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02/07/04 E-Clipz (part one of two)

02/07/04 E-Clipz (NewsClipz) by Truth On the Web Ministries

Truth On The Web

An E-zine For The Church Of

Issue Date: 02/07/04

Informing and edifying the people of God on topics of
interest such as the United Nations, the NWO, the ecumenical movement, the
feminizing of God, the apostate church(es), notable quotations, historical
events and other relevant and sometimes irrelevant subjects which otherwise
"eclipse" the truth. Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way
of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen
are dismayed at them. -- Electronic Clipz, Everything Clipz, Edifying
Clipz, Evangelizing Clipz, El Clipz, Etcetera Clipz ... but you can call
it E-Clipz ...Bringing light to those in darkness. Luke 1:79 To give light
to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death ...

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Anglican Churches Sound Off

In a joint statement, the Bishops of the Episcopal Church of Guatemala seperated
themselves from any association with the Central American Primate, the Most
Revd Martin Barahona, and ECUSA in their consecration of self-professed
homosexual Gene Robinson in the USA last year.

They said although that by church law "Gene Robinson received the required
consent in the General Convention held in Minneapolis in 2003, and then was
consecrated Bishop on 2 November of the same year" that it was still "deviation
from sound biblical doctrine" to ordain him. They continued,"This election,
consent and consecration would have been one more " if it had not been for
the fact that the Rt Revd Gene Robinson "is a declared homosexual that
cohabits with another man in a relationship that is no secret, rather openly
known and tolerated
in the Diocese of New Hampshire and the rest of the
Episcopal Church in the United States." The Guatemalans continued, "This
situation that has just been described, provoked very strong reactions on
the part of conservative sectors in the Episcopal Church and in the rest
of the Worldwide Anglican Communion, who have seen in this action of the
American Church a deviation from sound Biblical doctrine and theological
. These worldwide, conservatively theological sectors have expressed
their rejection of this action and a number of affiliates have threatened
to break off relations with the Communion. Others have declared to be in
a situation of impairment (grave deterioration in an existing relationship)
and still others in a definitive statement have declared themselves to be
no longer in communion with the American Church nor with the Bishops that
participated in the consecration of Gene Robinson."

The Episcopal Church of Guatemala learned through Anglican magazine and Internet
sources that the Primate of IARCA [Iglesia Anglicana de la Región
Central de América], the Most Revd Martin Barahona, participated in
the ceremony of consecration of Bishop Gene Robinson!" They said, "We consider
that this action does not reflect a complete opinion of the Anglican Church
in Central America and in particular, the Episcopal Church of Guatemala."
The Guatemalan Church declared: "Therefore, by virtue of the previously mentioned
facts, the Episcopal Church of Guatemala respectfully, but firmly and solemnly
declares that: She maintains the fervent conviction to uphold the ecclesiastic
unity of the Iglesia Anglicana de la Región Central de América.
The Episcopal Church of Guatemala hereby disassociates herself from
the action of the Primate of IARCA, specifically in his participation in
the consecration of Gene Robinson, recognizing that such a wanton act
willfully causes a certain degree of IMPAIRMENT within IARCA. There exists
among the Bishops, Provincial Council and the Anglican Church de la Iglesia
Anglicana de la Region Central de America in general, necessity to pronounce
authoritatively on the subject, (the participation and its implications)
and to take the corresponding corrective measures."

The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea also denounced the homosexual agenda
advancing in the Anglican Church of Canada and the Episcopal Church of the
USA. In a recent statement the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea said,
"Two recent actions within the Anglican Communion are viewed with deep
by the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea - the authorization
of a Public Rite of blessing for those in same sex relationships in the Diocese
of New Westminster, Anglican Church of Canada, and the consecration of a
divorced priest now living in a same sex relationship in the diocese of New
Hampshire, Episcopal Church of the USA. Such actions are outside the
understanding of Anglican Christians in Papua New Guinea and do considerable
harm to the mission and unity of the Church,
particularly to the warm
relationship which exists between the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea
and other churches in the country."

An ACNS brief reported that "The Statement of the Primates of the Anglican
Communion (16 October 2003) rightly judged that "these actions threaten
the unity of our own Communion as well as our relationships with other parts
of Christ's Church, our mission and witness, and our relations with other
faiths, in a world already confused in areas of sexuality, morality and theology,
and polarise Christian opinion."
... "As a House of Bishops, we regard
this failure to listen to their brothers and sisters as demonstrating a pride
and arrogance which both shocks and grieves us.
The House of Bishops
wishes it to be known that it disassociates itself from these two
events and believes them not to be actions of the whole Church but only of
the churches concerned. As such they cannot command acceptance by the whole
Communion. This will mean a further wounding of our sacramental fellowship
with the churches concerned."


