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Note: All postings dated 3/8/2001 through 3/13/2001 were transferred from a previous O'Sullivan Lineage site. The date of the original posting is identified in the message text.

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trying to find Sullivan family in Mississippi

I`m looking for information on the Sullivan family in Mississippi. I`m looking for information on John L Sullivan who was married to a woman named Marylin at one point. there was a son born that was named tommy Sullivan around 1950.give or take a few years. John L sullivan had a brother named Edward and possibly a half sister named emily lack. We believe that John L and Edward have passed away . we are trying to find information so we can put an end to the questions of what happened. it was also believed that john L Sullivan met a woman by the name of mildred petmenter which he fathered a child that she later gave up. if there is any information that you could share, we would be gratful.