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new years day - pagan - Janus 2 headed god

It seems that most of the traditions that surround New Year's and New Year's Eve today have come to us through the pagan druids and their Scottish descendants. But the most interesting information regarding the traditions of this day lies in "the rest of the story".

A History of "New Year's"-
by Adrien Blanchette

In 46 B.C.E., the Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, first established January 1st as "New Year's Day". Janus was the Roman god of doors and gates, and had 2 faces, 1 looking forward, and one back. Caesar felt that the month named after this god ("January") would be the appropriate "door" to the year. Caesar celebrated the first January 1st New Year by ordering the violent routing of revolutionary Jewish forces in the Galilee. Eyewitnesses say that blood flowed in the streets. In later years, Roman pagans observed the New Year by engaging in drunken orgies--a ritual they believed constituted a personal re-enacting of the chaotic world that existed before the cosmos was ordered by the gods.
As Christianity spread, pagan holidays were either incorporated into the Christian calendar, or abandoned altogether. By the early Medieval period, most of Christian Europe regarded "Annunciation Day" (March 25th) as the beginning of the year. (According to Catholic tradition, Annunciation Day commemorates the angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she would be impregnated by God and conceive a son to be called Jesus.)

After William the Conqueror (a.k.a. "William the *******" and "William of Normandy") became king of England on December 25, 1066, he decreed that the English return to the date established by the Roman pagans, January 1st. This move ensured that the commemoration of Jesus' birthday (December 25th) would align with William's coronation, and the commemoration of Jesus' circumcision (January 1st) would start the new year-thus rooting the English and Christian calendars in his own coronation. William's innovation was eventually rejected, and England rejoined the rest of the Christian world, and returned to celebrating New Year's Day on March 25th.

About 500 years later, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII (a.k.a. "Ugo Boncompagni", 1502-1585)abandoned the traditional Julian calendar. By the Julian reckoning, the solar year, comprised 365 1/4 days, and the intercalation of a "leap day" every 4 years was intended to maintain correspondence between the calendar and the seasons. Really, however, there was a slight inaccuracy in the Julian measurement (the solar year is actually 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds. This equals 365.2422 days.) This slight inaccuracy caused the Julian calendar to slip behind the seasons about 1 day per century. Although this regression had amounted to 14 days by Pope Gregory's time, he based his reform on restoration of the vernal equinox, then falling on March 11th, to the date it had 1,257 years earlier, when the Council Of Nicea was convened (March 21, 325 C.E.). Pope Gregory made the correction by advancing the calendar 10 days. The change was made the day after October 4, 1582, and that following day was established as October 15, 1582. The Gregorian calendar differs from the Julian calendar in 3 ways. 1.-There is no century year that is a leap year unless it was exactly divisible by 400 (i.e.-1600, 2000, Etc.) 2.-Years divisible by 4000 are common (not leap) years, and 3.-once again, the New Year would begin with the date set by the early pagans, the first day of the month of Janus-January 1st.

On New Year's Day 1577, Pope Gregory XIII decreed that all Roman Jews, under pain of death, must listen attentively to the compulsory Catholic conversion sermon given in Roman synagogues after Friday night services. On New Year's Day 1578, Gregory signed into law, a tax forcing Jews to pay for the support of a "House of Conversion" to convert Jews to Christianity. On New Year's 1581, Gregory ordered his troops to confiscate all sacred literature from the Roman Jewish community. Thousands of Jews were murdered in the campaign.

Throughout the Medieval and Post-Medieval periods, January 1st-supposedly the day on which Jesus' circumcision initiated the reign of Christianity and the death of Judaism-was reserved for anti-Jewish activities: synagogue and book burnings, public tortures, and simple murder.

