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03/13/04 EClipz

03/13/04 E-Clipz (NewsClipz) by Truth On the Web Ministries

Truth On The Web

An E-zine For The Church Of

Issue Date: 03/13/04

Informing and edifying the people of God on topics of
interest such as the United Nations, the NWO, the ecumenical movement, the
feminizing of God, the apostate church(es), notable quotations, historical
events and other relevant and sometimes irrelevant subjects which otherwise
"eclipse" the truth. Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way
of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen
are dismayed at them. -- Electronic Clipz, Everything Clipz, Edifying
Clipz, Evangelizing Clipz, El Clipz, Etcetera Clipz ... but you can call
it E-Clipz ...Bringing light to those in darkness. Luke 1:79 To give light
to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death ...

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Just another of the thousands of ecumenical events around the world, Muslims
and Catholics in Pakistan shared a day of fasrting during Lent. At St. Lawrence
Catholic School in Lahore, Pakistan, Catholic youth shared a day of fasting
during Lent and a "friendship dinner" with Muslim youth during the month
of Ramadan. Fides news reported that school Headmaster Peter Bhatti said:
"It is part of the specific mission of our school to build relationships
of tolerance, respect, dialogue and esteem among pupils of different religions."
The event was lauded by the Pakistani bishops' Commission for Ecumenical
and Interreligious Dialogue.


Pontiff Terms

This Sunday, Roman Catholic leader Pope John Paul II will surpass Pope Leo
XIII in papal longevity of office. JPII was elected in 1978 and has
'pontificated' for 25 years and 5 months. The next highest in longevity is
Pius IX, who served 31 years, seven months and 17 days (until July 20, 1903).
The Vatican mis-lists Peter the apostle as their first pope and assigns him
with the greatest longevity of that office from A.D. 30 to 64 or 67 - for
34 or 37 years. In reality, and provable in your bible, Peter was NOT the
first (or any other number) anything in the Roman Catholic Church. Read our
article The Two Peters at


Pope Appoints US Bishops

Pope John Paul II named four new U.S. bishops this week for Springfield,
Mass.,Worcester, Mass., Ogdensburg, N.Y.; and a coadjutor bishop was named
in Kansas City-Saint Joseph, Mo. In Springfield, the new bishop, the "Rev."
Timothy Anthony McDonnell, replaced former-Bishop Thomas Dupre, who stepped
down amid accusations that, as a priest, he molested two boys in the 1970s.


Papal Pass

This week, the Pope also hand-picked law professor Mary Ann Glendon of Harvard
University (expert on human rights, bioethics and constitutional law), a
member of the U.S. presidential advisory council on bioethics, to lead the
Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences(PASS). The PASS performs research on
topics of interest to the church which they use to establish policies. The
appointment of Glendon places her in the highest consultative position held
by a woman in the Roman Catholic Church.


Historical Happenings

March 07

0161 - Antoninus Pius [Titus Aurelius], emperor of Rome (138-61), dies at

0321 - Constantine I issues the first civil law requiring Sunday observance
-a carryover from his pagan sunworship.

1274 - Thomas Aquinas Italian thelogian dies at 48. His theology and philosophy,
called Thomism, still forms much of the basis for Catholic theology.

1526 - Conrad Grebel and other Anabaptists are sentenced to life imprisonment

1526 - The Zurich council decrees death by drowning to all Anabaptists.

1530 - King Henry VIII's divorce request is denied by the Pope Henry then
declares that he, not the Pope, is supreme head of England's church

1638 -Controversial colonial churchwoman Anne Hutchinson, 47, and nineteen
other exiles from the Massachusetts Bay Colony settled in Rhode Island, at
the site of modern Portsmouth. Her associates signed a compact at Providence,
Rhode Island, based on the Old Testament.

1724 - Innocent XIII [Michelangiolo dei Conti], Pope (1721-24), dies at 68

1802 - In Washington, D.C., the first Baptist church was organized with six
charter members. Their first pastor Obadiah Brown was hired five years later,
and Brown remained in that pulpit while involving himself in every important
local Baptist program for the next 43 years!

1843 - 1st Catholic governor in US, Edward Kavanagh of Maine, takes office

1964 - Pope Paul VI celebrates mass in Italian and facing his congregation;
usually priests faced away and used Latin. Part of Vatican 2 reforms.

March 08

1144 - Celestine II [Guido], Italian Pope (1143-44), dies in battle

1698 - The first meeting convened of the British group which later formed
the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK).

1711 - In this date's edition of "The Spectator," English essayist Joseph
Addison wrote: 'To be an atheist requires an infinitely
greater measure of faith than to receive all the great truths which atheism
would deny.'

1740 - Colonial revivalist Gilbert Tennent, 37, preached his famous sermon,
"The Danger of An Unconverted Ministry." The message, assaulting opponents
of the 'Great Awakening', contributed to the first schism within the American
Presbyterian Church between the Old Side and New Side. (In 1758 the two divisions
were reunited.)