Heresy Better Than Schism   [Link sent
by Brad J. Hoeck- AZ]

Service Unites Doctrine Divides. "Rt. Rev." Peter J. Lee, the Episcopal bishop
of Virginia, met with 500 Episcopalians gathered together for the annual
diocesan council at the Hyatt Regency in Reston, VA. Of course, the homosexual
scandal of the consecration of admitted Sodomite Gene Robinson as bishop-elect
in New Hampshire last year was a topic of discussion. Bishop Lee quoted
Presbyterian scholar James McCord, when he declared, "If you must make
a choice between heresy and schism, always choose heresy. For as a
heretic, you are only guilty of a wrong opinion. As a schismatic, you have
torn and divided the body of Christ. Choose heresy every time."
(sadly) followed this statement to which Lee quietly added, "I hope we will
avoid both heresy and schism."

Lee said he "feels the pain" of those who were angered by the concecration
of Robinson and Lee's personal vote in favor of that. He reasoned, "Our faith
teaches that people with who we differ often have important truths to teach
us." His equivocation continued, "And I hear the pain and disappointment
of gay and lesbian members of our diocese who are frustrated at the lack
of availability to them of rites of blessing."

On The Net: The Washington Times

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord,
Lord,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of
my Father who is in heaven.


Historical Happenings

February 01

0772 - Adrian I begins his reign as Catholic Pope. When the Lombards threatened
to take him in chains, his appeal brought Charlemagne to the rescue, establishing
a special relationship between church and transalpine states.

1560 - The Protestant Huguenots in Catholic France decide to petition the
king of France for relief from persecution and to revolt if turned down.
Their revolts worsened the lasting bitterness between Catholic and Protestant.

1669 - French King Louis XIV limits freedom of religion

1691 - Alexander VIII [Pietro Ottoboni], Italian Pope (1689-91), dies at

1791 - English founder of Methodism John Wesley wrote in a letter:
'Probably I should not be able to do so much did
not many of you assist me by your prayers.'

1860 - 1st rabbi to open House of Representatives, Morris Raphall of New
York NY

1949 - The modern state of Israel formally annexed West Jerusalem.

February 02

0962 - Pope John XII crowns German King Otto I the Great Emperor

1119 - Guido di Borgogna elected Pope Callistus II

1769 - Clement XIII [Carlo Rezzonico], Pope (1758-69), dies at 75

1870 - The Cardiff Giant (supposed petrified human) proved to be gypsum

1882 - Knights of Columbus forms in New Haven CT

1906 - Pope encyclical against separation of church & state

1907 - In a letter written to American statesman William Jennings Bryan,
Christian Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy counseled: 'The
most important thing is to know the will of God concerning one's life, i.e.,
to know what he wishes us to do and fulfill it.'

1934 - Dutch Roman Catholic Bishops warn against fascism/Nazism

1944 - German theologian and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in a letter
from prison: 'There is a kind of weakness that Christianity
does not hold with, but which people insist on claiming as Christian, and
then sling mud at it.'

1955 - English apologist (and occultist)C.S. Lewis wrote in a letter:
'It is right...that we should be much concerned about
the salvation of those we love. But we must be careful not to...demand that
their salvation should conform to some ready-made pattern of our own.'

1974 - Pope Paul VI encyclical "To Honor Mary"

1986 - Dalai Lama meets Pope John Paul II in India

February 03

1377 - Cardinal Robert of Geneva (anti-pope Clemens VII) starts term

1377 - Mass execution of population of Cesena Italy

1518 - Pope Leo X imposed silence on the Augustinian monks

1690 - 1st paper money in America issued (colony of Massachusetts)

1740 - Charles de Bourbon, King of Naples, invites Jews to return to Sicily

1744 - Colonial missionary to the American Indians David Brainerd explained
in a tract: 'God designs that those whom He
sanctifies...shall tarry awhile in this present evil world, that their own
experience of temptations may teach them how great the deliverance is, which
God has wrought for them.'

