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Is Marriage Dead? is running a pole right now and the votes are rather distrubing.

They are asking if "we the people" believe that marriage should be limited
to only the union of one man and one woman.

Here are the results so far:

Should marriage be legally defined as only a union between a man and a

Yes 37% 357360 votes

No 63% 609152 votes
Total: 966512 votes

63% of people at this moment believe that marriage between one man and one
woman to be outdated!

This means that so far, the majority of people believe that President Bush
would be wrong in banning gay marriages!

I don't know about you, but I find this very distrurbing! You can also
interpret these results as 63% of people do not believe the Bible! The
Bible is where we get the "rules" for marriage! God is the One who ordained
marriage and gave us the blue print for it!

If you would like to add your vote to this pole, you may do so at -- Bush wants marriage reserved for heterosexuals

Get your vote in today to show the world that there are more than just a
handful of people who feel that marriage is a union between a man and a
woman and shouldn't be turned into some preversion.

Re: Is Marriage Dead?

No suprise. We as a nation have done away with God, just as the Jews said to Pilate, "Away with him". The judgments of God will soon be poured out upon this rebellious house.

By the way, I would not be surprised if most of the people who said "no" in this poll also would say that they are christians. Most churches are preaching some liberal, limp-wristed Jesus who just loves everyone, regardless of their abominable lifestyles. Don't forget that Jesus will soon say to many who believe in him, "Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity".

With Faith and Love,
Ron Harvey


Re: Re: Is Marriage Dead?

"Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity".

when did god speek in YE olde englishe ?

Sorry folks stimbled on this site early on tonight, quite funny,

will come back..........