The Israeli term for New Year's night celebrations, "Sylvester", was the name of the "Saint" and Roman Pope, who reigned during the Council of Nicea (325 C.E.) The year before the Council of Nicea convened, Sylvester convinced Constantine to prohibit Jews from living in Jerusalem. At the Council of Nicea, Sylvester arranged for the passage of the host of viciously anti-Semitic legislation. All catholic "Saints" are awarded a day on which Christians celebrate and pay tribute to that Saint's memory. December 31st is "Saint Sylvester Day"-hence, celebrations on the night of December 31st are dedicated to Sylvester's memory.

Janus was the God of Beginnings, which also ensured good endings; for this reason he is always depicted with two faces gazing in opposite directions. And don't we all do that when we are starting something new? We look forward with anticipation towards the future yet at the same time we look backwards to the past which has led us so far and at last brought us to this new beginning. Just think of the last few weeks of 1999 as we awaited the close of the old year and with it the twentieth century and the second millennium (ok purists will say that the second millennium will not close until the end of the year 2000, but you know what I mean.) The number of retrospectives in magazines, newspapers, and t.v. reached a veritable crescendo along with the many looks into the future posited by so many experts and futurists.

Old god Janus's principal temple in the Roman Forum had two doorways; one facing East and the other facing West for the beginning and the end of the day; and between them stood Janus with his two faces gazing in opposite directions as though to say "Give full face to the future but do not forget your past!" An old Roman version of the more modern saying "Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it!" In every home in Roman days, the morning prayer was addressed to him, and in every domestic undertaking his assistance was sought.

As the god of beginnings, Janus was publicly invoked on the first day of January, the month that was named for him because it began the new year. He was also invoked at the beginning of wars, during which the doors to his temple in the forum always stood open; when Rome was at peace the doors were closed. There was no counterpart to Janus in Greek Mythology..

January -- Janus's month

Middle English Januarie
Latin Januarius "of Janus"
Latin Janu(s) "Janus" + -arius "ary (pertaining to)"
Latin Januarius mensis "month of Janus"


The Roman god of gates and doorways, depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions. His festival month is January.

One of a pantheon of Roman Gods but who held a special place in the daily life of the Romans.

Presided over openings, beginnings and doorways.

Often depicted with two faces because he could look backward and forward at the same time.

Was considered a household spirit.

Those praying to the gods always mentioned Janus first.

The arch of Janus was opened when Rome went to war and stayed that way until the army came home.

The pagan druids appear to follow in the footsteps of the pagan Roman church-state on this issue as well as on so many other "holidays".

While New Year's Eve is celebrated around the world, the Scots have a long rich heritage associated with this event - and have their own name for it, Hogmanay. In Scotland, the holiday was called - Hogmanay.

What does Hogmanay actually mean and what is the derivation of the name? Why do the Scots more than any other nation celebrate the New Year with such a passion? Why should a tall dark stranger be a welcome first foot visitor after midnight, carrying a lump of coal and a slice of black bun?
There are many theories about the derivation of the word "Hogmanay". The Scandinavian word for the feast preceding Yule was "Hoggo-nott" while the Flemish words (many have come into Scots) "hoog min dag" means "great love day". Hogmanay could also be traced back to the Anglo-Saxon, Haleg monath, Holy Month, or the Gaelic, oge maidne, new morning. But the most likely source seems to be the French. "Homme est né" or "Man is born" while in France the last day of the year when gifts were exchanged was "aguillaneuf" while in Normandy presents given at that time were "hoguignetes". Take your pick!

In Scotland a similar practice to that in Normandy was recorded, rather disapprovingly, by the Church.

"It is ordinary among some Plebians in the South of Scotland, to go about from door to door upon New Year`s Eve, crying Hagmane." Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, 1693.
ED. NOTE: Pretty typically, though, the Roman church-state, adopted their historic policy of assimilation and assimilated the pagan holiday into the church under a new name.....a "saint's" day.

Hogmanay Traditional Celebrations
Historians believe that we inherited the celebration from the Vikings who, coming from even further north than ourselves, paid even more attention to the passing of the shortest day. In Shetland, where the Viking influence was strongest, New Year is called Yules, from the Scandinavian word.