1864 - In Columbus, Ohio, a fellowship of independent Methodist, Presbyterian,
Congregational and United Brethren churches organized itself into a separate
Protestant denomination known as the Christian Union

1913 - 16th Amendment, federal income tax, ratified

1919 - League of Nations 1st meeting (Paris)

1969 - The Palestine National Congress appointed Yasser Arafat head of PLO

1973 - President Nixon signs Endangered Species Act into law

February 04

0211 - Lucius Septimus Severus emperor of Rome (193-211), dies at 64

0708 - Sisinnius Greek-Syrian pope (708, 20 days), dies

1441 - Pope Eugene IV published the encyclical "Cantante domino." It asserted
that the biblical canon of the Roman Catholic Church contains both the 66
protocanonical books (i.e., the complete Protestant Bible) and 12
deuterocanonical (aka "apocryphal") books 78 writings in all.

1810 - The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized in Tennessee as an
outgrowth of the Great Revival of 1800. Standing between Calvinism and
Arminianism, the denomination holds a "medium theology" which affirms unlimited
atonement, universal grace, conditional election, eternal security of the
believer and salvation of all children dying in infancy

1866 - Mary Baker Eddy claims cure of her injuries by opening a bible

1950 - American missionary and martyr Jim Elliot resolved in his journal:
'I may no longer depend on pleasant impulses to bring me before the Lord.
I must rather respond to principles I know to be right, whether I feel them
to be enjoyable or not.'



Mel Gibson denied remarks quoted in the New Yorker magazine, that "The Passion"
is anti-Semitic and accused some of those leading the crucifiction of the
film as being "anti-Christian." Jeffrey Carlson, Dean
of the Rosary College of Arts & Sciences at Dominican University in Chicago,
said, " I believe the Christian communities have not confronted the anti-Jewish
nature of their own texts. If people are upset at the anti-Judaism in the
film, they shouldn't blame Mel Gibson. The problem is with the biblical text
itself and the way it has been used in
[Chicago Tribune

As recorded in a WND article, Gibson said he personally has been the target
of "vehement anti-Christian sentiment." "Fear of the Jews" has led Gibson
to change and then later cut a scene from the movie. Gibson, in a concession
to Jewish sensitivities, changed a scene from its biblical truth to one he
thought more pleasing to the ones calling him "anti-semite." The change had
a line biblically attributed to all the people of a mob changed to be uttered
from a single priest, Caiaphas, a high priest in the Jerusalem Temple.

Matthew 27:24-25 When Pilate saw that he could prevail
nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his
hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just
person: see ye to it. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be
on us, and on our children.

That major concession was apparently unacceptable to organized Jewry as they
continued to badger Gibson. Cracking under the pressure, per a NY Times article,
Gibson has now cut the entire scene .

According to a World Net Daily article Gibson said, "I wanted it in. My brother
said I was wimping out if I didn't include it. But, man, if I included that
in there, they'd be coming after me at my house. They'd come to kill me."
[WorldNetDaily, September 9, 2003]

John 7:13 Howbeit no man spake openly of him for
fear of the Jews.



Massachusetts' Supreme judicial court ruled 4-3 in favor of equal marriage
rights for homosexual couples. In a joint statement the ruling judges
declared,"The history of our nation has demonstrated that separate is seldom,
if ever, equal." They continued, "For no rational reason the marriage laws
of the Commonwealth discriminate against a defined class; no amount of tinkering
with language will eradicate that stain.''

Although the federal government and 38 US states have laws banning the
recognition of any gay marriages the Massachusetts court decision is likely
lead to numerous lawsuits about whether gay marriage recognition can extend
beyond the state's borders. If the judges do not overturn this ruling only
a constitutional amendment would be able to ban gay marriages.

The state was named after the heathen Massachusetts Indians that lived there.
Massachusetts means "large hill place."

1 Kings 14:22-24 And Judah did evil in the sight
of the LORD, and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins which they
had committed, above all that their fathers had done. For they also built
them high places, and images, and groves, on every high
, and under every green tree. And there were also sodomites
in the land: and they did according to all the abominations
of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.


Kerry'd Away

Massachusetts Senator John Kerry [Boston] presents himself both as a staunchly
pro-choice politician, opposes a ban on partial-birth abortion, supports
family planning and contraceptive coverage. According to his campaign website:
"John Kerry believes that women have the right to control their own bodies,
their own lives, and their own destinies.  He believes that the Constitution
protects their right to choose and to make their own decisions in consultation
with their doctor, their conscience, and their God.  He will defend
this right as President.  He recently announced he will support only
pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court."  Even though his political
positions oppose it Kerry says, "I am a believing and practicing Catholic,
married to another believing and practicing Catholic."



