The Genealogical Query feature is provided for you to request information - from other visitors to the website - on your O'Sullivan and Sullivan ancestors, and for you to provide assistance to others.

Note: All postings dated 3/8/2001 through 3/13/2001 were transferred from a previous O'Sullivan Lineage site. The date of the original posting is identified in the message text.

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Interesting fact on an O'Sullivan family

My name is Rhyan O'Sullivan. The fact that i was called Rhyan was a great dissapiontment to my father as his father and his grandfather were all called Patrick. It is widely believed by my family that all the men have been called Patrick for more than 700 years. We have traced our tree back 300 years and every male has been called Patrick, so we believe that possibly every male has been called Patrick for more than 700 years!