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Re: Re: Banking our houses for warmth

Back in those days, the term "banking" would mean shovelling the snow up against the house. Mounds of snow about 1 to 1 1/2 feet against the house.

I have seen houses with hay bales around the house that does the same thing. Helps conceals the heat, doesn't look all that great but serves the purpose of lower heating bill during those very cold days in the winter.

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Afraid I don't have any good warming stories as winter approaches. Just put on lots of clothes I guess, lol. What does the verb "banking" mean when it is applied to a house?

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Just recently the cost of gas has just skyrocketed through the roof. During the winter using the essential fuel, ie Propane or Oil for heating a home is all that some of us have. Back when I was a kid, my father would bank the house before a snowfall. This would consolidate the heat. Then he would jack up the heat in really cold weather. The heat sealed the house as the ice melted into cracks. Could then turn heat down because of this, and it stayed fairly warm.

Do you have any other ideas for our visiting folks today? Share them with us.