02/07/04 E-Clipz (part two of two)


02/07/04 E-Clipz (NewsClipz) by Truth On the Web Ministries

Truth On The Web

An E-zine For The Church Of

Issue Date: 02/07/04


More Historic Happenings

February 05

1428 - King Alfonso V, orders Sicily's Jews to attend conversion sermons
to become Catholics

1488 - Roman catholic German emperor Maximilian I caught in Belgium

1576 - Henry of Navarre abjures Catholicism at Tours

1596 - The first Japanese Catholic martyrs were created when the Shogun,
Hideyoshi Toyotomi, had 26 converts put to death in Nagasaki after he banned
Christianity early in 1596.

1631 - English clergyman Roger Williams first arrived in America. He soon
began questioning Massachusetts' religious policies which fused church and
state matters. Williams was banished to Rhode Island five years later, where
at Providence he established the first Baptist church in America

1736 - The English Wesley brothers, John (32) and Charles (2 first arrived
in America at Savannah, GA. They had been invited by Georgia governor James
Oglethorpe as missionaries to the American Indians.

1887 - The Chicago Evangelization Society was organized by evangelist D.
L. Moody, 50. Two years later, the Society established the Bible Institute
for Home and Foreign Missions. Moody died in 1899, and in 1900 the school
was renamed Moody Bible Institute

1923 - Mass arrests of socialists & communists in Italy

1936 - National Wildlife Federation forms

1944 - German theologian and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in a letter
from prison: 'Much that worries us beforehand can
afterwards, quite unexpectedly, have a happy and simple solution... Things
really are in a better hand than ours.'

1991 - Pedro Arrupe, SJ, Spanish priest/General of the Jesuit order (aka
the Black Pope), dies at 83

February 06

0337 - Julius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope

0679 - Death of Amandus, the founder of Belgian monasticism. During his 95
years, he established eight abbeys, five in the Southern Netherlands.

0891 - Photius Byzantine theologist/patriarch of Constantinople/saint, dies

1508 - Maximilian I crowned Holy Roman Emperor

1577 - King Henri de Bourbon of Navarra becomes leader of Huguenots

1626 - Huguenot rebels & the French sign Peace of La Rochelle

1651 - Cardinal Mazarin flees Paris

1839 - Scottish clergyman Robert Murray McCheyne wrote in a letter:
'Even in the wildest storms the sky is not all dark;
and so in the darkest dealings of God with His children, there are always
some bright tokens for good.'

1922 - Cardinal Achille Ratti elected Pope Pius XI

1924 - Station KFSG (Kall Four Square Gospel) went on the air. One of the
earliest radio stations licensed, it broadcast the services of Angelus Temple,
the flagship congregation of the International Foursquare Gospel Church,
founded by Aimee Semple Mc Pherson in 1923.

1952 - American missionary and martyr Jim Elliot wrote in his journal:
'Christianity, disruptive in nature, has nonetheless
integrating powers for the individual in the culture, though both he and
it may expect revolution.'

February 07

0590 - Pelagius II Gothic Pope (579-90), dies from plague

1528 - Bern, the strongest canton (territorial division) in southern Switzerland
in its day, officially embraced the Protestant faith of Swiss reformers Ulrich
Zwingli and John Oecolampadius.

1550 - Giovanni Maria del Monte elected Pope Julius III

1569 - King Philip II forms inquistion in South America

1609 - Ferdinand I cardinal/ruler of Toscane, dies

1878 - Pius IX "Pio Nono", [Giovanni Ferretti], Pope (1846-7 , dies at 85.
At 31 years 236 days, his pontificate was the longest in history

1947 - Arabs & Jews reject British proposal to split Palestine

1960 - Old handwriting found in at Qumran, near the Dead Sea


Dem Bones

What a small world to rule. Four of the leading contestants for the White
House in November's 2004 election were former undergraduates at Yale University:
President Bush and Democratic rivals Governor Howard Dean, Sen John Kerry
and Sen Joseph Lieberman. Bush [along with ten of his appointed staff] and
Kerry are also "Bonesmen," the 172-year-old secret society of the Skull &
Bones, which aims to get its members into positions of power. Kerry was asked
on televsion, "You both were members of the Skull and Bones; what does that
tell us?" "Yup," Kerry answered, "Not much." Skull and Bones is a tiny club
with only 800 living members and 15 new members a year."