1887 - Death of Henry Ward Beecher, 73, American clergyman and social reformer.
His last words were: 'Going out into life" that is
He had slipped into Unitarian thought, denying Christ's divinity
and was brought to trial for sexual misconduct. The charge was not proved
against him.

1921 - The United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia was organized
at Ebenezer, in South Australia. In 1966 the UELCA united with the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Australia (ELCA) to form the Lutheran Church of Australia

1948 - The US Supreme Court rules that religious instruction in public schools
violates the 1st amendment of the Constitution.

March 09

1074 - Rome excommunicates married priests. Until this time, celibacy had
not always been strictly enforced.

1118 - Gelasius II is ordained a priest, next day pope. Emperor Henry V seized
him and set up an anti-pope, but the hostility of the mobs forced him to
release Gelasius. Gelasius fled, was consecrated, excommunicated Henry and
eventually died in France where he retired for protection.

1452 - Pope Nicolaas I crowns Frederik III Roman Catholic-German emperor

1496 - Jews are expelled from Carintha Austria

1497 - Nicolaus Copernicus 1st recorded astronomical observation,

1522 - Marten Luther preaches his Invocavit

1620 - Aegidius Albertinus German writer (Lucifer's Kingdom), dies at 59

1843 - Scottish clergyman Robert Murray McCheyne wrote in a letter:
'You will never find Jesus so precious as when the
world is one vast howling wilderness. Then he is like a rose blooming in
the midst of the desolation, a rock rising above the storm.'

1913 - Eberhard Nestle German biblical scholar, dies at 61

1918 - Russian Bolshevik Party becomes the Communist Party

1931 - The World Radio Missionary Fellowship (WRMF) was incorporated in Lima,
Ohio, by co-founders Clarence W. Jones and Reuben Larson. Today, this
interdenominational mission agency broadcasts the Gospel in 15 languages
to South America and throughout Europe.

1943 - Greek Jews of Salonika are transported to Nazi extermination camps

1977 - Hanafi Moslems invade 3 buildings in Washington DC, siege ended March

1989 - Soviet Union officially submits to jurisdiction of the World Court

March 10

0241-BC- Battle of Aegusa: Roman fleet sinks 50 Carthagean ships

0418 - Jews are excluded from public office in the Roman Empire

0483 - Simplicius ends his reign as Catholic Pope (dies)

1528 - Martyrdom of Balthaser Hubmaier, 48, German reformer and chief writer
for the Anabaptist movement. Arrested in Moravia, Hubmaier was later condemned
at Vienna and burned at the stake. He argued for religious toleration and
judicious use of the sword.

1681 - English Quaker William Penn, 26, received a charter from Charles II,
making him sole proprietor of the colonial American territory known today
as the state of Pennsylvania.

1747 - Slaver John Newton is converted during a storm at sea and will go
on to write the hymn "Amazing Grace."

1791 -Pope condemns France's Civil Constitution's treatment of the clergy

1862 - US issues 1st paper money ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500 & $1000)
under Abe Lincoln's orders - greatly upsetting world bankers and power brokers.

1880 - Salvation Army of England sets up US welfare & religious activity

1937 -English historian Arnold J. Toynbee wrote: 'In this really very brief
period of less than 2,000 years Christianity has, in fact, produced greater
spiritual effects in the world than have been produced in a comparable space
of time by any other spiritual movement that we know of in history.'


Muslims Hack Congregation

According to the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and Christian Solidarity
Worldwide (CSW) on February 24th as many as 400 heavily armed Muslims, shouting
the jihad cry of "Allah u Akhbar" (God is great), marched into a Christian
morning prayer service in Yelwa, Nigeria, ordered the 48 member congregation
to lie face down and proceeded "to machete and axe them to death in their
house of worship." "I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness
of Jesus, and for the word of God..."

On The Net:


Kerrying On and On          
   [link sent by Brad

According to a WND article titled "The Bible and homosexuality" By Joseph
Farah (March 11, 2004), Presidential candidate-forerunner Senator John Kerry
suggested to an audience in Mississippi recently that the Bible is ambiguous
on the topic of homosexuality. He said, "Well, I know the deep beliefs, I
respect, I'm a Christian, I've read the Bible, and I know you can find the
clauses that go both ways." He added, "I'm not here to argue that with you."

On The Net:


Gay Bishoprick Commences

In September 2003, both the Episopal Church and the entire Anglican Communion
to which it belongs was shell-shocked by the bomb dropped in New Hampshire
- a openly gay man was voted bishop-elect. Now, seven months later, the sodomite
named V. Gene Robinson officially became the ninth Bishop of New Hampshire
and the first openly gay bishop in church history. Woe to them who call evil

Deuteronomy 23:17 There shall be no ***** of the daughters
of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.