It may not be widely known but Christmas was not celebrated as a festival and virtually banned in Scotland for around 400 years, from the end of the 17th century to the 1950s. The reason for this has its roots in the Protestant Reformation when the Kirk portrayed Christmas as a Popish or Catholic feast and therefore had to be banned. Many Scots had to work over Christmas and their winter solstice holiday was therefore at New Year when family and friends gathered for a party and exchange presents, especially for the children, which came to be called hogmanays.

HAM for the meal
There are traditions before midnight such as cleaning the house on 31st December (including taking out the ashes from the fire in the days when coal fires were common). There is also the superstition to clear all your debts before "the bells" at midnight.

Immediately after midnight it is traditional to sing Robert Burns' "For Auld Lang Syne". Burns claimed it was based on an earlier fragment and certainly the tune was in print over 80 years before he published his version in 1788.

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o kindness yet, for auld lang syne."

An integral part of the Hogmanay partying, which continues very much today, is to welcome friends and strangers, with warm hospitality and of course a kiss to wish everyone a Guid New Year. The underlying belief is to clear out the vestiges of the old year, have a clean break and welcome in a young, New Year on a happy note.

"First footing" (that is, the "first foot" in the house after midnight) is still common in Scotland. To ensure good luck for the house, the first foot should be male, dark (believed to be a throwback to the Viking days when blond strangers arriving on your doorstep meant trouble) and should bring symbolic coal, shortbread, salt, black bun and whisky. These days, however, whisky and perhaps shortbread are the only items still prevalent (and available).

"Handselling" was the custom of gift giving on the first Monday of the New Year but this has died out.

Torch and Bonfire Ceremonies
The magical Firework display and torchlight procession in Edinburgh - and throughout many cities in Scotland - is reminiscent of the ancient custom at Scottish Hogmanay pagan parties hundreds of years ago.

The traditional New Year ceremony of yesteryear would involve people dressing up in the hides of cattle and running around the village being hit by sticks. The festivities would also include the lighting of bonfires, rolling blazing tar barrels down the hill and tossing torches. Animal hide was also wrapped around sticks and ignited which produced a smoke that was believed to be very effective to ward off evil spirits. The smoking stick was also known as a Hogmanay.

One of the most spectacular Fire ceremonies takes place in Stonehaven, just south of Aberdeen on the North East coast. Giant fireballs, weighing up to 20 pounds are lit and swung around on five feet long metal poles, requiring 60 men to carry them as they march up and down the High Street. The origin of the pre-Christian custom is believed to be linked to the Winter Solstice of late December with the fireballs signifying the power of the sun, to purify the world by consuming evil spirits.

And it worth remembering that January 2nd is a holiday in Scotland as well as the first day of the year - to give us all time to recover from a week of merry-making and celebration, all part of Scotland's fascinating cultural legacy of ancient customs and traditions surrounding the pagan festival of Hogmanay.


Re: new years day - pagan - Janus 2 headed god

About 4000 years ago, the Babylonians were the first to observe this holiday with an 11-day festival, coinciding with the spring equinox (late March) and planting new crops. Purification ceremonies and tributes to their gods, especially their chief deity, Marduk, took place. On the 10th day the story of Marduk's triumph over evil and the creation of mankind was reenacted. Like today, the Babylonians thought of New Year's as a time of reflection on the year past and looking ahead to the future. They believed what they did on New Year's Day would effect the rest of the year. They also made New Year's resolutions, most commonly to return borrowed farm equipment.

The Romans continued to celebrate New Year's in March, but the holiday soon became out of synch with the sun as different Emperors tampered with the calendar system. Astronomers were recruited by Julius Caesar to establish a new calendar, resulting in a 365-day year of 30 and 31-day months, except for February. It had 29 days, 30 every fourth year. Augustus made a small adjustment to the system, taking one of February's days for his own month, August.