Elitism is being claimed by a few who dare to speak. They say that it is
more than strange that "in a democracy of almost 300 million people - the
battle for power should be waged among candidates drawn from the 4,000 who
graduated from Yale in four different years of the 1960s."


Counting Catholics

The 2004 Pontifical Yearbook, published by the Vatican Press, numbers the
world population of Catholics at 1.07 billion [2002] but this is largely
inflated as the Catholic church baptizes infants and includes such in this
census. The number represents 17.2% of the entire world population but I
believe it does not include groups who call themselves Catholic but do not
have allegiance to the Pope at present. The book numbers clergy at nearly
four and a quarter million headcount including bishops, priests, deacons,
other religious office holders, catechists and lay missionaries. Covert agents
of the Papacy would not be included in this numeration.

According to Zenit News: "The yearbook states that 50% of Catholics are in
the Americas, 26.1% in Europe, 12.8% in Africa, 10.3% in Asia, and 0.8% in
Oceania. In relation to the present population in each continent, the percentage
of Catholics is as follows: 62.4% in America, 40.5% in Europe, 26.8% in Oceania,
16.5% in Africa, and 3% in Asia."


ARCIC Mary Meeting

The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) met all last
week at the Palisades Retreat Center in Seattle to reconcile their understanding
of "the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the life and doctrine of the Church."
The ecumenical Commission created a document "Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ"
to submit to the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and to
the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Consultative Council for
ratification. Just for the Anglicans to meet to discuss 'worship' of Mary
shows they have already been taken in by the wolf. The meeting had only a
broad focus of the topic to cement iron to iron with clay for mortar. The
meeting concluded with an ecumenical "Celebration of Vespers for the Feast
of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary."


"Saint" Valentine's Day   [The Truth
About St V-Day by Brian C. Hoeck]

Celebrated by lovers everywhere, St. Valentine's Day is a well known tradition.
But, What is its origin?  What is the meaning of it? Is it a day Christians
should observe?

Every February 14th, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, and
school classmates exchange "valentines", heart-shaped boxes of candy, and
flowers while celebrating this holiday. You have more than likely grown up
observing this custom, but have you ever wondered where it came from and
what it is REALLY about?

Researching the name of this festival in most reference works would lead
you to a third-century Catholic martyr named Valentine. However, the Encyclopedia
Britannica states in its 15th ed., vol 10, p.336: "St. Valentine's Day as
a lovers' festival and the modern tradition of sending valentine cards have
no relation to the saints but, rather seem to be connected either with the
Roman fertility festival of the Lupercalia  (kept on the evening of
Feb.14th and the day of the 15th) or with the mating season of birds." This
information is reiterated by the Encyclopedia Americana (article: "ST.
Valentine's Day"): The customs of Valentine's Day "have been handed down
from the Roman festival of the Lupercalia, celebrated in the month of February,
when the names of young women were put into a box and drawn out by men as
chance directed." This is the origin of 'valentines' - cards linking men
and women together for sexual purposes. This festival was "characterized
in the later Roman period by wanton raillery and unkindled freedom . . "
(Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, James Hastings, Vol.III, p.226).

Lupercalia was a festival celebrated in honor of the god Pan of Egyptian
mythology. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary records this about the name
'Lupercalia' on p.339: " the name seems to be borrowed from the Greek name
of Pan, Lycaeus, from lukos, a wolf . . because Pan, as god of shepherds,
protected sheep from the rapacity of wolves." To the Romans, he was known
as Lupercus (which means "wolf hunter"), the deified hero hunter, and by
the Semites, he was known as Baal.    Who is
Pan/Lupercus/Baal?  He is none other than the deified Nimrod of Genesis10
who built the tower of Babel in defiance of God and set up a false system
of worship (Babylon Mystery Religion) with his mother/wife, Semiramis. He
was the "mighty hunter"- the name 'Valentine' itself means "strong man".
As strange as it may seem, Nimrod is the man of honor of ALL of today's holidays.
He has usurped the place of the TRUE Shepherd, Jesus Christ. He is honored
on this day (Valentine's) as Cupid.

This festival also honored the goddess of sexual immorality,Venus. Venus
was the mother of Cupid.  He was believed to bring about love and also
to make it cease. The name Cupid means "desire". Nimrod's mother, Venus
(Semiramis) desired, that is, lusted, her son. That is why she is called
the goddess of sexual immorality - she married her own son. They and their
twisted sexuality are the object of Valentine's Day.