PART TWO 03/13/04 EClipz


More Historic Happenings

March 11

0222 - Varius A Bassianus, Syrian emperor of Rome (218-22), murdered at 18

0417 - Zosimus becomes bishop of Rome

0537 - Goths lay siege to Rome

0843 - Icon worship officially re-instated in Aya Sofia, Constantinople

1513 - Giovanni de' Medici becomes Pope Leo X

1665 - New York's English Deputies approved a new legal code, which guaranteed
all Protestants the right to practice their religious observances unhindered.
(There were currently a host of Protestant groups thriving within this, now,
English colony, acquired only seven months earlier from the Dutch.)

1738 - English revivalist George Whitefield wrote in his journal:
'Suffering times are a Christian's best improving times;
for they break the will, wean us from the creature, prove the heart.'

1812 - Citizenship granted to Prussian Jews

1985 - Mikhail S Gorbachev replaces Konstantin Chernenko as Soviet leader

March 12

0417 - Innocent I dies - Catholic Pope (401-417). Established the 'primacy
of the Pope'

0604 - Gregory I dies - Catholic Pope (590-604). First Pope to grant indulgences
and pardons. Enforced celibacy of priests yet wrote numerous books covering
all manner of sexual behavior.

1000 - Odo of Lagery elected as Pope Urban II, replacing Victor III

1054 - Pope Leo IX escapes captivity & returns to Rome

1144 - Gherardo Caccianemici elected Pope Lucius II, succeeding Callistus

1350 - Orvieto city says it will behead & burn Jewish-Christian couples

1496 - Jews are expelled from Syria

1507 - Cesare Borgia cardinal/soldier/politician and son of Rodrigo Borgia
(Pope Alexander VI) killed

1622 - Gregory XV canonized Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits; Philip
Neri, Italian co-founder of a medical religious order; Teresa of Avila, a
Spanish Carmelite nun; and Francis Xavier, the Jesuit "Apostle of Eastern

1664 - 1st naturalization act in American colonies

1939 - Pope Pius XII crowned in Vatican ceremonies. This was the Pope who
is still chastized for not doing more to help the Jews during WWII.

1950 - Pope Pius XII encyclical "On combating atheistic propaganda"

1945 - Italy's Communist Party (CPI) calls for armed uprising in Italy

1958 - British Empire Day is renamed "Commonwealth Day"

1994 - Church of England ordains 1st 33 women priests

March 13

0483 - Felix III begins his reign as Catholic Pope (he was grandfather to
Pope Gregory I)

1569 - Battle of Jarnac, Count of Anjou defeats Huguenots

1639 - Cambridge College renamed Harvard for Catholic clergyman John Harvard

1656 - Jews are denied the right to build a synagogue in New Amsterdam

1868 - Senate begins Pres Andrew Johnson impeachment trial

1925 - Tennessee Governor Austin Peay signed legislation prohibiting the
teaching of evolution within the state's public school system. (A celebrated
violation of this law led to the famous July Scopes Monkey Trial.)

1981 - Attempt on Pope John Paul II by Mehemet Ali Agca


3-11: Terror in Spain

On Thursday, Madrid, Spain experienced a series of 13 simultaneous bomb attacks
on crowded commuter trains arriving at 3 separate railway stations. Terror
now adds 3-11 to the dates of 'terror' attacks. Move over America's 9-11
... Europe's 3-11 is here. Anyone notice the occultic number patterns in
the attack? The terrible attack has left more than 190 dead, and some 1200
injured in Europe's worst ever terrorist atrocity. The terrorist attacks
prompted the European Parliament to declare March 11th as European Day of
Victims of Terrorism. Pat Cox, (Ireland) president of the European Parliament,
said: "There will be no refuge at all in the European Union for any terrorists.
No more bombs, no more dead. Among all of us, we will put an end to terrorists."

ETA was suspected as the perpetrator but claims of Al Qaeda have appeared.
ETA is a leftist group (not Islamic/Muslim but actually calling themselves
'Christian') that uses terrorism in hopes of forming an independent Basque
state in parts of northern Spain and southwest France. ETA stands for Euskadi
ta Askatasuna, which means “Basque Fatherland and Liberty” in the Basque

An Arabic newspaper said Thursday it had received a 5 page email with an
Al Qaeda claim of responsibility for the Madrid train bombings. It said the
Brigade of Abu Hafs al-Masri's 'death squad' had penetrated 'one of the pillars
of the crusade alliance, Spain,' and carried out what it called Operation
Death Trains. The claim also said that a major attack, "The Black Wind of
Death", against America was '90 percent ready'.