Julius Caesar set January 1 as New Year's in 46 BC. Fittingly, January was named after the Roman god, Janus. He was the god of beginning. Janus was usually pictured with two bearded heads placed back to back so that he might look to the past, as well as to the future.

In early times, the ancient Romans gave each other New Year's gifts of branches from sacred trees. In later years, they gave gold-covered nuts or coins imprinted with pictures of Janus, the god of gates, doors, and beginnings. January was named after Janus, who had two faces--one looking forward and the other looking backward. The Romans also brought gifts to the emperor. The emperors eventually began to demand such gifts. But the Christian church outlawed this custom and certain other pagan New Year's practices in A.D. 567. The ancient Persians gave New Year's gifts of eggs, which symbolized productiveness. The Celtic priests of what is now England gave the people branches of mistletoe,which was considered sacred.

The Celts took over many New Year's customs from the Romans, who invaded the British Isles in A.D. 43. By the 1200's, English rulers had revived the Roman custom of asking their subjects for New Year's presents. Common presents included jewelry and gold. Queen Elizabeth I acquired a large collection of richly embroidered and jeweled gloves through this custom. English husbands gave their wives money on New Year's Day to buy pins and other articles. This custom disappeared in the 1800's. However, the term pin money still means small amounts of spending money.

Many American colonists in New England celebrated the new year by firing guns into the air and shouting. They also visited taverns and houses to ask for drinks. Other colonists attended church services. Some people held open house, welcoming all visitors and feeding them generously.

The Plain Truth Dec 1964 The Truth About NEW YEAR'S!

The Plain Truth
December, 1964

The Truth About NEW YEAR'S!

How did the celebration of New Year's Eve begin? Why is the beginning of a year placed in the middle of a dead winter? And
where did the many customs surrounding it originate?

by William H. Ellis

MOST people carelessly assume that celebrating New Year's Eve is a Christian custom.

But did the practice of "waiting the old year out" really come from the Bible?

Is January 1 the true beginning of a new year? Who has the AUTHORITY to determine when a new year begins?

An Ancient Pagan Custom

New Year's is one of the oldest and most universal of all pagan TRADITIONS! The custom of celebrating it has remained essentially unchanged for 4,000 years!

"There is scarcely a people, ancient or modern, savage or civilized," writes Theodor H. Gaster, in his definitive book "New Year", "which has not observed it ... in one form or another. Yet no other festival has been celebrated on so many different dates or in so many seemingly different ways."

In ancient Babylon, New Year's festivals were closely bound to the pagan feast called "Christmas" today. The little-known connection of New Year's with Christmas is made clear in our free booklet, "The PLAIN TRUTH About CHRISTMAS!" If you haven't read it before, write for it immediately.

When and how did New Year's celebrations originate? Who began the custom?

Notice the proof of history.

"Mesopotamia," writes Earl W. Count, "is the very ancient Mother of Civilization. Christmas began there, OVER FOUR THOUSAND YEARS AGO, as the festival which renewed the world for another year. The 'twelve days' of Christmas; the bright fires and
probably the Yule log; the giving of presents; the carnivals with their floats, their merrymakings and clownings, the mummers who sing and play from house to house; the feastings; the church processions with their lights and song -- all these and more began there centuries before Christ was born. And they celebrated THE ARRIVAL OF A NEW YEAR!" ("4000 Years of Christmas", pp. 20-21.)

That is how it began. The celebration of New Year's began in ancient Babylonia in Mesopotamia. It was a pagan custom of ancient sun-worship 2000 years before the birth of Jesus.

The celebration of New Year's is never once commanded in the Bible. Jesus and the apostles never observed it. Moses forbade it!

Don't say "it doesn't matter." It does matter to God whether we adopt the customs of the heathen. Your Bible says, "Learn not the way of the heathen" (Jeremiah 10:2).