Cupid, the winged baby with a bow and arrows and a heart is tied directly
to Nimrod and the Babylonian Mysteries. Alexander Hislop in The Two Babylons
pp188, 189 states this about Cupid and the symbol of the heart: The "Heart"
was one of the sacred symbols of Osiris [Nimrod] when he was born again,
and appeared as Harpocrates,  [Tammuz] or the infant divinity, borne
in the arms of his mother Isis [Semiramis, Nimrod's wife]. . this infant
divinity was frequently represented with a heart, or the heart-shaped fruit
of the Persea, in one of his hands." Hislop goes on about Cupid, "Speaking
of a statue of Cupid, he [John Bell] says it is 'a fair, full, fleshly, round
boy, in fine and sportive action, tossing back a heart.' Thus the boy god
came to be regarded as the 'god of the heart', in other words, as Cupid,
or the god of love. To identify this infant divinity, with his father 'the
mighty hunter' [Nimrod], he was equipped with 'bow and arrows' . . He was
the woman's seed (the false fulfillment of Gen 3:15). Venus and her son Cupid,
then were none other than the Madonna and the child."

Are you starting to see the deception behind all this? Here were humans claiming
to be the Savior, the Savior reborn (a type of the resurrected Christ) and
the virgin mother. These people existed 2000 years before Jesus' appearing
in the flesh and their worship has been kept ever since through the Babylonian
Mysteries which cloak the true meanings of the traditions you keep today.

How did the 'Heart' become the recognized symbol of the Child of the great
Mother? "The answer is, 'The Heart' in Chaldee [the Babylonian language]
is 'BEL' (another name of Nimrod) . . . Now, the worship of the 'Sacred Heart'
was just (justified), under a symbol [It's TRUE meaning was HIDDEN], the
worship of the 'Sacred Bel, that mighty one of Babylon, who had died a martyr
for idolatry; for . . Horus [Tammuz], the infant god, was regarded as Bel
born again. When Bel . . was born again as a child, he was . . . represented
as an incarnation of the sun. Therefore to indicate his connection with the
fiery and burning sun, the 'sacred heart' was frequently represented as a
heart of flame." (Hislop's The Two Babylons, pp.189-190)  Again this
FALSE SAVIOR attributed Jesus' likeness to himself. By associating the flame
and the sun with himself, he claimed to be "the light of the world" (John
8:12) who is truly Jesus the Christ.

So, how did this pagan festival come to be known as Christian? It was during
the reign of Pope Gelasius, that this festival became a Christian custom:
" As far back as 496, Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia on Feb. 15 to St.
Valentine's Day on Feb. 14" (Customs and Holidays Around the World, Lavinia
Dobler, p.172) The Emperor Constantine had made "Christianity" the official
religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century. By this time, much of
God's truth had been discarded and replaced by pagan philosophy. Constantine
himself, was a sun-worshipper. The "universal" (catholic) church's main concern
was to convert the pagans as quickly as possible. These "conversions" were
to be made at any and all costs. This included allowing their pagan customs
to continue - ONLY, "Christian" names were to be placed upon them (think
Mt 15:8,9). "Thus at the first promulgation of Christianity to the gentile
nations . . . they could not be persuaded to relinquish many of their
superstitions, which rather than forego altogether, they chose to blend and
incorporate with the new faith" (Popular Antiquities of Great Britain, John
Brandy, p. xi). A blending of Christianity and paganism had occurred! John
Brandy also stated in Clavis Calendaria, Vol.1, p.196, that "for almost every
pagan ceremony, some Christian rite was introduced". WHAT IS KNOWN BY THE

As is well noted here, St. Valentine's Day and all its trappings are nothing
more than a sexual festival in honor of deified human beings who claimed
to be of the divine Family of God and Jesus' earthly mother. Has anything
really changed about this day in these 2000 years? For mankind today still
uses it as an excuse to be sexually immoral, to do what it pleases. This
is NOT the way of God! Christians should not partake of this fertility festival
for God stated in His Holy word, "Thus saith the LORD, 'Learn not the way
of the heathen . . '(Jer. 10:2) and there is no denying that this is a heathen
custom. Deut 12:30,31 state: "Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared
by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that
thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their
gods? even so will I do likewise.Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God:
for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their
gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire
to their gods."  God says not to even ask how these false gods were
worshipped, let alone to do likewise. God also says this, concerning the
Mysteries of Babylon, "Come out of her My People, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Rev. 18:4) Please
take our Father's warning to heart and turn and follow Him.



"Happy Sabbath!"

Love to you all in Christ Jesus ~ Kenneth M. Hoeck

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