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Ground Hog Day / Candlemas

Truth On GroundHog Day

The Groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow this morning and predicted six more weeks of winter. Harmless little tradition? Or does the day reflect ancient pagan practices? Lets have a brief look, shall we?

The day is known as 'Candlemas' to Catholics or 'Imbolc' to those who practice The Craft (Witchcraft). It is a pagan 'Sabbat' that celebrates the midwinter return of the sun. 'Imbolc' means 'in the belly' (of the Mother Earth Goddess). in reference to where the seeds that contain the next harvest were starting to stir inside. (The holiday was also sometimes called 'Oimelc'; meaning 'milk of ewes', for it is also lambing season.)

At the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, it is tradition for every candle or lamp in the house to be lit for a little while welcoming the return of the Sun. Some call it 'a Pagan Festival of Lights.' The day's weather was still very important- If the sun came out February 2, halfway between Winter and Spring, it meant six more weeks of wintry weather.

For the early 'Christians' in Europe, it was the custom on 'Candlemas Day' for clergy to bless candles and distribute them to the people in the dark of Winter. Candlemas is the 'Christianized' name for the heathen holiday. A lighted candle was placed in each window of the home. This pseudo-Christian festival is observed on February 2 to supposedly honor 'the presentation of the infant Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem and the purification of the Virgin Mary'. It occurs on the 40th day after Christmas in accordance with the Jewish law that required the ritual purification at the Temple of every mother of a male child 40 days after the child's birth. The Catholic Church also called it the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This 'christianizing' was really a masked effort to gain converts yet the pagan origin does not honor Christ at all. Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

The holiday is also called 'Brigit's Day', in honor of the pagan Irish Goddess Brigit - goddess of fire, patroness of smithcraft, poetry and healing. (***Note:another form of the name Brigit is Bride and the goddess gave special patronage to any woman about to be married or handfasted, the woman also being called 'bride' in her honor.) One of the ancient customs of the holiday included weaving straw or wheat into 'Brigit's crosses' to hang around the house 'for protection'. A perfect entrance for Catholicism. To attract new converts from the pagans, the Roman Catholic Church claimed Brigit was a Catholic missionary they called 'Saint' Brigit, patron saint of smithcraft, poetry, and healing (imagine that!). They 'explained' this by telling the Irish peasants that Brigit was 'really' an early Christian missionary sent to the Emerald Isle, and that the miracles she performed there 'misled' the common people into believing that she was a goddess.

How does the groundhog fit in all this? In 1723, the Delaware Indians were the first settlers to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. According to the original pagan creation beliefs of the Delaware Indians, their ancestors began life as animals in "Mother Earth" and emerged centuries later through reincarnations to live as men. The name woodchuck comes from the Indian legend of "Wojak (Wo-chak), the groundhog" considered by them to be their ancestral grandfather. The day's weather was still very important- If the sun came out February 2 hence cause the woodchucks shadow to appear, it meant six more weeks of wintry weather. this was in direct correlation with the pagan Imbolc holiday.

When German settlers arrived in Pa. later, they brought in their Catholic Candlemas Day tradition. It was custom to gift the local poor worker with a large candle at Candlemas. At sundown, the candle was lit and rowdy dancing, drinking and revelry went on around it until the candle-flame went out on its own. Some pagan celebrations never change....some just take 'christian' names.

Love to You in Christ Jesus, ~ Ken Hoeck

Truth On The Web Ministries


Re: Ground Hog Day / Candlemas

Well why don't we just have a groundhog barbecue and show them heathens what we think about any groundhog that participates in Satanic, heathenistic, barbarism and slaughter all of those families that participated in such witchcraft as witches ... as the Bible demands that we do!

Oh, by the way, you might as well outlaw birthday cakes and candles since celebrating one's birthday is also Satanic and heathenism. I guess you might as well burn down Walt Disney World for all of those Satanic cartoon characters all over the place. And while you're at it, go ahead and just move off to some secluded compound down in Waco, TX - stock up your guns (after all the Bible must condone gun totten, bible-thumpin believers) and encourage other to just remove themselves from society all-together.


