI, in 1836, and again in 1844, affirmed
the decrees of his predecessors. In another bull of 1845, this pope repeated
his condemnation of Bible society Scriptures and denied that the Scriptures
should be freely distributed to all people. Pius IX, in 1850, issued an
encyclical letter which condemned the Bible societies. In 1864 this pope
issued a Syllabus of Errors, in which he again condemned Bible societies,
lumping them together with Communism, secret societies, and other evils,
labeling them "pests of this kind." Leo XIII, in 1897, prohibited "all versions
of the vernacular, even by Catholics, unless approved by the Holy See, or
published under the vigilant care of bishops." Some have downplayed the
significance of this ugly history, claiming that Rome only forbade "unauthorized"
vernacular versions, not all vernacular versions. This is one of those half
truths which is used to hide the truth, for to state the case in such terms
is to miss the truth of this history entirely. "
~ Rome And The
Bible: Tracing The History Of The Roman Catholic Church And Its Persecution
Of The Bible And Of Bible Believers, David W. Cloud, Way Of Life Literature,

The Council of Toulouse declared: "We prohibit the permission of the books
of the Old and New Testament to laymen, except perhaps they might desire
to have the Psalter, or some Breviary for the divine service, or the Hours
of the blessed Virgin Mary, for devotion; expressly forbidding their having
the other parts of the Bible translated into the vulgar tongue"
