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SAD syndrome (seasonal affective disorder)

SAD occurs when there is very little sunlight. Most people are affected by the lack of sunlight in the winter season. However, this can carry on into the Summer when we spend a lot of time indoors, doing office work. Most of the light we are getting is from ultraviolet rays of the lights above us, that also creates a Vitamin B deficiency in the body.

SAD syndrome causes depression, paranoia and lack of concentration. Sometimes you feel like you are going crazy.

Solution: Sit 1/2 hour in the sunlight before 10 a.m. everyday. It will restore the melatonin (brain chemical) and appease all the glands in the body. Melatonin is responsible for the aging process, and the nervous system.

One cup of ginger and lemon tea will also restore the chemical imbalance. As ginger is for the nervous system, and the lemon is a good source of Vitamin C. (Both must be fresh,can get them from your local grocery store)