PHOTO CAPTION: New York's famed Times Square at midnight, December 31, as thousands gather to usher in the pagan Roman New Year. The undampended spirits of the crowd bring to mind the ancient Roman Saturnalia. One lone celebrant, center, holds sign
reading: "Christ for a troubled world." Probably not one in the crowd really understands how Christ will solve the troubles brought on this world by its foolish pagan traditions!

A Pagan Roman Feast

The New Year's festivities that had originated in Babylon found their way to Greece and finally to Rome. The Romans called it "Saturnalia" -- in honor of Saturn. Among them it was extremely popular -- a time of revelings, drinking bouts, orgies -- finally ending in HUMAN SACRIFICE!

"The first day of the Saturnalia shifted during the lifetime of Rome ... it began around the middle of December ... and continued until January first. In its midst was December
twenty-fifth, the day, as the Romans calculated, when the sun was at its lowest ebb ...." (E. W. Count's "4000 Years of Christmas", page 28.)

It was Julius Caesar, Emperor of pagan Rome, who instituted the New Year's festival on January first. In 46 B. C., Caesar adopted the Julian calendar. He transferred to the first of
January ALL of the licentious customs surrounding the Roman Saturnalia!

Accepted by "Church Fathers"

But how did such a thoroughly pagan day ever insinuate itself into our modern "Christian" calendar?

Read the answer from church history -- about 375 A.D. This is the period Emperor Constantine imposed "Christianity" on the Roman world.

"There were many immigrants into the ranks of the Christians by this time," writes Earl W. Count. "The Church Fathers discovered to their alarm that they were also facing an invasion of pagan customs. The habit of Saturnalia was too strong to be left behind. At first the Church forbade it, but in vain" (page 31).

Rather than resist the influence of pagan customs, the Catholic Church fathers compromised!

"The Church finally succeeded in taking the merriment, the greenery, the lights, and the gifts from Saturn and giving them to the Babe of Bethlehem .... The pagan Romans became Christians -- but the Saturnalia remained!" (E.W. Count, page 31.)

Modern Christians have gone A STEP FURTHER!

Rather than present a gift to Jesus Christ on the day they falsely assume to be His birthday, the world is busily trading presents among themselves! Christ has been not only forgotten at
Christmas time, but is not so much as toasted amidst the partying of New Year's Eve!

During the Middle Ages many of the ancient Roman customs were maintained and augmented by the incoming heathen rites of the Teutonic peoples. It was during this period that the customary yule log and mistletoe were added to the popular New Year's festivities. The yule log is a carry-over from the bonfires of sun-worship, and mistletoe is a parasite used in Druid rites as a symbol of sex-worship!

As Teutonic customs were added, the date of New Year's celebrations was temporarily changed to March 25, to coincide with the Germanic spring rites of fertility.

Finally Pope Gregory re-instituted the ancient pagan Roman date of January first. He imposed it on the whole Western world in 1582 when his Gregorian calendar "reforms" were accepted. All Roman Catholic countries accepted this change AT ONCE! Sweden, Germany, Denmark and England, the strongholds of Druid customs, finally acquiesced to Rome in the 1700's!

The Modern Attitude of Compromise

Today, New Year's Eve has become a time for people to wallow in excesses of liquor! The modern attitude seems to be, "have a wild time on New Year's Eve, and turn over a new leaf on New Year's Day!"

New Year's resolutions are empty and meaningless, usually trifling matters of jest! Few people make a lasting change.

Most people seem to have convinced themselves that God is out of the picture for good. That God is not concerned with their modern revelings, drunken parties, promiscuous behavior!

What does God have to say about New Year's? Does He condone observing a pagan festival? practicing pagan customs in the name of Christ?

God Labels New Year's "PAGAN"!

God Almighty does not compromise! Notice the Eternal's stern warning to Israel as they conquered the pagan nations of the promised land:

"Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou INQUIRE NOT AFTER THEIR GODS, saying 'How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.' THOU SHALT NOT DO
SO UNTO THE ETERNAL THY GOD: for EVERY ABOMINATION to the Eternal, WHICH HE HATETH, have they done to their gods ...." (Deut. 12:30-31.)

