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Re: Re: Crystals

Hi there,

Hemitite is a stone for grounding oneself. Keeps you balanced.

The rose quartz is a woman's stone, it represents unconditional love. First, one must learn to love oneself. It teaches us how to love ourselves. Stones generally absorb the negativity around us, if not cleaned regularly they either lose their sheen and energy, get lost, or break.

There are many ways to clean stones, if you are interested let me know.


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That sounds perfect to me. I need that kind of thing in my life. I actually believe in crystals very deeply. I am drawn to hemitite and rose quartz. Somehow the rose quartz ends up lost or broken so I keep having to get more. The braclet I am wearing right now is hematite. These rainbow crystals sound wonderful too I will have to look more into them

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Rainbow Crystals

The rainbow crystal is recognized by fractures within the crystal. Crystals containing these internal fractures have certain prismatic effects which produce powerful rainbows within the crystal giving additional energy which is lacking in a "crystal clear" specimen.

These rainbow crystals bring rainbows into ones life and are a very special gift from the spirit-keeper of the crystal; they help one to deal with negativity and to maintain the constant awareness thatlove is within the life one experiences at every moment. They produce the full spectrum of color, the white light of healing and perfection being dispersed into the individual rays of the rainbow; this dispersion facilitates use of the rainbow crystal on any and all chakras.

Please check this site out where I received this information.