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Note: All postings dated 3/8/2001 through 3/13/2001 were transferred from a previous O'Sullivan Lineage site. The date of the original posting is identified in the message text.

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Re: O'Sullivan - Bantry

Date: 5/30/2000 4:11 pm EST

The church of St. Multose is still in existence and the records you seek are probably available. They may be stored elsewhere at some more convenient central location and there is probably a fee for checking them. I suggest you write to the Rector, St. Multose Church, Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Good Luck!

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Replying to:

Original posting date: 5/20/2000 10:16 am EST

I am looking for details of parents of my GGGG Grandmother, M Honoria O'Sullivan. She married Boyle White of Bantry on 22nd May, 1803 at St Multose, Kinsdale, Cork. They had 2 sons, William White and George Boyle White.

Would be grateful for any assistance.