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Re: Native Americans

Welcome Muslimah,

I have been expecting you. I have tried to post on your site and could not post. You have a wonderful site, and I think you will do well in your book. First of all, I would like to say sometimes we are ahead of our time and when we are we do not get favorable results from printers or publishers.

Next, I am what you say "Native American", I can never understand American part but anyways. I embrace this Native part now as it is a way of life, just like your way of life is. The demise of Native Americans in the US and Canada is yes, terrible.

However, I feel for each culture that has had its demise, the Jews, the Irish, the Africans. Each one of these has had its very oppressive states. Has yours? Even what is going on with New York, I feel for the culture that is being blamed. Not one man, but his whole nation suffering, just as the Native people have for hundreds of years.

Those in Canada suffered under many different kinds of attacks. One was the distribution of diseased blankets(given to us by nonnatives during the trade of goods). We did not have the immunity to white diseases at the time. Reminds me of what is going on in the mail these days they call it anthrax? Well not new to our communities. The infected blankets fed a scurge of chicken pox that killed approximately 9,000 people in one valley of Canada alone. There are six communities, can you imagine the amount of people who died in the other five communities. To this day, there are only about 6,000 Chilcotin people alive.

Well we can learn from each other, keep in touch.

May the blessing be to you



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Replying to:

So what got you interested in Native American things? Are you Native American? We have heard much about the demise of the Native Americans of the US. What happened to those in Canada? [I assume B.C. meant British Columbia]

visted your site

im native american and im learng the path of spiriyualy i have added this forum to my favorites

Re: visted your site reply


Was alerted to your posting, and wanted to say hello.
You are native american, what tribe are you from? I too am always learning the path of spirituality from many different cultures.

About eighteen years ago I started to take a bit more interest in my own native culture too. It has been quite the learning journey, and rewarding.

Look forward to your visit again, take care.
Love and Light