Madrid's Roman Catholic Bishops, including Cardinal Antonio Rouco Varela,
expressed their "immense sadness and profound and uncontainable sorrow" over
this "tragedy that reaches dimensions of an unbelievable indiscriminate
violence." The church statement said: "The plague of the present world, also
of our Spain, is today terrorism." The Executive Committee of the Spanish
Episcopal conference said in a statement: "ETA is an intrinsically perverse
organization, whose roots are found in a type of totalitarian and idolatrous

A common enemy can unite peoples of different ideologies. As the Arabs say,
the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So the push against "terror", now is
also tied then to 'nationalism', and seems to continue to beckon people to
a new world order.


Liberty Loss

In America, we are losing more liberties every year due to international
and domestic "terror" but this is not where our loss of liberty has its roots.
It is in our willing loss of morality and fear of God as a people - as a

"A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow
the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy.... While
the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their
virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external
or internal invader.... If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people,
they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security."  By:
Samuel Adams (1722-1803), known as the "Father of the American Revolution."
Source: The Writings of Samuel Adams, ed., Harry Alonzo Cushing (G. P. Putman's
Sons, 190 , Vol. 4, p. 124.


Satan's Be-attitudes

Author Unknown [contributed by Sam & Faye

If Satan were to write his Be-attitudes, they would probably go something
like this:

  • Blessed are those who are too tired, too distracted to spend at least an
    hour once a week with their fellow Christians; they are my best workers.

  • Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expected to be thanked;
    I can use them.

  • Blessed are the touchy who stop going to church; they are my missionaries.

  • Blessed are the troublemakers; they shall be called my children.

  • Blessed are the complainers; I'm all ears to them.

  • Blessed are those who are bored with the teachers' mannerisms and mistakes,
    for they get nothing out of the sermons.

  • Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church,
    for he is a part of the problem instead of the solution.

  • Blessed are those who gossip, for they shall cause strife and divisions that
    please me.

  • Blessed are those who are easily offended, for they will soon get angry and

  • Blessed are those who do not give their offering to carry on God's work,
    for they are my helpers.

  • Blessed is he who professes to love God but hates his brother and sister,
    for he is with me.

  • Blessed are you who, when you read this, think it is about other people and
    not yourself; I've got you too!


Sabbath Morning Companion        
by Lenny Cacchio - [used by

Led Into the Wilderness

"Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness"
(Matthew 4:1).

Often when God is about to do a great work in someone, he first drives them
into the wilderness.  We have the example of Jesus, who just before
the start of his earthly ministry, spent forty days and forty nights in a
desolate place.   Abraham left the wealth of Ur of the Chaldees
to dwell in tents.  Moses fled the courts of Egypt and herded sheep
in a scraggly land for forty years before leading Israel to freedom. 
Israel sojourned in the wilderness for forty years before taking possession
of the promised land.  David fled Saul and was holed up in the desert
before taking the throne of Israel.  Elijah disappeared into the wilderness
for long stretches, and John the Baptist did the same. Even Paul spent three
years in Arabia before his ministry, where many believe he was instructed
personally by the risen Christ. (Gal. 1:17-1

The pattern is one that should encourage us.  The wilderness spoken
of in scripture is often a dry, desolate place, and quite often in our lives
we can feel that we have been driven into our own spiritual dry places. 
Trials come our way, and we naturally struggle trying to square our circumstances
with our concept of a loving, generous God.  Maybe we struggle with
the pressures of life, or financial pressures not of our own making, or
depression, or family problems, or a job that seems more like a prison
term.  Whatever it is, we all go through the dry places, and so often
we just can't see why.

I doubt that Moses knew God's purpose when he fled Egypt and lived in a
hardscrabble land, but God was preparing him for one of the landmark events
of history.  If David's Psalms are any indication, David must have fought
terrible bouts of depression when fleeing from Saul.  We know that Elijah
became so distraught that he wanted to die.  Yet for all these men,
God had a great work for them to do, and their time in the wilderness was
nothing less than necessary training for the job God had for them.

If you feel like you are in the wilderness right now, take heart.  God
knows what he is doing, and he just might be preparing you for greater things.
       ~ Lenny C.


Prayer Requests

[The following email prayer request has been reformatted for
this publication]

Greetings from Walled Lake Michigan, Brenda Spencer, sister of Faye Stamper,
is scheduled to undergo surgery for a ballooning of an artery under her left
arm, This will entail removing all the foreign matter and excess waste blood.
At present, the size of the ballooning artery is the size of a large orange.
She will also have a micro valve installed to help correct the heart problem
which was caused by rheumatic fever as a child. At the present time, she
is waiting for a call from the hospital to inform her of the date for the
surgery.Your prayers for a succesful surgery and recovery is requested. Thank
you for your continued prayers on Brenda's behalf. - Sam and Faye Stamper



"Sabbath Blessings To You"

Love to you all in Christ Jesus ~ Kenneth M. Hoeck

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