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About the Semi-Naked Dieting

I commend the effort!! I would like to (maybe) convice people that, while regulating the diet is a good thing, exercise and diet together are the biggest keys to maintaining weight. You know, the sweaty kind of exercise. Just walking around, while it helps, won't lose pounds or make muscles lean. Also, exercise helps enhance the metabolism. A good thing since a faster metabolism enhances the effects of a healthy diet.

So, does anyone wish to start exercising with me? I haven't exercised regularly in months, so I need to start off slow again. So if someone wishes to join me, I won't be doing any more than they would in the first few weeks.

My routine is this: At 10:00 Tuesdays and Thursdays, and at 12:30 Wednesdays I go to the student life center and use the stair-stepper. There are other work-out mashines, but the stair stepper is my favorite. On Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays I do an ab and butt routine. This routine is a combination of ab and butt workouts that I've gotten from a few sources. On Sundays, I Yoga with the Buns of Steel Yoga video. On every day I stretch!!!! Stretching is really important!

So. Does anyone wish to join me with exercising? It would be nice to have a buddy. Anyone who has a conflicting schedule to mine, we can work it out. And anyone who doesn't go to school, I can totally get you in to the life center. They don't check IDs, and it's free. Worried about looking too old? Not at MSSU. This school is built on Non-Trads, so looking older than 25 is not an issue.

Come. Exercise with me.