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Going on a date

So, I'm going on a real, live date tonight. In case anyone wanted to know.

Re: Going on a date

Who are you going on a date with???

Re: Going on a date

Is this a second date with John?!?

Re: Re: Going on a date

John? Why didn't I know his name was John? I've been calling you for days Amber!!

Re: Re: Re: Going on a date

I didnt even know you were dating!

The Date and the guy

*Ahem* Sorry for the long time to reply.

Yes, his name is John. I tried to call, Vicki, but your phone wouldn't let me talk to you!

His name is John. Looks: not too bad. He's about a half inch shorter than me *pause for snickers as I shake my fist* with REALLY bright blue eyes and this scraggly Kurt Kobain look going on. Only cleaner. And no Heroin grossness.

General info: He is 25, a grad student at Pitt State, and a teacher of freshman and sophmore undergrads. He is an English major. He comes from Southern Luisiana, Cajun/Bayou country. I'm unsure if he is Cajun, but he has the French name that I can't pronounce, and the heavy accent.

The Date: It went very well. We both like to talk, and the conversations center around English, Writing, and Dork. Dork being, of course, Sci-fi, fantasy, music and so on. I really enjoy his company. I will definately be going on a third date with him.

Re: The Date and the guy

So - what's the latest on this John guy and a 3rd date? Keep us informed - we're living vicariously through you.

Re: Going on a date

Well, John and I have plans for a third date. I'm going to Pittsbourgh on Sunday for dinner and a movie. Gouchos? I guess it's one of his favorite places to eat. Other than that, we've talked on the phone a bit. Between his teaching and school schedule, and my work and school schedule it is a little difficult to talk frequently. But we talked yesterday and today.
Um. That's all I have for now.

Re: Going on a date

I had a ca-razy time trying to find John's place in Pittsburg. I got lost, realized I had no phone card and I had lost John's number, and I was about half an hour late for the date at that point. I went into a Conoco to buy a phone card so that I could call home and get someone to tell me the number. The phone card wouldn't scan for some reason. So I had to drive about two miles up the street to the next nearest gas station. In that station there was a HUGE line. It took ten minutes for me to reach the front. When I did, I guy cuts in front of me and starts screaming at the cashier.
"I paid for a pack of Reds, and you didn't give them to me!"
"I gave them to you with your ID," the girl said.
"Uh, you didn't even card me, lady! I never took my ID from my pocket!"
"Of course I ID'd you! I ID nearly everyone!" (By the by, the guy couldn't have been older than 18. He WAS probably carded)
"Bulls****!" said the guy. "I want my cigarettes! I want to talk to your manager!"
"Oh, I'll call my manager! I'll call my manager!" the girl then whips her head toward me, puts on a huge smile and asks me what I need.
After I get my phonecard, I call up home, and dad gives me the number. I call John, and things are smooth from there. Well, except that we couldn't go to Gauchos since it was closed. Apperently everything closes super early on Sundays in Kansas. So we went to this pizza place that features x-treme toppings like feta cheese, avocados, artichoke hearts and cream cheese. Surprisingly tasty!
We went back to his place and watched a movie called "Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter" It is as it sounds: the Messiah kicking vampire butt.
All and all a good date. Question: how many dates does it take before you are officially going ot with someone?
Also, an ex-factor: Ilya isn't happy with the dating. I mean, he is REALLY unhappy. As in, I've gotten hints that he may try to reconnect with me. He hasn't tried yet, but I haven't a clue what to do if he does. I've been trying to get over him for a year now. He kept saying that he wanted me to move on, and that he didn't want to date anyone (including me). Now he is taking it back. What is going on, man?

Holy Crap!

So. Um. I don't think I'll be going on dates with John anymore.

Re: Going on a date

Ok - you can't post a comment like that with a vomit smilie and not provide details. Spill!

Re:Holy Crap

Not vomit. tongue-tied. See? His tongue is all tied up. Like mine.

Right. So last night Ilya asked me to help him study Brit Lit. In exchange he would help me with my Russian homework. I passed because I was a bit tired. He said "please" many times, so I finally gave in. I went to his apartment, where we proceeded to not study so that we could shoot the breeze. Well, we were talking and he offered me chocolate, and as soon as I put the chocolate in my mouth he kissed me!

So I have a mouth full of chocolate and a suprised look on my face when he stops, and I mumble (because of the chocolate) "What? Why?" He tells me that he misses me, that he loves me, and that we should give it another shot. I swallow my chocolate and start to cry.

So. I still love him. He still loves me. I think we are back together. And it only took a year for both of us to figure that out!

Re: Going on a date

What?!?!?!? Well at least he is better then he was when we first met him. congrats we think and no more shooting down wedding proposals! haha Eric says no more chocolate kisses.

Re: Going on a date

Wedding proposals = Just Say No (not right now)

Re: Going on a date

I'm not planning any weddings just yet, people. We are still on "trial stage". Which will pro'ly last until we get the kinks worked out about why we broke up in the first place. I.E. a MARRIAGE PROPOSAL!