What is going to be next? Is voting Satanic? Is owning a car heathenistic? Can I play football with my son in the backyard, or is the football itself Satanic since it is not the accepted shape according to the authorization of the scriptures???

If you pick hard enough, you will find something "heathenistic" or "paganistic" in anything and everything.

Do you have a Bible covering over your Bible? If you do, you are trying to "hide it under a bushel" or covering ... same thing ... by a covering made by atheists in China! Oh, No! You support Atheism!!!!

Ok, reality check here ... let's get real and get over it with your little hobby.


Re: Re: Ground Hog Day / Candlemas

First of all my comical friend, groundhogs are do not have God's Seal of Approval for human consumption so the BBQ idea is out. Thanks for the suggestion though.

The bible does not presently demand that we (I assume you mean Christians) "slaughter" anybody.

I do not make the laws of the land so I cannot outlaw birthday trappings ... although its an intriguing idea. And no, I do not observe them as special.

Let's leave Old Walt's judgment to the Creator and Judge. I'll just keep the toons off my set.

Although your 'compound' idea is attractive - God scattered us like salt to bring light to darkness. So I guess we'll wait for that heavenly compound when Christ returns if thats okay with you.

The kingdom of Heaven will not be advanced by use of firearms but the law does allow us to bear arms to defend our families, land, and liberty. I do not recommend that anyone 'stockpile guns' and I personally do not own any but defend the right of people to honestly own such.

Voting isn't Satanaic persaybut these days its like reaching your hand into a jar of spiders - either way you come out with a spider.

I think you can keep your automobile too (little extreme aren't you?)

Please continue to have fun sport play with your son. The scriptures do specify football size and shape but if it did ... I would suggest everybody measure their own and make the appropriate changes if not meeting God's specifications.

Oh, and please, if you own a bible, cover it with any protection you like. I highly recommend that you crack it open from time to time and believe what you read as the Word of God. Like when he says ....

Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.


Re: Re: Re: Ground Hog Day / Candlemas

I have to hand it to you ... even though many of your beliefs are rather extreme when it comes to biblical interpretation, you still have a good sense of humor and you took my comical parody rather well.

You're alright.


Quite right Ken - give us heathen back our festivals!

We heathens had loads of great festivals, Yule, Easter Bunny etc and you wretched Christians swiped the all by putting your celebrations on the very same days so that people had to go to one or the other. Very crafty and very sneaky!

So more power to your elbow Ken - we want our festivals back.



Re: Quite right Ken - give us heathen back our festivals!

I really did think the conversation on that subject was funny. However, we followers of Christ didn't create those celebrations. It was the Wolves in sheep's clothing. But, it seems the unclean one was not only able to capture the ignorant sheep, he also deceived some stray hogs as well. The peace of the true Christian is within. It is not through external celabrations and constant pleasure seeking that their happiness comes. But enjoy while it lasts because the LORD will roast the hog and every one that is living like it. Trust me, He won't be eating it. It must be a terrible thing to realize that God gave you a free will to chose to love Him or not, to have a choice. Forjunately, we aren't going to remove those celabrations and really they are still there. We won't need those in the glorious place that the Lord has prepared for us. That type of life is boring and will be even moreso then.


sheep, goats, hogs, what next?

We are going to get through all the animals in Noah's Arc at this rate!

Me, I'm a bit of a mole, I cannot even see that there is a God, so I'm not able to reject or accept him. I
can burrow into poor arguments though and there are lots of them about.

Ron, Ken and others on this forum are rhinos really,they charge at anything that annoys them and are quite unable to change direction.



Re: Re: Re: Ground Hog Day / Candlemas

I just wanted to insert some food for thought. Do Jews play foot ball? Legalistically speaking, since the football is made of pig skin, it would mean that it is unclean and therefore off limits for Jews and in the mind of some so called Christians.
