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super hero club - club manger Violet

Violet's powers
1 read minds
2 solve crimes
3 contorol eletre stuff
4 draw whit nothing
5 lift things
6 super stronge

Re: super hero club - club manger Violet

Vicki's Super Hero Name: Saliva Women

1. super long and sticky tounge
2. unlimited supply of saliva
3. ability to sense the makeup of objects by touching them with her tounge

1. crackers
2. windy days
3. those pills she had to take before getting her braces on

Re: super hero club - club manger Violet

hey I need a name and some super powers

Re: super hero club - club manger Violet

Name: Fashion Femme Fatale

Super Powers
Able to stun criminals and super villians alike with amazingly poor taste in clothes
Can blind people with sight of pimp coat and mismatched socks
fuzzy shoes double as projectile weapons
lanyard becomes whip of Doom

trendy catalogs
Those ladies who match "color seasons"
the people off of What Not to Wear are much like Kryptonite

Re: super hero club - club manger Violet

thanks for joining my club!

my super hero name is UltraViolet!

my whenkness are
peanut butter
bad paint
cruncht crayons

Re: super hero club - club manger Violet

I am Pi man
My powers include:
Astounding people with my insane knowledge of the all of the digits of pi.

Division problems that come out nicely.
Repeating decimals.

Arch Enemies:
2/3 man
Cobbler dude (he's confused)

Re: super hero club - club manger Violet

I am milk mom..

My strengths are:

Can feed every hungry baby within a 30 mile radius.

My weakness:

Dirty Dipers

Re: super hero club - club manger Violet

hey, Eric get off your butt and make yourself a super hero!!!!