What were the customs God hates and condemns in Deuteronomy? What are those pagan rites that are an ABOMINATION to Him?

These very rites and customs practiced in ancient Canaan and Syria included the NEW YEAR'S FESTIVALS! From the ancient Canaanites the Greeks learned the same rites.

Greek God of WINE!

Theodor H. Gaster writes concerning the familiar "New Year's babe":

"Actually the New Year babe is FAR OLDER than he looks. In ancient Greece, it was customary at the great festival of Dionysus to parade a babe cradled in a winnowing basket. This was taken to symbolize the annual (or periodic) rebirth of that god as the spirit of fertility!" (New Year.)

Who was this Dionysus?

None other than Bacchus -- the god of wine! In his honor the Greeks held a festival called the "Festival of the Wine-Press" at the time which corresponds to our months of January-February!

Today more alcoholic beverages are consumed during the "holiday season" than at any other time of the year! New Year's Eve is noted for its licentious, wild, and wanton partying.
People are deceived by riotous pagan holiday spirits -- for the most part emanating from liquor bottles -- all the while calling it "Christian"!

"Father Time"

Another symbol of New Year's celebrations is equally pagan! It is the familiar figure of a white-haired man carrying a scythe. What does he represent? The ancient Greek god Cronos. It is from the name "Cronos" we derive our "chronograph" which measures time.

Among the Greek gods, Cronos originally cut a swath of HUMAN SACRIFICE with his sharpened scythe! The "silent reaper" anciently "reaped" little children in horrible episodes of
mythical CANNIBALISM! This Greek rite of human sacrifice was adopted by ancient Rome, where human sacrifice was practiced at least until 300 A. D.

No wonder God Almighty warns the pagan New Year's celebration is AN ABOMINATION to Him! See Deuteronomy 12:31.

PHOTO CAPTION: Amid falling snow, London revelers welcome New Year with a snowball battle at Piccadilly Circus early January 1. Other celebrants stand around the statue of the Greek god of sexual love, Eros, in the background (upper left), which is boarded up for the occasion. The pagan Romans also celebrated New Year's in the dead of winter. God ordained no such thing. The beginning of spring, when new life buds forth, is the true beginning of God's sacred year.

Strange as it seems, the professing Christian world praises and practices customs and days of pagan origin -- thinly cloaking them in "Christian" sounding names! You too, may have accepted these vain traditions of men, never realizing they are PAGAN TO THE CORE!

"In VAIN do they worship me," said Jesus Christ, "teaching for doctrines the commandments of men!"

Jesus said it is possible to WORSHIP GOD -- to venerate the NAME of Christ -- and still do it ALL IN VAIN!

"Full well YE REJECT THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD, that ye may keep your own tradition," He continued, "... making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered!" (Mark 7:7, 9, 13.)

Many people will confess, when forced to, the pagan origin of these days. But they stubbornly REFUSE to stop observing them! God is their Judge!

Don't you make this mistake!

When Does God Begin the New Year?

Remember! It is God Almighty who created the Universe. He set the heavenly bodies in their courses at Creation. It is by His "master-clock" that time is determined.

The earth's rotation regulates the length of a day -- the lunar phases indicate the length of a month. And the orbit of the earth around the sun dictates the length of a year!

But ONLY GOD has the AUTHORITY to set the date of the beginning of the new year!

God's sacred calendar year begins in the spring -- not in the middle of a dead winter! Notice Exodus 12:1-2, "And the Eternal spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the FIRST MONTH OF THE YEAR TO YOU."

The first month of God's sacred calendar is called, in the Bible, "Abib". It means the month of "green ears." Later, the Jews called it "Nisan" -- a Babylonian word having the same

It was in the month of Abib or Nisan that Israel came out of Egyptian captivity under Moses (Ex. 34:18). The Hebrew month Abib overlaps the months of March-April on the pagan Roman calendar in use today.

God placed the beginning of the sacred year in the early spring to mark the beginning of the seasonal harvests. The two annual harvests in Palestine foreshadowed God's Plan for the
twofold SPIRITUAL harvest of souls to be born into His Kingdom.

Your Bible speaks of a great false religious system which will "think to change times and laws" (Dan. 7:25). This system has deliberately thought to change the beginning of God's
calendar year in an attempt to hide God's Plan for the salvation of mankind! But man has no authority to change God's "master-clock."

Satan, however, has cleverly deceived the world into believing the new year begins on January first!

Why National Captivity?

The very same pagan practices God condemns in the Old Testament are being perpetuated in our modern world today!

The very same festivals of paganism adopted by ancient Israel have become an integral part of this modern society!

Read, in II Kings 17:15-18, the reason why God Almighty took ancient Israel into captivity: "And they rejected his statutes, and his covenant that he made with their fathers, and his
testimonies which he testified against them; and they followed vanity, and became vain, and went after the heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the Lord had charged them, that they should not do like them!"

What was the result of Israel following the customs of the heathen nations around them?

"Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight .... and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight .... SO WAS ISRAEL CARRIED AWAY OUT OF THEIR OWN LAND TO
ASSYRIA UNTO THIS DAY!" (II Kings 17:18, 20, and 23.)

Israel NEVER returned as a nation to the land of Palestine!

Israel was lost! Its true identity was concealed until modern times! Now there is proof that the lost ten tribes of ancient Israel migrated to Northwestern Europe. The chief peoples
among them have become the United States and British Commonwealth today! (If you don't already have your copy of our free booklet, "The United States and the British Commonwealth in Prophecy", send for it immediately.)

Modern Paganism Will Be Punished!

Do you suppose God has changed His mind about compromising with paganism?

"For I am the LORD, I CHANGE NOT!" warns the Eternal in Malachi 3:6. This same reminder is repeated in Hebrews 13:8.

Speaking to the modern nations of Israel today, Almighty God says, "As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Eternal God; Go ye, serve ye every one his idols and thereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto me: but POLLUTE YE MY HOLY NAME NO MORE with your gifts and with your idols" (Ezek. 20:39).

In other words, God is saying, "Be pagan if you insist; but quit calling it Christian."

God continues to warn modern Israel against the holidays of paganism, in Hosea 2:11:

"I will also cause all her mirth to cease, HER feast days {days THE PEOPLE chose}, HER new moons {marking the beginning of the pagan New Year}, and her sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts." Notice that these were Israel's feast days -- those Israel had acquired from the pagan nations around them -- NOT those God had originally instituted through His Bible! "And I will visit upon her the DAYS OF BAALIM, wherein she burned incense to them ..." (verse 13)!

The very same punishment awaits any nation today that forsakes God's law as revealed in His Holy Bible, and turns to the customs of pagan nations -- observing pagan days of worship!
Does it make any difference if YOU continue observing pagan customs -- like New Year's? IT CERTAINLY DOES! God says so!

What You Should Do

God Almighty prophesies a final revival of Babylonian religion in great power just before He cuts short man's misrule of this earth. Read His warning in Revelation 18:

"And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power, and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he said mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen.

her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues!"

New Year's celebration began in Babylon 4,000 years ago. It is practiced today by almost every people on the face of the earth. Satan the Devil has indeed deceived the whole world! (Rev. 12:9.)

But God Almighty has sent His ministers to warn this world -- to cry aloud, and spare not, and SHOW HIS PEOPLE THEIR SINS (Isa. 58:1). Punishment will not be forever withheld!

PRACTICES of this modern world!

No New Year for Me

I do not know anything of the history of the annual celebrations/inebriations of january the first. What is do know is by the Spirit of the Living God, that anything whose primary components are alcohol and revelry is not of God. The world loves this celebration, therefore God hates it. Why would I take part in anything that God hates?

Ron Harvey
